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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. I • niniuni.aiioii- without names ami addresses of senders will not i«- answered or noticed.] C. it.. Chicago. You should receive back 2. a. f.. Chicago. The average price against Grs - i utter wa- 25 to I. I. L. Chicago, C. 1. BOOtS races under ;!ie name o* the Lhnw I Farm. .1. c. ;.. Chicago. With added starters da kneted a tail | i Ice wouhl be 7 to ... C. M. 0 . .loliet. The price Willi thC added starters deducted should be -I to 1. •I. 11.. Chicago. The parlay won unless ill.- book lnakoi has a i lie thai added starters run for hi-book . Bvana, Si. Caul. Minn. The hors,- entered was Dele Btrome ami your wager on Belle Btronse wa- i draw, thai horse not bring in the lace. Beta. Chicago. Ihe parlay on ivnihyn. Emergency ami Mortiboj wa- ;i draw, each norm having been Scratched trim the race for which he was backed. II. T. G-, Chicago. Tlie horses were at the post slight 1 over an hour and a half in the American Derby of 1803, the exact time being not now avail able. Joan 1L. Chicago. Since .lames Beddick wa- die qualified you would iiae lost m an] event. But for tin disqualification you would have been entitled to 1 aj nient. .1. D. P.. Chicago, ihe bet on Belle Btrome was a draw. Th bookmaker had no right to make It a in-t on Dele Btrome. Had he don si and Dele Btrome been beaten you would have claimed a draw and rightfallj .