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M | 1 | ] j I j | 1 1 « j I fi f | i f- t 9 A | Jj S j j I s S ga ah J "i ,. * j I | J j Yesterday Our One Best Bet was: M Mollie Montrose | - 1 , WON I Friday. February 8: S PLANUTE 4 5 WON | Thursday. February 7: S MEADOWBREEZE . 13 10 WON | 11 Wednesday, February 6: ■ DELPHIE 7 2 WON | Tuesday, February 5: 0 GOLDIC II 2nd I j Monday. February 4: i LAWLESS 8 5 WON || Saturday, February 2: ■ i REFINED 7 5 WON t Friday. February I: • SEA SALT 710 WON | Thursday. January 31: © MOLLIE MONTROSE 7 5 WON | Wednesday. January 30: ■ FOREIGNER .... 31 WON 2 Tuesday. January 29: • | LAWLESS 2 1 WON | BR wtaaen and one beaten a head on the post VJ is our record fm the past Iltven days. 6* 5 FLAT BET I W0 OVER 00 1 j THIS kind of information you ran bet on with £ Ionlidence. Our clients never had a loaaag week, a* Vf you wart to play the races on a sound business A S iia.-is. tabserBM at or.-e to out auiluo. Delay Z means money lost everyday. Oar price for this X ■ service, including our betting system, is .00 PER WEEK. | ONE HOUSE A DAY. % I REYNOLDS 8, CO., I 1 ;.08 Wells Targo Bldg., «; | NEW ORLEANS, LA. | ■■■••••••••■■■J«a»»6j»6j»ti6j J»» 1