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PINK COAT RACE A FARCE. TSSFX II. IS RESTRAINED TO LET HIS STABLEMATE WIN. Billie Hibbs Runs Awav from Other Younq- sters in the Washinqton Nursery Stakes — Cold Weather Affects Attendance. Wa-hingion. D. c., April £. — l~HHlB|, weather with a mam starm at tke end -r thai after—— waa erred up at Beaming today ami kept tke attend • * i ■ * »• down when i.i f tke largest crowds .t the meeting weald hare tamed oat under rararaMe i nadll ion-. nromlaed to the the attract loa, tlie Chevy Pkaat Mum Steeplechase, ■ pink roat affair, was .1 raree f tke rankest kind, owing t. tke declaration ci Dtna Kerr to win with Ardette. Tkere were hut three atartera, Dion Kerra nun. Eases II. and Ar •Ill, being apposed ky Ordeaaa. f— ex 11. waa known t ke many pounds tke beat of tke trta .hut Mr. Ken- believed tkat Ardette eoald keal Ordeaaa ■ad declared ta win with Ardette. It wa- necessary for Mr. Taylor, who rode Rases li.. ti pall him all ever the eaarae to pre re at his making ■ runaway race of it. After Ardette had Ordeaaa boa tea in tke stretch, Baaex 11. get the t st of liis rider and. coming with a rash, was fast eatchkag his itahle eoaapaaloa at the finish. Tke rare was nrekaaty tin- deatakaell of the Chevy thase Hunt Steeplechase, which has heea a leatare here for tke last -i years The naatktia Steeple rhaat carded for next Tfcamday, ami which attracted pretty mack the same letd, has already haea de rmred oil. an apea Bteeadeefcaae having bean aabetl tilled. Billie HIMm was an easy winner of the Washington Nursery, the two-year-old -take, worth |I.Ra t" tlie winner. He was ridden by L. Smith and this ■eceaated far tke liberal price akoat him. lie made a runaway race af it. Woodcraft, the receding favorite, ran a disappointing race, just lasting to lake third money. Badtke was not at the track toilay. as he lias not yet recovered from the sickness whieli forced him to decline some ol his engageuteus vestevday. He is troitldeil with an attack of liilliousness and his illness is n,,i due to reducing as was reported. He will probably ke all rJgfct hp Monday. Miller will he back from New York tomorrow and linisii out his engagements with William Garth, which covers this meeting. In some re apt eta Mondays card is ahotlt Hie hest "f the BWe Una;, and with aalek speedy horses as •lack McKcon. Wabash Queen, Jupiter; Awles.. . Beckon. Ooaaaea; Lord Ron net gel. Anna May. Golf Hall; Diamond I lush, Anna .sinilh, Cousin Kate; Taehaleaee, c«i aa, Delpkie; Hnaallp. Oxford and Ormoiiiles High! in the entries, the racing is likely lo he ol the keenly contested order.