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ROUGH RIDING. ••It is with sincere pleasure one notes the Benniug meeting starting tke metropolitan racing season with an apea eye tor rough fiding of leading yOChCTB. There is nothing more urgently needed along the line of reform in metropolitan racing,* says Sports Of the Times. "Whatever the reason, the cause, the excuse, la-t war land the preceding year, the rough riding permitted with a scandal ami a racing crime, with apparently little "tibial effort made, either year, until the last i.w week- precipitated] an appearance of activity, to" late lo be ol any good. ■There is not a publication in the metropolis which lias not, time and again, stated that anion should Ik- taken against certain leading boys, who apparently considered themselves immune by reason of their important as-... ia t ion. As an endorsement of the opinion of the pres-. and of the unspoken voi.e of the racing public, these erring Jockeys were speedily found ill error for rough riding on the winter traeka, and pt ptly disciplined. •■This, however, bad little effect upon litem on their return lo their zone of metropolitan immunity. I.a-t -pring. in 1!MKJ, leading BOJ s did work which should surely have lieeii visited with a red hot reprimand, or even stronger action, hut no such action was forthcoming. The eoaseeaemeea are freak ill the minds Of host ob-ervant racing people, and the course lasted tkfoagk the season. •This vear, after lieing shaken up at. the western tra.ks, where the ollirials wondered if that was a sample of his behavior on metropolitan courses, our leading yackey as regards his number of winning mount-, but certainly not as regards horsemanship speedily tried his old tactics. He did not ligiire. however, upon tlie presence of the chairman of the Jockey Club in the stewards stand, and it must have come as an awfully cold douche ot the coldest kind of cold Water when the said Jockey was pr ptly disiptalitied. and suspended, for one week. •This has struck the keynote for Miff. It remains to he seen what I he official orchestra will do as regards living up to the tone set by the chairman of the Jo.key Club, and also what notice he may take of any dereliction from the obvious course he has piiblhly laid for the stewards to travel. "It was a public, and a characteristically virile object lesson." Herculoid. the steeplechaser, has been shipped from Celham Farm in Virginia, to Bound Brook Farm iu New Jersey, lo l»e prepared for hia eugage-uieiilo under the colors aj K. li. lliouias.