Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1907-07-05

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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. COVINGTON, 3CY., Thursday, July 4, 1907. Twenty-second day. Latonia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. 30 days. Weather clear; track fast. 21 books on. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Secretary, John B. Dillon. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures iu parenthesis following the distance of each race Indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. JjAl , FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. r.OGIS 1:00 2 100. Purse 500. 2-ycar-olds. O J J JL rk. Selling. Net value to winner 00. "ind Horses AWtPPStVt Vi 7t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S fiSSdO BUCKET BRIGADE w 10 2 2 31 31 31 1 J Lec J Arthur 25 3 11-51 1-2 GOSfj; OHESWARDINE w 102 7 3 5 5s 41 2" Bilac W Gerst 20 30 30 10 5 i;9SGGMERRIGO W 99 9 1 lh 21 2 3s Trueman S Forsythe 10 13 13 4 11-5 C9SJ0 Li. C. WIDRIG v 102 10 4 21 Vh 15 4h J Butler A J Gdrey 30 GO CO 25 12 C9793BALLA vr 107 S fi CJ 4 5 51 D Austin L A Cella 3 31 3 1 1-2 CJ7S0 BITTEIt GOLD wn 99 1 7 7 7l 6 G3 V Powers J C Calm CO 100 100 40 20 0974 1 CIVET w 100" 3 3 4and C1 7s V T Taylor E W Hagyard 40 40 30 12 5 G97S9STONE STREET w 10G C S S S S S Pickens C E Hamilton 2 3! 3 1 1-2 G9SGC3VANSEL vn 100 5 9 Lost rider. Pieratt J Gass S 12 12 4 8-3 G9G30 HUGH FARRELL wb 93 4 10 Fell. E Martin J J Galvin 15 30 23 S 3 Time, 24s, 40, 1:01. 1:08. Winner Ch. c, by Goodrich Piccola trained by J. Arthur. Went to post at 2:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Bucket Brigade, hard ridden all the way, followed the early leaders close up and. responding well to punishment, came away in the stretch after sharply interfering with Merrigo. Cheswardine, showing Wich improvement, came witli a great rush iu the last quarter and outgamed Merrigo iir the closing drive. The latter did bis best and ran a good race. L. .C. Widrig, showing much speed, set the pace fast for the first half, but tired in the stretch. Balla suffered from interference and bad scant chance. Stone Street was badly ridden and ran out in the first quarter. The winner was entered for 000; no bid. Overweights Bitter Gold, 1J pounds; Civet, 2. fft pf SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 50020 l:12i 3 100. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and up-Ott JLO ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPStyj Str Fin Jockeys Owners .OHO P S C9GS9 AG NOLO w 4 100 1 1 1 1J 1 1 T Taylor T II Stevens 2i 4 4 S-5 4-5 CWISMAUY BUCHANAN WS 3 S3 9 fi f. T.i 4i 2 Bilac W A KInvan 10 10 10 4 2 09741 ANNA RUSICIN w 3 81 12 10 9nk 7 11 7 32 Skirvln II McCarren Jr 12 13 13 3 11-5 C9SG7 GALLITHEA W G 102 2 3 4 3 3 4J Pickens W Wells 4 41 4J 8-5 7-10 C3799 HUGHES "W 3 100 11 8 8b 9 CU fin L Bailey A L Klrby 40 GO CO 20 10 " 60014 AIRSHIP AT 5 105 8 9 7J 8l S1 Cl J Lee J F Witcher 3 3 21 1 1-2 J317CG W. K. SLADE wn 4 103 3 7 10l 105 9l 7 L WIlliamsF Goring Jr 30 40 25 10 5 C9"25 LAMALOU Wis 3 91 f. 4 31 21 2i 8 E Martin II Pope 20 20 20 S 4 G5SG7 RED TIIISTLT3 wsii G 1011 7 11 1111 11 9l Cmmins MillerandJohnston 10 13 13 5 21 G9410 SDTHRIFT HELEN, wi and? i 5 ?"fil 5h l?1 Y Powers Harris and IJeyef 7 S 8 3 -C . t ; ; , . 1 C9743 FRANK BILL w S 102 10 12 12 12 12 11 J Butler Claus Bros 40 CO 50 20 10 C91G4 BOB AUGUSTINE w 3 103 G 2 2U 10 12 D Austin A L Winchester 30 30 25 S 4 Time, 245, 48g. 1:14. Winner Ch. c, by Ingoldsby Agno trained by T. H. Stevens. ; j Went to post at 3:12. At post 3 minutes. Start bad. Won easily; second and third driving. Agnolo, away fast, showed much the most speed and won all the way with plenty in reserve. Mary Buchanan closed a big gap steadily from a-slow beginning and was going gamely at the end. Anna Ruskiu. away slowly, came from a long way back after going a half and finished with a rush. Galiltliea tired after going live furlongs. Hughes ran fairly well. Spendthrift Helen had no mishaps. Airshlo ran poorly and will show improvement. Lamalou was a forward contender for the first half. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Red Thistle, 2 pounds; Spendthrift Helen, 1. ftQQT ft THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile. 50507 l:0OH 2 110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. VJ kJ tj JL J Allowances. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPStVt V- Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II U p S G9717JOE MOSER w 108 4 2 ll 1 1 l1 J Lee J B Respess G-5 C-5H-101-2 out C9S40ALBERT FAN55 W SS 7 4 G1! 51 35 2 J Butler P J Millett 10 15 15 G :: CS793 GRACIOUS DAME W 105 3 2 2ni 21 21 3 Minder B Schreiber 15 20 20 7 3J RS17ORDONO w 10S 10 7 S 7l Gl 4 Pickens J Everman 3 51 5 2 4-5 C9S17 ADA O. WALKER w 105 8 G 4and 41 5 D Austin W C Overton 21 3. 3 G-5 1-2 G959G LADY FESCA W 110 11 3t 41 51 G Cherry J W Ferguson S 25 20 7 3 G9031 BEN SAND wn 10S 9 5 51 G 7l 7 L Williams.! Griffin 20 30 30 12 fi GS797 SEVERUS w 91 5 10 105 9 S S Bilac W M Hayes 50 75 75 25 12 GSSiOELDEIt ws 103 2. S 7l Sl J1 91 Cmmins Kogers and ParrishlO 10 10 3 S-5 CJS17 GILVEDEAR W 91 11 9 9 10l 10 101 T Steele A D Steele 30 GO 30 20 10 HON-TA w SS G 11 11 11 11 11 E Martin G H Holle 20 25 25 S 4 Time, 24. 4SJ, 1:011. Winner B. c, by Maceo Helens Pet trained by J. B. Respess. Went to post at 3:35. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Joe Moscr, away forwardly and clear of interference, set a fast pace from the start, but began tiring after going a half and had to be shaken mi near the end to stall off the challenge of Albert Fauz. The latter had to weave his way through- and finished with a rush under weak riding. Gracious Dame ran a good race and held on well in the final drive. Ordono, poorly handled and suffering from interference in the first three furlongs, canie With a rush after nearly knocking Elder down. Lady Fesca shewed speed, lint tired in the last sixteenth. Ada O. Walker tired fast in the stretch and may be a trilie stale. Scratched 092SO Hester Zorra, 100. Overweights Lady Fejjca. 5 pounds. QQ" rj FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 02038 1 :45; i 101. Decoration Handicap. ;500 J tJJ qJ JL added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,050. I nd Horses AAVtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owiicrs O II C iS C8GG0PASADENA K 5 111 7 2 5 3 . 31 3 1" Cherry B Vincent 4 51 51 2iG-5 G9S9I MIKE SUTTON w 3 100 1 7 2k 21 11 21 V Iowers E Stubbs 10 20 20 8 4 rJ7G7LEXOLINE W 3 101 2 9 Sl SU 51 41 3l Pickens J McDonald t3 31 3.. G-5 3-5 KS1SSTILL ALARM W. 3 102 9 5 3nk 7 71 5 4 J Lee J B Respess fi 10 10 4 2 C9S15THE MINKS : W 4 109 3 fi 9 10 11 71 5U L WilliamsD N Prewitt f3 3i 31 G-5 3-5 CUS15 PHIL FINCH ws G 112 10 S 7i Ct ih c Gh Cmmins W S "Williams G 10 10 4 2 G9S13CONVOLO W 4 103 5 3 11" l1 11 2 7" D Austin" J C Milam 10 10 10 4 2 G97G7 REDGAUNTLET Wis 3 97 S 10 10 9- SI 81 Sl E Martin T P Hayes 7 10 10 4 2 C9S1G MlLVAIN Wit 3 100 4 11 11 11 10ii 91 9l T Taylor J C Ferriss Jr 12 20 15 fi 3 C97G73OLD HONESTY w 3 103 11 4 G 5l 9 10 10 J Butler A J Gorey 10 20 20 S 4 G9S1G PLANT LAND . wn 4 107 G 1 2l 41 G1 11 11 Minder W II Fizer G G fi 21 -5 Added starter. betting; no separate place or show betting. Time, 24, 4SJ. 1:14, 1:40. 1:47. Winner B. h, by Ben Stronie Blue Bells, by Kingfisher trained by B. Vincent. Went to post at 4:00. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Pasadena, clear of interference and saving much ground by bugging the inner rail, finished fast under a hard drive and .outstayed Mike Sutton in the closing strides. The latter ran a good race and appeared a certain winner in the stretch after wearing down Convolo, but tired slightly at the end. Lexoline came from a long way back in the last half and had to overcome considerable interference. Still Alarm ran a good race, although going wide most of the way. The Minks began slowly and had a rough trip. Phil Finch also suffered from crowding. Plantland quit badly after going three-quarters. Convolo showed thy most speed for three-quarters and tired nadir. Scratched O90OO Princess Orna, 00; C0S15Envoy, 102; 00SC0 Wing Ting, 102. Overweights St i 1 1 Alarm, 3 pounds. QQ1 Q lITH, RACE 3-4 Mile. 500201 : 1 2 ? 3 1 00. Purse 1907.sh00. 3-ycar-olds and tip- J J J JL Q . ward. Handicap. Net value to winner 50. Ind"" Horses AWtPPStVt y. Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HCP S C9SlGGOLDPROOF WB 1 113 3 2 1 1 Ill5 Cmmins C E Hamilton 2 21 11-51-5 1-3 G0707CABLEGRAM W 4 113 C 3 31 31 3i 2 J Lee C E Greenwood 2 31 1G-51 2-5 G9GG1 MORALES WB 3 103 S 5 ! 51 4i 34 Minder W H Fizer 10 15 15 5 2 G9S1G HAZELTHOIIPE w 4 101 1 1 23 2 2 ih D Austin E Alvcy 4 4 2. 1 2-5 G9117 FUNICULAIRE w 5 99 7 G 5 41 5l 5 E Martin T P Hayes 7 10 10 3f. 8-5 C99 FRONTENAC W 7 100 2 4 ti G G G Pickens J Grillin G 12 10 3 S-5 C9791 GEM OF T. WILDS WB 3 S2 5 7 7s 71 71 710 A WilliamsJ T Clay 50 100 100 40 15 Gl791 GEORGE YOUNG wn 3 S7 4 S S S S S Bilac G Jackson 100 100 100 40 13 Time. 23J, -173. 1:131. Winner Ch. g, by Gold Spinner Glimmer Glass trained by J. W. Hall. Went to :ost at 4:27.. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Gold-proof, at present in his best form, dashed into a long lead at once and, setting a fast pae?, raced Ilazel-thorpe into defeat in the first live furlongs and hail slight trouble thereafter. Cablegram moved up gradually under bard punishment and finished with a rush through the last sixteenth. Morales ltcgan slowly and. when hard driven, responded well and came from a long way back in the last furlong. Hazelthorpe tired badly after going a fast half. Frontenae ran a bad race and can do much better. Fuiiiciilaire can do much letter and waR not persevered with. . -TOO i C SlXTIlltACE 3T.f MibT tmJv 1 : 1 2 J 3 1 OoT Purse 00. 3-yeaFolds1 iindup- O J J JL J ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPStVt Vj 9t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H OPS C9S703BOSERRIAN wn 3 99 10 3 2 21 l1 In Pickens P Dunne 3 1G-51G-51 l lf C9S70 BARNSDALE wn 3 100 5 1 l1! 11 21 2.1. T Taylor Huglies Bros 5 fi 21 G9SG7VTIPERINE wi: 5 104?. 7 2 3 3 IS1! 3s W II WkrP J Nolan 30 50 40 15 7 C9S133MCHORD wn 5 102 1 7 7 7i 7 4 D Austin E Alrey 2 21 2 1-5 out ClSIS POTTER wsit G 103 2 fi 5" C- 5U 51 L Bailey C V Mueller 12 25 20 S 4 C9S70DR. LEE IIUFFMNwit 3 9G 4 1 4" 41 41 Cl E Martin G H Marlman 4 G G 2 9-10 C9255 LIGHT. CONDUCTORw 3 103 3 5 Gl 5l -fi1 T- Bilac T P Hayes 10 20 20 S 4 G9S70 iriTSTED " 5 102 G S 8 "8 8 S J Leo J GriHin. 12 12 12 5 2 C9SG73STONER HILL Wit 4 10S 9 9 9 915 0l- 98 L WilliamsJ Everman 20 20 20 fi 21 " LOU NIFFIN w 3101 S 10 10 10 10 10 Minder AVfordandBucknur 30 10 20 10 5 Time, 24. 4S, 1:132. Winner B. c, by Cesarion Princess Bowling trained by F. Haiilon. Went to post at 4:53.., At itost 1 minute. Start bail. Won .driving; second and third the same. Boscrriau, after leing reserved in the early running, moved up on the stretch turn and, standing a bard drive resolutely, outstayed Barnsdale in the closing strides. Barnsdalc, away fast, showed superior early speed and inn iu much improved form. Viperine was prominent throughout and finished gamely. McChord broke iu a tangle and closed a big gap. Potter had no mishaps. Dr. Lee Huffman ran a bail race and far below his last previous effort. Lightning Conductor ran fairly well. Stoner Hill ran poorly and can do much lteller. The winner was. entered for 1907.sh00; no bid. Scratched C0S13 Telescope, 105: 00701Mhios, 103. Overweights Viperine, 41 pounds; Stoner Hill, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 Milo. 020771 :301 1100. Purse 00. 4-ycar-olds and up Xj tJ fJJXj ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PP St t Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q II G I. S rG4517CAKTIIAGE wn 4 110 S 1 l5 1 1 1 1 J Leo J B Respess 1 11-101 1 2 out G9SIG BLENNEN WORTH ws S 110 2 3 7 7l 5U 2t 2l Cherry SallectLhleiter fi fi -4 3 2 7 10 G931C3CAItEW W 4 101 G S 51 3l 2"k yi ,h D Austin C E Patterson 4 41 11 3-2 7 10 C9S15 DOCILE. wit G 102 3 9 S1 S5 G3 5k 11 Pickens Lockart Bros 15 20 20 S G9SG8 FLORIZEL w G 99 9 fi 41 2u y 4 51 Skirvin H McCarren Jr :a 10 40 12 4 C9715 BENDIGO WB 5 107 5 7 G G1 S4 G C3 E Martin H R Baker S 12 12 4 S-3 C9791 GAMBLER wn 5 110 4 4 3i 4 41 7l 7k Jess CnleyE Merrick 10 40 40 15 7 G5S153MISS HAWLEY wit 4 100 1 5 9 9 9 9 S3 .T Taylor .1 C Milam 20 30 20 fi 21 C9SG7 UNCLE HENRY ws 5 113 7 2 2 51 7 S 9 L WilliamsJ W Young 4 S S 3 S-5 Time, 24. 4SS.. 1:13J. 1:401. Winner Ch. c, by Serrano Iiettie , Green trained by J. B. Respess. Went to post at 5:10. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second driving; third the same. Carthage- was ayray fast;and took a long lead at once; which he maintained throughout, winning in. a canter. Blennenworth closed a big gap gradually and, finishing gamely, outstayed Carew in the final drive. Carew was a forward contender in the early stages and but for being in close quarters would have .been second. Docile came from a long way back in the last quarter. Florizel tired after -going a half. Gambler tired badly iu the last half and can do much better. The winner was entered for S800; no bid. Scratched 00810 Devout. 107; 00S0SMatador. 107; 00S71 Noel, 102. Overweights Blenhenworth, 3 pounds; Gambler, 1.

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