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CHAR LIE EASTMAN, 4-5, WON Our Yesterdays Plunge-Your-Limit Special. Take Advantage OF Our Special Offer These two closing weeks af the New Orleans Meeting, including the advance info, already at hand oa the Prepped Goodthings. to In. cut loose at juicy prices, and ones yon can plunge the limit on as we advised ron on our special yesterday. Monday. Tuesday and Thursday. EMERGENCY. 4-5; OBERON. 4-1. and BELLE STR0ME. 7-20. The odds on aMBC of these Goodthings will be long enough to satisfy anybody. This is roar golden opportunity and a chance for all to get this peerless track information, if you are a loser, at a very reasonable rate or these two closing weeks ending April 13. Terms tor these two weeks only FOR I Wf-r K. FOR BOTH WEEKS. ONE DAY REGULAR PRICE .00. Snlte 315, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. TheB. B.lnfoCo.A WIRES OCCASIONALLY 01 IAUT. KOli: WINNING INK -IIOIOK W1KEB out ol 6, or 610 KKI». Try It. ALSO Tliur-tonsTurl iuide Book A MV8TKM for playing, pi ice, 6*. or the great I.. A II MKTIIOIt un d tor handicapping, price. 66. In any ease I fail to deliver four winners out. of Fix. 1 will return, free of charge, the choice of either system, together with SU . Sivtuth year with unbroken rceord. D. A. TttlRSroN. Dept C. Suite T ii Bennett Bldj.., Detroit, Mich. Mention this ad. when sending order. , , , i , * I ? ■ " . I . ,