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1 1 : i 1 TO RACE EIGHTEEN DAYS AT YONKERS Meeting Will Open Saturday, Auqust 10 Jockey Club Gives Its Approval. New Vork, August 1. At last the trouble between the Jockey Club and Empire City seems to he settled. At a meeting of the Jockey Club stewards, held today, dates were granted the Yonkers track for an eighteen day meeting, beginning Saturday August 10 and ending Friday August :i0. II. J. Morris was appointed steward to represent the Jockey Club, while Matt J. Winn will represent the association. These two are to agree upon the third steward. Among the list of names submitted for presiding judge were those of Charles F. Grainger, James II. Rees, Charles F. Price and Will Shelley, the understanding being that either one of these will be acceptable. Mr. Winn said tonight that it had not been decided yet just who would be presiding judge. Lyman II. Davis will be secretary and handi-capper; Jacob Holtman, starter L. X. Simon, clerk of the scales and XV. XV. Lyles, paddock and patrol judge. The program for the meeting will be arranged with all dispatch possible and horsemen will know by the lirst of the week what they may expect at Umpire City. That the meeting will be made up largely of the western element is conceded by all, though not a few eastern owners will take the chance to make expenses while horses of the better class are at Saratoga. George C. Bennett, the Memphis horseman, arrived from the west last night and was at Drighton Iteach today. He declined to discuss the Yonkers meeting iu connection with western horses or horsemen.