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NOTHING NEW IN MERGER MATTER. A. T. A. Directors Reinstate Jockey Hill — Adopt Rule for Gentlemen Riders. Louisville. Ky.. May 7. — Directors of the American Turf Ass.tei.ition held their monthly meeting this morning. A rule allowing gentlemen riders to accept mounts against professionals in stcepleeha-cs and according them an allowance of tivc pounds was adopted. .lockey Hill, ruled off by Judge Murphy at Inioii Iark. was reinstated at Mr. Murphys rctpiest. Nothing new develo| ed iu the merger matter and :it is probable that nothimr will Iranspire for some lime. S. I. Ileaslip failed to arrive and L. A. Cella ■ad -T. L. Kliinock. after a brief conference with M. J. Winu ami others, departed today for Cincinnati en route for New York. There may lie further discussion in Cincinnati.