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NO STABLING OF THE KINGS FILLIES. Out of Doors Since the Dav They Were Weaned — Treatment Is Satisfactory. A special aoataussiouer of London Sporting Life ha iH-eu on I Cisit 1 . Kin Edwards stud at Sand- riaguai, and referring to the .Marling rilli-s he writes: ••From the day the youngsters s/ere weaned they have noi seen the hudae of ■ l* x. being sul Jested to the experlsseatai treatment of Lord Manns Bcreaford, with a view af bringing them up nader eaudltieaa as natural ss tin efreamstanees will permit. •An uncovered yard has been divided into two compounds. aiH.ut : t.y 11 yards, narrow adrd lv a ten-foot fence. There i- a thickly bedded straw slope at th - soathem end. and at tin northern end there arc troughs for hay. corn and water under a tl.atched roof twenty two feci deep. Late in the aitcriKM.n the ldiies are brought in from the pad-decks aud divided into the two compounds until laerasug. "The severe conditions of the present winter have enabled the King and Lord Mai ens Heresford to ■see the effects of the system, which has so far been ■ huge saeeesa. The youngsters have thriven all along and have been in the beat of health. After the storm of December - . when there was a whirling snowstorm from midnight unlil morning, they %vcre found with their easts covered with snow, but they took it as a mattei of course and did not show the smallest siyn af distress. It is intended to enlarge the plan of Speratfons at Saudi in-ham. and ■ site has been selected for similar compounds for colts.