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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. 1iohabiiities: Weather dear; track good. Baeing starts at 2:15 a. m. X Kuns well in mud. ©Superior mud ruiiucr. First Race — 5-8 Mile. ■I rear "Ids aad apward. Selling. lad. Boraea. A. i. EMep. 67425 Goldaone I 10 ■..72., 67832 Hasted 5.. 121.. ..715 67894.... Limerick 5. .119. . X . .710 07X01 Svlvan Belle 5 .111 705 86827.... Baywood t . .111 . . © . .700 87924*... Munis 6. . lit. • . 7 o ;77to Verdant 4..118.. . . 7oo 87928.... Lm Young 5. 111.. ..695 !7!04 Pal Bulger 6.. 119. .®. .696 63298. . . Wohertiohls . 5. .121.. . ...s5 ;7:too KnickerlMM ker 4. .168.. X.. 680 67895 Baby P 6.. 169 t.7.". 67924 . . . .Grey Flume 5. .116.. X.. 673 61621 ..Margaret O ..1o;» 676 6700:: Florentine 5. . 112. . X . .070 Second Race — Short Course. Steeplechase. 4 -year olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. 87525.... Felei Becker 4. . 131.. X.. 769 67374.... Signal Light 5. .142. . X . .673 87864. .. .Twenty Shot 5. .112 1..50 66746 Saul 6.. 132.. X.. 696 t;777! Goldbeater 4.. 131.. •".. ! tJolll. . . .oural 1. .134 wo Schartield lul Third Race — 1-2 Mile. 2-yeai o|,ls. Allowances. f,7!lfi ». ..PARISIAN MODEL los 725 67863 ... Rebel Queen 115.. .710 87893 Coincident Ill . 7o.~, «7.»5ti. . .» Hazel M 63. . X . .768 K7277 Whisk Broom 115 893 67756. . . Colonel Brady 10S.. x . .685 67831... *Maauay Dink KB.. ■ . 886 «7S.".1 ntoine 1 M». . x . .680 ♦i7.:7« Belle of Kent 168. 886 67966*. . .Brawnev Lad MS. . X . . !75 67651 Fm ma G 101 663 67626 c. V. ItaekBa BKt 630 07075 Manuscript 103 tiOO Keep Minn eh, f bv Salvable —Dont Tell 100 Habit, b. c. bv Handsome — Annie G 103 *F. Mi-Kenua entry. Fourth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. ;7t»Of Sincerity Belle 5. .102. . X . .725 67863... Warner i.riswell :.. 04.. x.. 720 67530 nna Day I. .164. .X.. 716 t777t lungle Imp 5. .116. .©.. 765 67962... Nellie Barn 4.. 96.. ..765 87864*... .lames Beddlcfc 4. . loo. . © . .705 «77K 11dilor 8. .164.. X. .766 67866 . . . FTarfaray 4. .101. . v . .766 67in 4 St. Noel 8. .165..®.. 675 Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. H700O-. . .Froutenac 7..l1i 725 67652 Pinnule ."..102 799 H7720 Bargin 6. .113..®.. 729 «7»5.S . . .Splon 3. . 99. . X . .715 «7»57 Marvel P 4. . 10S. . © . .«75 67250*... Kleinwood 6. .116. .$..656 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. olds. Selling. 67823. ..Solly M IIO.v .725 .7V.2. . . Bel tin. ml lo7 . . .726 67929* . . . Fieldwick 107 726 67999 Kaiserlioff 107. . X . .715 i7X.i2 Western 110. . X . .715 67925. . .Dm beaa of MontebeUo 165.. X.. 716 00171.. ..Bitter Boy 107. .X.. 710 97834. . . Spider Web 105. .X . .765 679641 . .Grace Laraea 105. .©. .708 67929*. . . Masker 105. . x . .880 67962. . . .Iaxton 107. . x . .686 67894. . . .Graadlta 165.. X. .075 67862 Btittanby 110. .X ..075 67636 Miss Jewell 105 000 MuMuolong. b. •. bv Muska long Anna Blight 107 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. :i ye. 11 olds and upward. Selling. 67993*... .olden Mineral 6. .164. . X . .725 67961.... Henry o 5. .164.. ..720 7. ::o. . . . Rebo-under 5. . 107. . x . .710 67898. ..Dele Stroeae ;. 83. .X.. 70S • i7:i".7 ncestoi- 6.. 162.; 760 07754. .. .La cache 7.. 00. 7 0 67961 ...Orllne 4.. 98. .X.. 606 87993. ...lole 9. .162. . X . .683 67961. .. .Sonata 4.. 9S..X..W0