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IN DEFENSE OF KOERNER. Following the defeat of Prince Hamburg by Ale-the-uo in the opening race at P.i-liuont Park htaa day, tin- Integrity of jockey Kaeraer was Mas tioiii-cl by a writer on one of the New York pipers. This man was taken to task for his ulleratiees by ss many reputable turfmen that the following morning he made the anie-neie honorable by publishing the stateiiii-nls of these tuilniiii, one of which was as follows: "I have known Koerner ever since lie was an ex-erci-c boy and would be willing to stake- my life on his integrity. It is true that he frequently gels ■way from the post in a bad position, hut 1 think that can he attril.uled to the- tact hat he- has been ace us|,, nieel to starting from a walk, the tyi tein in use in California. Out there, whole the boy tir-1 learned to ride and where he rode all last winter, the liders are not reqiiiie-d to come to a stand, as liny arc- li, re. and Koerner doc-nt seem to catch onto this M-tem. but put him down as a dead square boy and u.ii will have him right." It Is farther Stated that Prim,- Hamburg has. in addition to two or three rin-1 .s. shelly hoofs and it is necessary to race him in bar plates. Sim-. the track a-aa muddy Monday these plates may haV had a retarding on the- horse.