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E Si .„ rl ]l it n i. B a ■it EXPECT ANTI-BETTING BILL TO PASS, lo Senator Amis Measure Has Its Hearinq — Hot Spr.ngs to Have Some Racing Anyhow. P Little Bock, Irk., January Jv —The Amis anti rig bill is having its bearing before the Agrl cultural Committee of the Arkansas Legislature tonight. A big delegation from Hot Springs is It here. S..ine al ■■ Urging the passage of the hill as stands; others are suggesting a compromise and tthers siill an- opposing legislation of any char hi. I. is tin- genera] Impression here that Senator Amis has strength enough to pat the B»eas-ore through. Some, however, are of the belief that compromise bill has a chance. If the hill is passed ii Is said by lawyers thoroughly np on the v -nines of tiii- state that, notwithstanding the * .I. emergency clause, the law will not becosne effective ■ until thlrtj days after Its passage. Thus the " Oaklawn Jockey Clnb, which ;s to begin its meeting " Hoi Springs next Mi laj ..ill be aide to occupy " i half of ii-. -. beduted sixtj daj s. :l a . it it