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ROBIN HOOD WINS AFTER LONG REST. Takes Handicap in Fast Time — Rebel Queen Equals a Track Record. New Orleans. La., March 27. Bohla Pood, atak-bag his Sral appearmaee in Beadle ahace October NI last, ai BehaMHM Park; area the handicap, the feature rare al the fair H loan da this afternoon. He ran the Iveeaghtha af ■ mile- in I:** and heal ins eight opponents in ihrialw fasliion. On the supposition that the horse was not ready for a bruising struggle. Mahal Baod*a rhaneea were Dot token seriously by Bat rank and tile. .1. 1. May-berry and his friends, liouever. knew that Baa aid sprinter had worked Ave fw tonga last week at City 1ark in l:fHil and profited accordingly. Robin Hood ran coupled with John Sniulski. a horse that MajheilJ is preparing for an eastern campaign. .lolin Sniulski hail not run sime the anrhag aaeethafj at Memphis last year. He left tlie post tlatfooted. but in the final piarter eaaaai up in rt-soluU fashion and will undoubtedly show to intieli letter advantase ocr a longer dis tame of granaaL In the aaeaaal raee Reliel Queen oqunlled Mollie Montroses I rack record for four ami a half faehaaaaj by ruuuiug the distance iu ad|, outiuu iu the th-ot ipiarter. she came from behind ami. after being • unci wide when entering the aeaaeatretch, laJahed This liiiy is bwnrovlng right along and i,i,i fair to mike l.h ,i the proaaiae she held onl in i he earl] daj - ol t be meeting. the sixth in.- rnmiabed the best rontesl of the aftemooa. Morales and Boyal Breeae, racing like a leain. were head and bead for the eatire trip and il was not until in the lit fee strldei il, it Bora let ni.n, med to poke hi- load ill front and w on by lhat ni.ilin llemh aaaprcan died at the Pair Grounds this mm, mil, of idood poisoning. fairtj good card is provided for tomorrow, and with sin h aaefal racers as Monia, Rena P., Marj Buchanan; Odd Trick. Decklaw, Dlnei k; Pine sac, l.adv Carotiae II., Lute Poster; Bavoy, Qnina Brady, c.hl Circle; Belle Stroaae, Telescope, 1 a; Allonhy. Arl.y Van. Mollie Ball; Mary Mollis. Per ronlere and Kalnerhofl among those likely to atart, the excellent ladll.: Of 111. plesclll week should be continued T. K. Lynch.