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GOOD WESTERN TWO-YEAR-OLDS. With the possible exception of Stargowan. no win ning eastern two-year old has as yet made any great impression on experienced observers. It is the general conviction that the high class ones are yet to be uncovered. In the west, contrary to the usual order of ftiags, the showing has been lietter and ii now seems that in John Mans, Firestone. Great Pirate. Mollie Montrose. Notasulga and Claude Dame, the west has six twoyearolds unmatched by any as yet revealed on the eastern tracks. When Notasulga won the Base Stakes and the Canarsie Stakes at Aipieduct. she simply ran up to and continued her New Orleans form. By the same token Mollie Montrose would have been equally successful if taken east, having twice run away tram Beta sulga and given her fourteen pounds as well as a beating on om ocĀ« asion. However, that is no discredit to WotasabtS for. like Crande Dame. Mollie Montrose Is tremendously speedy. Her half in 47*. with full weight up at so early a date as February 22. speaks for itself, just as Grande Dames half in Bflj eaateilag, at Louisville did. Of the three colts named it is probable that Firestone is beat, although nothing can decide lhat problem except the st,Tn test of the race track. At any rate in respect to ability to carry stake weights at the highest rate of and with unflinching courage, all three have shown themselves in public won by ol a place in the most aristocratic stable in the country. And in Boas, JMacksheep. Manchester, Ancient. Raleigh. Kaeonteur. Honest. R. C. Rann. Creation and Turn away, the west has other two-year olds of more than ordinary merit.