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TORONTO ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track fast. Bating starts at 2:30 p. tn. Chicago time. 1:30. ■ Bun- well in mud. ©Sui eri r mud runner. First Race — 3-4 Mile. :; year olds. AUswancea, Iml. Hones. A. Wt. Hdcp. •9882*. . .EUlcott HO..X - .085 69043 1 . . . Lord Boanerges 1 lo. . x . .720 68871 Gracchns 107. . x . .710 !»l" . . ./..lina M6 70." 88888. . . Halton HO 785 88878. . . . Prince of Mange 107. . X . .7H 88871 Babbling Brook 105 700 Second Race — 5-8 Mile. 2 vear-okls. Allowauees. 68878. ...Sir Balin 107 72.". 88880 Vdreit KM 720 isii72. . . .Moliere K 7 715 89878. . Care .". 104.. X-. 715 68928. .. Canobie Lake 107 7K» js;il7 ... Shimonese !»0 70" OSOix;. . . .Guarda 104 705 Third Race— 3-4 Mile, "year olds and upwards. Allowances. 68887* . . . Bilberry 5. .116 700 .m»47 Dutch Girl :S..104 M6 68983 Gav Dora :i. .101 GOO 68987. ...Half caste 3. .10s 688 63683 Wicklow Girl 4. .107 885 88877. ...Inkap li ::..lo:; os-". 68973 las emblvman ::..10G iso 68983. . . .Maggie ONeil :;. .101 tio 68877. .. -Collision 5. .109 075 Frem-n Hill. b. i. l.v Phaeton— My Maryland 4. .107 Flying Kite, br. . by laiini e Boy Flying Bess 4..107 Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-oMs and upward. Selling. 68881*. ..Sir Ralph 5. .lo::. . x . -725 68898... Cobmosa 4. .103.. X . .720 68871 Confessor 5. .100. . x . .715 68838... MerUngo 4.. 07..X-.715 67053... GoMic 4. .112. . X . -715 88080*... CUf ton Forge 8..S8..X..7M 88880 Reside ::.. 85.. X.. 716 OSVIl Tom Dolan .,.. 96. .X.. 710 83858.... Widows Mite 7. . 96. . X . .70.". 68888*. . .Mark Antony II 4.. 89 705 63860. . . . Monkey Pussle 5. . 86 700 IKXXMI Daring 4.. 97..X--700 00022. . . Factotum 4. . 97 695 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 88838 . . F. E. SHAW 6.. M..X..78S 68877... Miss Gaiety 5. .102 715 68858 Clot en 7. .104 715 88848 Bust 4. .102. . X - 710 68847 Paul CTi8 rd .». .104. .© . .705 «9ooi . ...Herman Johnson A. .188. . X . .388 83888 Asterisk 5. .104. . x - 700 89885 Sneer 6. .104. . X - .700 6--.1SO Comic Opera 5. .114. . X . .695 68971 Spes 8. .102 690 Sixth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. "year olds and upward. Selling. iSMt:.o. . . Plearooa ."...107" 72.". 69660s... Doltuda •.. . 87. .X.. 788 69623* . . Headley ::. . 83 7ir. 68876*... Demon «. .105. . x . .7ir. 09000 Nellie Burn *.. 95. . X . .710 089O1 ... Holloway .....Ji... 4. ..100. . X - 710 K 02."1 . . . Amberley .."... i. . » 703 089OO Zitf Zag 5.. 100 700 Seventh Race — 3-4 Mile. 4 year olds and upward. Selliug. 88636*. ..Ballot Box 4.. 07 72". 67:930... Merry George 5. .114. . x . .730 69086.. -Fire Fang 4, .100 715 08995.. .Crestfallen 8. .109. . x . -7ir, f.7725. . . .Consideration o. .114. . x . .710 68474 Midas 4. .115 710 08940 Arby Van 5. .MM 710 tKMIOl Toscan 7. .107. .©. .705 88986 Orpeu 4.. 110 700 OS877 Nimble Dick 6. .102 700