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NOTES OF THE TURF. Ben Fleet bns rheumatic shoulders and is heavy beaded and a hard horse to rule. In. consequence. Nicols work on him in the Waldorf Stakes is accounted, as perfect by the eastern critics. Trainer Karrick of the Oneck SI able is pointing Cohort for the Junior Champion, lo be run next Saturday at Gravesend. Jim GalTney. Uncle, Johnny Blake, Bar None. Firestone and Faleada, to say nothing or Colin. Celt and Restigoucbe are eligible for the same elassic. Henry Horn; is back from Norfolk. He said that the meeting was sure to lie a financial failure, but that it would run thirty days, as the man who is supplying the money is as game as they nlakc them and has declared that he will run as advertised no matter if lie goo$ broke. Cincinnati Enquirer.