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OAKLAWN WILL CLOSE SATURDAY. Dan Stuart Makes Official Announcement — Gate Receipts Dwindle to Nothinq. Hot Springe, irk., March 27. After a conference with I ••mi Oils :iinl John C Ion. road acted bj loag dlataace telephoae to si. Loots aad Chicago,, Haa A. smart ,,,:,. I.- Hie official aaoaaceaaeal today th.-ii bar aieetlng al Uaklawa will leroiiaate Satnr ah] next. woald bare coatiaaed the aeeetlng to April 13, aa origiaaRj toteuded, bal the eoa ataal barrassing bj those opposed t" what they eon siihr rkdatloa of the state tea bat eaeaed the gate receipts to dwiadDe t. little better thaa nothing," aald Mr. Stuart "The boraeaiea bare aasared aw that they are satisfied thai we hare il everj thlag poaaible to faUUi oar pr ises. Satarday will aark the forty eighth daj of racing, the aaaae aawaher of daya are raced last year." Judge M»r " was called before the grand jury lliis morning and they did ln.l conclude their ex :ni,in:iti, n of liini aatil the Sral race at Oaklawa had beea ran. His place in the yadgea ataad a if token for thai race bj paddock Judge Westfall. There were no arreato at the track this after u l he I kamkera walked abonl aa aaaal. Thej had litile to lo. oni the regulars wen- in attendance. rive af the si favoritea were defeated. Great Pirate won in aa bnpreasive ainanrr and amnj shrewd bin areata predict ■ good fature for bias. The exodaa of boraeinea will begia Friday, R. l.. Thanaaa will ship bis striag to Mcmphta. P. T. Uhlan will depart Satarday for Bheepahead Bay. Pred Laaader, Stuhba Brotben and G. W. Innea w ill go eared to Louiav Hie. ihe card for L.iMorroi. is up to the average and the prcaeacc of Bannatjae, Washakie, Blttj Bow legs; Chnllto. Meadowgwen, Itiile Bange; Boh May, Karopatkia, BUhj Pateraon; Hawkaaan, Hannibal Key. Si, den Moment-: Bum brake, Lacnlnaa, Sidney P.; Sultry. lloii/,1 and Odd BUa in the entry lists. aeaaaa to unsure hoimi racing. •• •• •anaaaaey.