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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. I Communications without names and addresses of senders will nol SC answered or noticed. I A. J. S.. Chicago. It was a draw. See reply to Leonard W. Albeit C, Chicago. You received all that was coming to you. I. V. H.. St. Louis. Mo. In 1!H 1 Kenllworth afea nine consecutive raves, aol eleven. W. II. D.. Dayton. 11. Base no record of AJgMn racing, so cannot say authoritatively. A. I.. B.. Chicago. Have no information as to where jockey Kggerson is now located. W. F. A., St. Louis. Mo. Have no knowledge of the present location of Jockey w. Livingston. l- aid W.. Chicago. The place bet on Blandy was a draw, there being no separate place betting. Morelock. Chicago. Verthed bv Thursdays wire. The prices were Co-si.,.,,.! u.. place, :: to 5; Royal Bogne, show. 4 to r . C. C. W., Chicago. A place bet on Roseben in the Metionolitan area unless the layer has notified backers added starters run for his lunik Same reply to others. Charles .L. Chicago. As a two-year-old last year .lack Atkin started in nine races, of which lie won tour and was second in two. Me won the Nursery Stakes at Louisville and the Iroquois Stakes it Kenllworth. la the latter, with 123 pounds up. he gave Fthon ten pounds and a beating, running live furlongs in 1 :ih ! and setting a new track record. This race was mil Jane 14. 1!MN;. and was |u last race prior to his start at Belmont Park last Thins day. Russell. Chicago. If you understand bookmaking percentages you .an easily calculate sack problems for yourself. Count up the hook, deduct from the whole the percentage ol the added starter, then proportionately redact the prices of the taai left until the total is at. as nearlv as may lie possible, the same as ii was before the deduction. II you do el understand bookmaking percentages, bay an Aaserieaa Racing Manual and studv the table of prices.