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NEW YORK ENTRIES; Shcepslfaid Bay: ProliabUIties: AVeathcrr clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:80 p: .mi, Chicago tlnic, 1:30. XRuhs well in inud: BSilpYrior muil riinnei. First Race-3-41 Mile" Main . Coursb". All Ages: liighweiglit irahdicap. ! Ind. Horsesv A". Wt. Hdcp. 70Stl ...CrcVs-Ina 4. .182: . X. .750 : 70S93-...Far WAf 5. .I38r -745 70750 . . .Be iiund 8 . . 1 40 . . X - -740 UtiiSSlD-.tVoorliecir 4. .180. .X.. .740 C70S92..CliieC, Hayes 4. .US. ...740 7CG31..Sh- Tpddingtim1 8,. .127. . X . .740 7U4ii2-.... Rapid WatcT" . .". . 0...i;i5..X..740 J 705in3-..Tvue By 4i.lrtO..X-.740 70745. .. .Quadrille 5. .120. . . . . .785 0S548... Sadler 1. . 1 14. . X . -785 TqCT:! Dreamer 5. .184. 730 i GC22S."....MVriet Q; .127. .X. -780 70S41;.... Dolly S"panUcf i... 0. .120. . X . .730 7QS41... Fancy Bird 4. .110. . X . .725 70817 B.tttleaxe 4..10and 725 7d0f:...Biillwellicr 2.. 105. 715 : C90v8S . . ..Glertham 8;. . 10S: . : . . .705 7dO0i...tCreati6n 2...10Q. 705 7fk0M...fPrejtlIcid 8.. 1,15, 700 : 7Q022-. ...Stilv Fire 4. .10,0. 095 , 7tU0. . . . AlUida; 3.. 115.. X.. COO 70?.;l...tCaptain Eitibribli1 - 8..IO0. 000 7tS0iI..., Listless : 4.. 95 075 Xt. Mulligan entry. tT. If. Williams" entry. tA. 15. Spreckels.entp. . Secohtf RVccATjouf 3 t-X MilcV. , Westbjiry Steeplclinse. .2.500 adtled. 4-year-dlds" anil ifpWard. . Handicap. 70S12. . . . John M, P .S. 108....... 700 70870... E Cucjiillrt 5. .10.0. . X . .095 70052. .. .UeKIttrcdgo 4. .148. . X . .090 7089ft.. Mlmniy Lane 7.. 147.. X.. 090 70S42 Bavoiiet 4. .185 ;085 70S12s..Sinister 5. .133. . X . .OSO G. R. Tompkins entry. Third Race 3-4 Mile Futurity Course. Great Eastern Handicap. Value ,500. 2-year-olds. 70S07 Julia Powel 100 730 09700 . .tMombassa 107 .715 70S48 Firestone . .TV. . ,. .121 . . X . .715 70807. . .tStamiii.i . : 111. . X . .745 70S5G . . .Meelick 120. . X . .745 70SS0 Nimbus 1 18 740 70850 ...Ben Fleet IIS 710 70879 Gowan 100 740 70SS0 . . . Heknows 100. . X . .740 70IS9. . .Masque 105 740 70SGS John Marrs 100. ...785 70412 . .Incognito 100 785 70S80 Spooner 1 14 . . X . .725 7080S Live Wire 107.. X.. 725 .T. R, Keene entry, til. P. Whitney entry. Fourth Race 2 1-4 Miles. Annual Champion. Value 5,000. 8-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 70814... Bailot 8. .115. . X . .800 7077G Salvidere 8.. 99.. X.. 705 70S4 Is... Ironsides 4.. 121 775 70SS13... Montgomery 8..112..X--700 70881s... Fountainblue 8.. 102 700 Fifth Race 1 3-16 Miles oh Turf. 8-year-lds and upward. Handicap. 70.870 . ,MARK ANTONY II 4. .112. . X . .730 7070S.,.Asler dOr 4.. OS 745 70851 ...Blue Book 8. .120. . . .740 70S21... Tourenne 8. .1 10. . X . .740 70831s. ..Missouri Lad 4. .110. . X . .740 70903.. i. Oxford ... 5. .1 12. . X . .740 70881 ... Right Royal 5. .1 18. .. .735 70S21s...WeIbourne 4. .1 11 . . X . .735 708S2...Pliil Finch 0. .100. .. .735 70S70s...Toiiv Boncro 8. .107. . X . .730 70882s.. Acrobat 8. . 1 10. X . .725 70S70... Smiling Tom 8. .100. . X .1725 709083... Ostrich 0. .108. . X . .720 70309 Leonalla 5.. S7 720 R. F. Carman entry. Sixth Race 1 Mile. 8-year-olds and upward. Selling. 70S07S... Druid 5. .113. .. .725 707283...Ed Hall 7. .10S. . X . .720 70728... Zipango 8.ilft7..X..715 701S1 Andrew Mack 0. .111. . X . .715 70793... King Cole 5. .110. .. .715 70711... Roalta 8.. 107 715 70S07 Lady Karma 3..104 715 7072S Vino 4. .113. . X . .710 70830 Mintbcria ..: 8.. 104 710 700553... Vendor 4. .10S. . X . .705 50130 Lionhcart 4.. 108 700 70580.. . .Campaigner 3. .107. . X . .700 G99S0 Mary Morris 4. .118. . X . .095 70793 Captain Emcrich 3. .107. . . . . .000 70747 Sam Rico 3. .101. . X . .090