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J . . 1 1- 1 1 r 1 j J SARATOGAS STAKE OFFERINGS. Horsemen who design an attempt to capture a share of I lie rich stakes offered by the Saratoga Association ami. who have not already forwarded their entries, have scant time remaining in which to do so. Fntries close al midnight tomorrow and to be valid nominations must be mailed by that lime. For years Saratoga has been the equine battlefield between the east and west. Its annual meeting in August comes at a time when the west has nothing lo offer mid it is bat natural that western crs who own fast boraea should regard the pleasant summer resort with favor. It is a place of manifold attractions and the racing is up to the highest standard in all reapeeta. The stakes now offered are long es-tahlished favorites, the list being: FOR THRFK VFAi: OLDS AND OVKR. Saratoga Handicap, 0,000 guaranteed: 1 1-4 miles. Saratoga Cap, ,500 guaranteed; 1 :; 4 miles. Merchants and Citizens Handicap, ,000 guaran- toed; 1 2-10 miles. Chnmpiaia Handicap, $::.000 guaranteed. 1 18 miles. Delaware Handicap, ,.5oo added; 1 mile, Aaatordam Stakes Selling, ,.~i00 added: 1 mile. Catskill Stakes Selling. ,500 added; 1-8 mile. FOR THRFK -YEAR -OLDS. B«rn— f Handicap, .000 guaranteed; 1 1-8 miles. ■■ran Handicap, ,000 added; 1 a 10 miles. Seneca Stakes telling, ,500 added; 3-4 mile, Mohawk Slakes Selling, ,500 added; 1 1-S miles. FOR TuTI YBIBTMJaB Saratoga Spatial, ,500 gold plate added; 3-4 inlle. Adirondack Handicap. ,000 guaranteed: 3 4 mile. Aliuin Handicap, ,000 added; 3 4 mile. Kentucky Slakes FUliea, ,000 added; 5 1-2 furlongs. Troy Stakes Selling, ,500 added; 6 12 furlongs. Fntries should be mailed to the secretary of the Saratoga AaaoclatVwi, the Windsor Arcade. Porty- Sith Street and Fifth Avenue, New York City.