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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES AND FORM. For differences in weight add or deduct I points to the pound. An ex*ra good ! riders average worth is 3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather clear; track slow. Racing starts at 2. mi p. m. ltiiis well in mud. ©Superior niml runner. First Race — 3 1-2 Furlong . 2 ear olds. Maidens. Alio., Colts and Geldings. bad. lb. an. a. vt. Hdcp. 860O.V . . .Lawless lis 723 c.tjirjo Antoine MO. . 710 i,iy;L SoutliPrn Knight 100.. ..70S 66282 Count Kcintefd 112 700 6660ft. i srasco 199 ", ■ 663K4 Ititlei inan Ml 870 iii;:.T7. Black Haw k 11 890 Prusperoas, b. c, by FUigrane Palmy u - 11s Jimmy It., b. •. bj Cesar ion liarj Kernagban lis C. M. Lowe. b. g, b] Don Oi-iii" Belie St. nit 113 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. .". earold- and upward. Selling. B3T733 .La Soreiere 4. .In." . . .723 H662:: Refined :t. . .»." ..©. 720 lair,".: Bertmont 3.. ! 7. . © . .71." 66604 ..odd Trick o. . »©.. ..7L". tiH4l4 ....Ciii n Ball 7. .110. .X..700 U6662 ..Marvel I t .106. .©..«P3 6660::. .Windfall 3 02. .X. ;! -"• 60604 Belle of the Hay "■■ BT..5 . .SS0 liifJi". .. . . Nedr.-i :...:._. us:, •6UK2.. Cora Price ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ 880 66067.. .Joe FaUert :■-■ 92..®.. 880 66281... Wool teSSs 4. .MM ti. n Third Race — 7-8 Mile. 1-year-oMa and upward. Allowances. 88388 St. Valentine 8. . 108.. . 7_". 68684 . .Rickey 4.. 101. . 7_.» i .ia,4. i Kleinwood 6. .188. .©. .720 66643 . . .Silverskin . 5. .103. .©. .71". 60846 Diomlo ."...lus ..710 I.U.MKi . . .Iasadeiia 3. .108.. ..710 • iiil.V.i ItcMindian R Ins ,ji To.. 64641 Scotch Dance 8 Ins Tun lili.M.l N,Hd I .101 OHI 66041 Verities 4.. !!•..■ . iin IIHIWI loe Lesser !"..ffi cm 80647.. Katie Powers 8. .188. .©. .is.. 66322*... Centian 4. .104. . X . .673 » 6628] .Sonata 4 . !•! x . .-,_." Fourth Race — 1 18 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Haaairap 68548s Besterling 5.. 100..®. .723 i aii »:• . Missouri Lad 4. .103. . X . .720 68806 Flavigny . . . ., t,. tiT.. . .T20 68846 . Diomio :,.. 04.. - .71". laiia;.".- .. .Jungle Imp .".. . 88.".®. .710 68844.... James Beddick 4..1in;.. ..718 i.i.c.i:: . Light Note .",.. ss.. ..711.", W. II. McMullei, entry. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. :; ] ear-olds. Allowances. i.ia;|::-. Grace George its. . x . .7_". iiiiii.7 ..Monere in.; .71", 1 1 1:1 is Rcyal Bend H :;. . • ..710 66403. . 103.. X. .710 66484 ...Joan Kaufman 163.. ..703 G6470 Manila as . ■ ..i..iii 68437 Camp ion.. . .ii7". 66371 . . . .Turbulence 100 873 ir.l7t. ..Sylvia Brown lis 870 66367. . . . Montelimar 10 i 680 08400 Mary Illlen its 650 66008 Hlacklock Iimi 89Q Lamptiimmer, b. c. by Lamp lighter Laburnum II in-". Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. ] car olds and upward. Sellinc. i.i.i._7 . . Grace Larsen .: .103 ®..725 66607J .Vesme 3. .105.. ..7_n 66580. Pcmpadour 3. .183. . ■ .71". 66380 Duchess of Montebello ... 3. .103.. ..7 o 68641.... Deastemps 4. .126. .®. .780 66647 Zlck Abrams 3. .110.. ..885 66062*... Mildrene 3.. MM 880 66608s. ..Gotholine ."...11:;.. ..808 66647. .. .Oaaae 4. .124. . X. .67.1 66580 Spider Web :: In:;.. ..683 61820 Limerick 5. .133.. ..650 • ■• .7 . . .HIgginbotbam 3. .103 .".ii 66104 Hyperbole 3. .103. ..890 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-oMs ami apward. Betting. 66647 Lady Ellison 5. .101. .©. .723 .1.1:1.17 ; .. .Tinker 1.. 98..® 713; Jack Lory 5. .103. .©. .703 66321. ...Mr. Jack 5. .106.. , 703 6662S. . . .Sopbii Carter ::. . !x 71 t 88608.. I.aoaohe 7.. In.". . ..673 66570 Etta M 4. .101..: ..670 66368 .11. - S 4 .lOl..®. .690