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CURTAIN IS RUNG DOWN AT OAKLAWN. In the Forty-Etqht Days of the Hot Springs Meetinq There Is a Great Lesson. H..I Springs, Ark.. March 30.— With Scalplo.ks form reversal emphasizing other inconsistencies of the week, the curt: in was raag down at Oaklawn this afternoon. Those forty-eight days were full of turbulence, and they were costly to the Oaklawn Jockey Club and to racing interests generally. The refusal to divide lime with the Hot Springs Jockey club was the tirst ill advised step. This created factions in the ranks of Arkansas politicians. The politicians spread their dissatisfaction. Tne reform element stepped in and red for repressive Ifglsla thai. Conditions jeopardizing the sport were tot fairly met. There was too mtieli reliance on the use of money. The com inua I ion of betting after the passage of the Amis law was the meat costly mistake. made. Had the sage ting ended the day the Amis bill beeaaw law, there is not the slightest doubt that the track owners weald have earned the good will aud genuine support of » vast majority of the people. They would have displayed a disposition to "do the right thing." which would have brought them powerful influence in an effort to undo what this legislature has done. Likewise they would have saved probably 6,866 of the ?5ii.utm that was ,. Beaded altove the receipts during the forty eight days. Daa Smart .and his associates tieliove that the Amis law will lie declared aaeoatstitattoaal ami that they _adH he able to resume rai ing here next year. Tlireateuiug weather did not affect the attendance materially, as nearly all the visitors ucpaut*! Uus Sgtt, Haaghty, which was beaten off in her last start, ran away from the others in the third race which included her recent conqueror Sorrel Top. I.illie Turner again defeated Tanager ami the plac-ing in this race was identical with that in their lat previous meeting. Tanager. however, can do better and will prove it some day. Joe McLennan, who spent the past two .lays here soliciting entries to stakes to be ran at Windsor and Port Brie, reports that he received a handsome list. Shipments from here will lieuin at pact. At least twelve cars Of horses will leave foi I., mis 1 1 It- Monday. 1. T. China will ship a half dozen horses to llarrodsbiiig, K. .. to be turned out. Jockey Hetgesea lias been reinstated on probatioa.