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LAWRENCE REALIZATION ELIGIBLES. The Lawrence Realization of the present year received 165 foal entries and forty-three yearling entries, of the foal entries fifty one were declared at ?n each; forty three at 130 each; three at 5 each, and fifteen were not eligible, of the yearling entries twenty three have been declared out at 5 each. Tiiis clears oat the dead wood from the big ■take and the eligible list of the rich stake now comprises forty three foal entries at 5. with 50 additional to start, and twenty yearling entries at |150 each and 30 additional to start. The complete list of eligible* entered as foals is as follows: 1!. II. Andersons 1.1k. e, Dick Finnell, by King Eric Teas o r. A. Bakers b. e, GoH Pars, by Plaudit— Llllie Hammertoe; br. c, Aiiiuiiin King, by ingoldsby — Marie SJaiiklin. James Beat ties br. e, Windsor, by Mazagan — Affect. A. Behnonti eh. g. Ofeenlte, by Hastings — Orienta; In-. ■. Smiling Tom, by St. Blaise Sourl-aate; b. g, Don Enrique, by Hastings Bella Donna. .r. B. Bradys br. or blk. c, Ellisdale, by Water-ereaa i.a Printers. r. Bar lews b. e. Judge Post, by Star Ruby — Anra II. If. Byrnes b. c, Glenham. bv Glenheim — Rosalva. I.. A. CeUas .h. e. Tivolini. by Mirthful— Flower Dellis; 1.. c, Marathon, bv Martagon -Ondulee. vVllson Cbamberlams eh. f, Betsey Binford, by Merry Daj Liaaie Trnex. Peter Clinchs ch. c, Utopia, bv Basso Jumps. T. Clydes b. r, Berwyn, by Atheling Maggie Y--ir: eh. e. Transition, by Atheling Pilgrimage. Mr. Cottons b. -. Demijohn, by GoMen Carter — Moderate. Delaware Stables ch. c, Dunvallo, by Golden Garter Phillstla. I. K. Uitcbeocks ch. c. Farceur, by Mirthful — Wfayot u T. Hitchcock, Jr.s di. g, Salvldere, by Belvidere — Battle "f Navarre. D. C. Johneona eh. c. Senator Clay, by Goldcrest — I url i!j i. G. I. Johnsons b. c. Commodore Anson, by Florlzel II. Spectrum. J. P. Keenei ch. c. Superman, by Commando — Anomaly; br. e, Peter Pan, by Oommando— Cinderella; ch. c. Gretna Green, by Ben Brush — Runaway «.iil: h. c, Grimaldi. bv Disguise Calico. .1. T.. IfcGlnnla ch. c, Frank Gill, by Collar— Ravello II. A. Millers b. •. M. Carter, bv Knight of the Thistle Tan. lie. Ooeck Si. aides br. c. Royal Onyx, by Ornament — Oneck Qnn n. S. Pagets ch. c, Ruby Light, by Star Ruby-It.. :ll Light. M. L Schwarta* b. g, Penarris. by Garry Hermann Pentnah. II Blovers br. g. John J. Mohr. by Glenheim — Daramba; br.c. Native Son, by Glenheim— Sister Jeanie. T. Ll Waits br. or gr. c. Citehe Manlto, by Relmar Maid of Harlem; b. or br. c, Wabun, by Warrenton Clotbo. T. o. Webbera ch. c, George S. Davis, by Sombrero Bellane. II. !. Whitneys b. or br. c Paumonok, by Watercress -Braw I.:«-; : eb. c, RhiMh ilendron. by Nas-tnrtium llanetta: b. r, Sea Wolf, by Me bller— Sea Nymph; rli. r. Perseverance, b. Meddler CastaHa; b. g, Diana Ken. by Yankee Forget. Water Pearl was also a foal eligible and his Cecent death deprived Sydney Paget of his main reliance for the big event. The twenty ellgtblea entered as yearlings are these: A. L. Am. s eh. c St. Ambrose, bv St. Maxim— L-da H. E. R. Bradleys b. C, Charles G. Gates, by Bridge-water Chlcora 1 1. Chelsea Stables b. c. The Wrestler, by Orinnde. — Hanna Pell. II. 1!. Doryeas b. s. Prince Hampton, by Sandring-ham Dorothy Hampton. .. .1 Farrells b. g, Bamrod, by Sandrlngham — Benita Bmah. . Lewisohns eh. c. Yankee Gun, by Yankee — Boyal Gun. .1. K. Maddena b. or br. c. Faust, by Mirthful— Imp. Newcastle Stables br. C, Gargantua, by Glganteum Aster; br. c. Saracenesca, by Orsini -Lux. I-. I.. Nortons b. c, Dervhm, by Ballyhoo Bey— Madame Reel. Ormondale Stables b. c. Oran. by Ossary— Sloe. R. I!. McPotters b. or br. e. I.ord l.ovat, by Knight of the ll., -tie Flora dora. T. II. Ryans b. .-. Kokomo, by Ounols- Maggie J.; b. c, Coredoe, bv the Soman Jtightwing. P. J. Balneys ch. c. King Castle, by Gold Heels-Sister Tenny; eh. .-. Vomtary, by Handspring — Let- tle II. C. C. McCaffcrtya eh, c, Fiesser. by Deceiver — Lydls II. W Seeieys b. .-. Belcast, by Relvhlere — Lucasta. II. K. vlagnfs br. «•. Compensation, by Handsome — I. a Amo. II P. Whitneys b. c. Westbury, by Meddler— Tr.mia.