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KENILW0RTH PARK OWNED AT HOME. Buffalo. N. Y., January 9. — The ownership of Kcnilworth Park has passed into the hands of local men. who will exercise absolute control of the property and the race meetings which will be he.d there lri the future. The only exception la the few-shares owned by Joseph A. Murphy of St. Loui who has for several years acted as presiding judge and general manager during the race meetings. Last night H. Montgomery Gerrans, president of the Buffalo Racing Association, made the following statement relative to the negotiations which have been going on for some time. "Kenilwortli Park, in its entirety, is now in the control of Buffalo people. I am able to announce today that every share of stock formerly owned by New York capitalists has been purchased by Buffalo people. "Arrangements were completed yesterday whereby John H. Seacberd. George Bleistein, S. H. Knox. Oliver J. Cabana. Jr.. Daniel Good, George E. Lat-titner. W. P. Taylor and myself, all of Buffalo. acquired the stock held by New Yorkers. The stock in Kcnilworth Park not held by these men I have mentioned is owned by Buffalonians."