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OAKLAND ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 1:40 p.m. Chicago time 3 01 p.m. ■ Funs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. ■veai olds and upward. BeRing. Ind. Horses. a. vt. Hdcp. ;m:.s TAYLOR GEORGE .... 5. M9 .725 V| •- 1 t tl Gladstone 4. .105 .7jn 68621-... YeUowatone 9. 112 715 68450 F. r.e. Rose 9.. 109. ..71". 67507 Metlakatla ii M7 ..71n CT.xH . . . i,,w-:iade 4. .162 7Hi •sll ..Duke of Orleans :: . .»;. ■., . .710 68621 Santa Bay 4 .103.. X.. 705 IS8621.. Toller 4.. lor. 703 68288 Linda Ross 5. .107.. -,..7ik» Second Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. csc.s Governor Orman 4..ln7.. . l2~ 68 • Head Dance .".. .liu 720 68584 ... N. -thiu- 4 107 71.-, 68557... Titus II 7. .102. .X.. 713 6860*5 Paddj Lynch 6. .109 7ir. 6S-BK Silver Sue I..1O5..X..710 685.!63 . . . Pal 1.. 192 . .711 68240 .Escamado 5. .100 To." 686:K= . . . Flimlalo 3. . 99. . . .705 67737*. .Taos :;. . : i . . ,700 Third Race— 1 1-2 Miles. 4 rear Olds and upward. Selling. 684321 Byronerdale 7 .107. .X.. 723 684."2- .F.emolio 7. .110. .X.. 720 6S65SI tdonls 4.. 197. .X.. 715 68586 Talamuad I. .119.. ■ ..7ir, 684:t2. .. .Governor Davis I..197.. .7111 isc.v.i .1;; Prlmero»7 7u"i 68586 Belvoir I. .110.. X.. 700 68656 Rey Carlo 1.1 In... 005 1 B 92 ...Meudon 6. .107 999 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. ■1 year olds and upward. Handicap. 6S640= ..Bedford 4.. 198. .X.. 759 c.s:,s.-. Fi in, ess Titanirt ft.. 0."...© 7 10 6S640I ..1. 1. clem I..105.. 7:..". 678ir, . .Kerefaeval I. .113. .©..733 6S4BJ4 Ftiiel Day ."...101 7:;.". 6S«M . Tarp | . . ftO. . ■ . .7:: l 68333. Reservation 7. .100. .©..72B Fifth Rac.i— 7 1-2 Furlongs. ■: year olds and upward. Selling. 68622 .. George P. McNear 5. .104.. X.. 725 c.s:;::s . . .sir Krillar :...lo7 ..720 68604.. l!o in.. 7. .101. . X . .715 68622.. .Judge Nelson 3. .104.. X.. 710 68623-. ..Croix DOr 8. .101 710 68622. .. .Martinmas 7 .191. .X.. 766 "•:: 1 Fred Bent 4.. 99.. X.. 700 C.siiL:;. . . 1I1, n 4. . 99. .©. OW Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. :; year old.- and upward. All. wanecs. 68606. .Aaron .1 9. .110. . X. .725 08642... Blagg 3. .160. . . .720 68642=. .Ocean Shore 3.. 96.. ..715 68642 Fireball 6. .11©.. .71". t,sii4-j. . Native Sou :;.. 96. . X . .718 68587 .Tavors 4. .166. . . .71,1 68485 Otto Price 3.. 95.. .710 67011 Lord Provost I. .167. .X.. 706 68642 Grasseatter 4. .MO.. ..796 68642 .. Vim Ness 8. .110. .©. .700 68582. — Senator Warner ::.. .mi 71m 68606... .The Skipper 6. .113 000 68340 Entree 4. 10S. . X . 740 68330 zelina .",. . !»!».. X.. 740 68626. . .Masaniello .".. .106. . X. .7-!." 906261 . .Shenandoah ." . .101. . X . .7:!."i 6851 1 1 . . . Kilhx han 3.. 85. . X . .7::.". i,s-,71 . . .Craziallo 6. .109. . X . .7:50 68608 De Besske 8. .ion. .©. .72.". 68626 ASOTS 4..1K1..X. 72". 08517 — Waterbearer 4. .103 72n r,s.-,74 — Grafton 3.. 95.. x.. 715 66488 .. .Ontario 4. .108 710