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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES AND FORM. Probabilities : Weather clear: track fast, Baring sarts at 1: !■" p.m. Chicago time ::: t". p.m. Bona well in mud. ©Sti| orior mud runner. First Race— 1 Mile. 4 year-olds and upward. Betting. I d. I |.m-. A. Wt. Hdcp. i a a -.::::. . . . Aucassin 5.. 110 . 7!n 88147 Diamante 7 . . 1 07 . ..883 iiti:a;s Robert Mitchell 5. .107.. ii!Mi 063O1 ;. . .Neatness 4. .185. . . .0! ■ . :. . . . Roman Boy I. . 107 680 88620. . .Mj in dec 4. in:... ..883 01 281 .... McOratblana Prince ... 10. . 107 683 6843! ...Km li- 8.. 110.. ..083 66237. Vandal.. 7..1H7 880 66363 .. Mosketo B..107. . . .itsu 86405 Lady Travels 4..105.. ..lisn 68555. . . Brennua 7. . 107. , . .673 66530. . . Spa-tan 4.. 1 r_ 675 66553 ...All Bight 8. .107. . X . .870 B832S Mohtu- 4. .107. . X. .080 Second Race — 3 1-2 Furlongs. _ y ar olds. Allowanoea. 1 iaa;i.i ; . . .Masrazine 115.. 723 66614 ...Booger Red 11".. 720 06614 .Ratio Rains 112. .X. .715 68648... 1 in elin.-i 107 700 Water Belle, ch. f, by Bridge water Dingle 107 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. . rear ol Is. Selii:,. 68650. . Borfolk 188 7_". 88503 Xirkficld Belle 108... 7_n 0665O Elancer 110.. . 71.". 88401 El Casador 106.. ..713 66501 ... La id. an 88. . . . ,7li» 663B5 1 . . .Dr. Crook 104. . . .710 86252 tied Garter 105.. ..7 :.. 86517. . . . Itenraw 110. . . .70". 88101 bsie s 86. . . 7011 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 4 ea , olds and upward. Handicap. 66651 - . Vor Tromp "... 1 1.",. . ■ . .730 i it; ...".si ..Mandarin 4. .107. .ffi. .745 88577 . A. Muskoday 5. .108. .©. .740 66577. . . Critic I. . 83 74n 88126 Wrenne 4.. 82., 7pi 66660 Olonel Broustou 4.. sic. ..7:;.", 88651 Htilicbo 7. .1112.. ..723 86660.... Froncasts it.. 85. . ..72.". 88811.... Elevation 4.. s". 71.". Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. :: .war olds and upward. Allowances. 66632s. ..Den Hamilton 4. .188. .A. .730 6655S 1. ..Mardarin 4 . . 1 12. . © . .701 66558 ... Oratorian 4. . 100 7::." 66375. . . .Tartan .".. . 112. . x . .7.T". 88577 Ormondes Bight 8. .108. .X..T88 66577... .Critic 4. .118 7_r, 66516-. . .Woodthorpe r.. .119. . X . .72 i 88334*.. . I. hius 3. .H-L.X..728 Sixth Race — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-oMi ami aaanmrd, Allowances. 65715. .. Orilene 4.1i»s.. . .725 66648 Bribery 4..188.. . ..72tt . Jersey Lady 3. .188 715 606533. .Elots 3. .100 715 ■ tor.:.".-... Meddling Daisy 4.10s 715 68251. ...Sun Mark ... .108. . X . .710 66852. ...Mary It Clark 4. .188. . X. .710 66612 Susie Christian 8.. 108.. ..705 63081 Silver Wedding 4. .108.. X.. 70S 66650. ...May L. N :;..1ix 7 M» 66430 Lillian Ares ."...108 70 » 66405....Seed lake 4.. 108. .X.. 885 66653.. .Banlada 3..108.. X ..883 66558. .. Cava t ilia .".. .100 888 68010 Junta ::..loo GtK