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LOS ANGELES ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Pacing starts at 1; P", p.m. Chicago time 3:43 p.m.i • Puns well in inml. ®Snperlot mud runher. First Race — 3-4 Mile. olds and upward. Allowances. Ind. Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 67067.... Retropaw 4. .116. .X.. 723 67217s. ..Lone Hand 4..1o7 72o to 2 12". . .Lillian Avres .",..10.". 7L". 67392s ..Pa Chata 4..10S.. ..71". 67239 Reflector 4.. 107 710 60727. .Paniioceiice 4. .107 710 67288. Veritas Vincit 4.-107 7o", 67292 loe Kelley ." ..H 7 703 86237.. Si-ntado ."...Ki7 700 ii72sv«. Tattenhain Ii. .107. . X . . 70o 67242 Yandalo 7. .107 700 67013 Melar 5. .185.. 895 67339 Merry Sport 7.. 107 680 66441 I. a ma nine 6. .110 lis.", 07212. .. Pa in Cloud 4.. 103 690 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year olds and upward. Scllii :r. 66842.... Masedo r...ilo... 72" 67192 ntaia I .K17.. .71". 66289 Willie Gregg . . ._,_ 6. .167. .X- .715 67239. . Jovner .".. .110 710 67318 F.Itin King 7.. 107.. ..710 87214.... Blumeii thai 0..107. .70., 67292.. .Suaviia 4.1o." 7oo 67141.. Iarting Jiunie 7.. 103 *?.r, 67313 ..Interlude 6. .107. . X . .691 67037 VpriPs Pride 4. .103 606 Third Race — 1 Mile. 1 year olds and upward. Selling. 67289 Niblick 5. .107. .-X . .72". 07:;::7 ..Madden 0..1O7 720 67341 . . .George P. Milner 4. .lor, 715 673«::s . . .Ormondes Right 6 . . 121 . ■ . 71o 07289s . . . Jetsam 5. .IK.. . . 7n". 67282 Bragg 8. .114..®.. 703 Fourth Race — Brooks Course. 1 7o ysrds less than 1 14 miles. 4 year -olds and Upward. Selling. 67341 -. . .StiH.ssel 4. .112. . X . .72", 67:138s . . .Lucreee .".. .7o3 720 67364s .. .Foiu-asta 0.112.. ..713 67314s. ..Jack Little 0. .112. .ffi. .710 87314 Jack Adams O..I07.. ..71o 67364 ... .Salina t.ior... ■ . .705 67291 Pehoir 4. .115. . X . .700 67314 vonlellus 4. .110. . x . .700 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. o-year obis ami upward. Selling. 87289 .. .Line of Life 0..I1O .72.", 07340-, . . Plindale :!. .Khi 72o 6731» ...Nuns Veiling -I..IIO.. . .713 67317s .. .Winsome Ways :;.. !»."... x . .713 67364. . . .Mountebank lit. .112. . . .713 87341 King of Mist 4. .112.. ..710 67338 Phya 7. .110. . X - .70". 67317 Chancellor Walworth 4. .112. . X . .703 67338 Li lie B 4. .110. . . .700 87338.... Haapata 6. .110. . x . .706 072S7 .... Mirabel :;. . 97 638 Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. .: year-olds. Allowances. 67038. ..RED BILL 109 723 I CrC.Tc.r, 1 . . .Jersey Lady 107 720 67162s. . .Bekbamher 109 7 1". 66889 Mrs 187.. X.. 713 07113.. .Carthaginian 112 710 67339s . . .Zelina 107 70.-, 67342 Illusion 107.. 700 67066 Black Mate 112. . X . .«i!Hi m"::i2 Kan sack 112. . X . .OV". Vntrim 109 i7j