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BRAGCART THE VICTOR IN HANDICAP. Rapid Water Wins for Hildreth ā Biq Crowd Sees Racinq at Oakland. H.ikiand. Cai.. April K. Fifteen tkehaaad aaee- tal.iis witne-se.l the running off of a splendid card of six races. Including two handicaps today. Weather conditions Were ideal and the track Was lightning fast. outsiders and -. ml Choices ai- counted for two thirds of the program winning four li. es riylit off the reel. Tlie closing two tniiul.ei- were take* by keariht Larked farorl es, Rraagart, wiaaer of tke -take Saturday, easily disponed ot a last lot of yoaagsters in tke handicap at four and a half furlonus. third on the end. Boas, Adcua and Rhlneatone had -.-am chance wiili tketr respective riders, in the handicap at one mile and a sixteenth that followed. Sam IJildielh- Rapid Water re-. line. I i,i-s|ieed -in|.lciil and expel ien.e.l Uttle ditlirnliy in dlsposiag of ti thera. Vox Iopuli. a singularly difflcali horse to tide. had but only a remote ehanco of siir.eā under W. Kellys handling. He also met with Interference Starter Holtmaaa work in the Iftfa and sixth races wa- faatty, bat the remits were oalj affected in the former event. Boy OffattS -table of thirteen i.i.ei- from iscot Park, including S::ul.ira anil Rribery, arrived here llii- morning. C. Boss, an important Jocke] a..|iii-i lion came alonu. w. Hugan i- ill tioiu persietent te. lining ami may have to retire from the -a. idle. It is said that R. .1. Baldwins efforts lo inlei.-l Budoipii spre. keis in hi- proposed racetrack at Arcadia has tailed. The aged horseman i- now seeking to enlist Thomas H. Williams- aid in tlie seheme. W. B. .letinings i- holding daily weeding out sales. He disposed of unaiilo and Ilir/.e today. George Baldwin is expected tomorrow from Loa Angeles. The horses .1. C. Clem and Little Creg got in yes terday. Jockeys T. Sullivan and W. Kelly were iwhaatated mat nigbt. Budol|ih Sprcckels crack long dmtaaee performer Borghcsi. has been retired for the season and bia easteiU stake eiigageinelits have been cnii-elled. The same applies to Dr. Leggo, vtliich broke down re-cently. With the contitniance of good weather and a fast track in prospect, a good program is offered tor lioadaj and Husky. Gia Bee, Raleigh; kteckant, Blancke C, Tetaaaa; V. Neegeat, Coaao, Johnny sir BrIIIar, Tlie Mist. Gateway; Rdith .lames. Dutiful. Bal; Confederate. Bedford and Dorado lieing among the horses entered, an alleruoon of good lacing seems to lie assured. li. for aland