Oakland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-10


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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND. __ THURSDAY. JANUARY 9, 1908. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. I illy third day. New California lent if Club. Winter Meeting of 15T days. :!4 books on. Pr. -idmg .Ind-e. E. C Hopper. Starter. J. J. Holt num. Secretary. Percy W. Treat. Kacing stalls at 1:10 p. 111. Chicago time 3:40 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig iti.s in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate Index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. ~T7 C£i A T I -IBST RACE 3-4 Mile. 72047 — 1 :11J — 3— 103. Purse 00. 4 year olds and up J 04t I ward. SelHim. Net value lo winner $.".25. In I HoTsTs "wTlISt jj Vj H~Slrlin Jockeys Owners 5 II C P S "i-Tdick wilson nl 112 1 1 1* 1- i- 15 ftSsogh P MHraa 10 3 13 c • ," 7»RAY BKNNKTT WD 4 W8 5 6 L»k u 2*181 Hherton Q W Criflin 2 12-dl-d 1 2 -" , svi MiiltK ws 4 lit 7 :5 5-1 4i 4U ::5 J Hayes .1 Martin J r r 6 5 11-54-.. VCi, 111 I II BlTRN atlt 4 !» !i4 I* 6* 41 McClaln W J Kelly S 10 10 4 9-j 7a7« Cll RRKVlAiiA W»m - B J»l « S* 5» W Miller S Judge » 2h t 11-1011-2U -".,■ MANII V S w .". l»7 fi 7 71 7- 71 ti4 Gilbert C P.rant la 1j li J -i 7-r.- . , uk. sHBiiaian SHKHMW wsW MS !• 1 f,"W 6a 5»k 7- A Wright . I K Hoppas 12 16 B • 2J w 4 mi lo 2 4*. E* B* 8*1 It Davis T H Stevens 20 M ?,l 10 4 ■■"■n- ihks wu9im ■: I • ■*• ••• 9* Bowl W L Ashe M 50 H 15 s MIC YANKEE! JIH W 4 106 IN 10 l» 10 10 Sandy Live Oak Stable 50 100 7u 2o 12 Time. 25. 4!», 1:17. Winner Br. g, bv Hawtlin-nr--Gr-i.-e Edwards Grained by P. Connell. Weni to post at 1 42 At jH..st 2 minutes. Slart g«HKl for all except Ed Lilburn. Won driving: second I nod third tin- tmme Hick Wilson decisively outbroke and outpaced the others all the way. but finished 1 lii nc and doiic his liest. Rav Benin tt. away poorly, closed up quickly into nearest pursuit of the pace-i. ,er nid was wearing him down at the end. Sycamore, shuffled back early, closed a gap in the last half and linished going fastest of all. En Lilburn. nearly left, made up much ground and is extra good. Cii;i hulmn retired after lioing forward in the running for live furlongs. Manila S. steadily improved hoi position from a rear start. Dr. Sherman loomed up on the last turn and then quit. Maia showed s| eetl. bill w:is short. The winner was entire.! for 00: no bid. S. latched — 72f.ll Standover. Ill: 72T or, Bantam. 100. j g SFCONH RACE--3-S Mile. MtM - 9BJ -2— 115. Purse 00. 2 year-olds. Fillies. 7tp f34:0 Allowam-es. :-t a able to winner $:.25. _ I nd liorses A"WtPPSt .4 % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C V S_ 72596SBATTLB ■ ,lS :! 2 Vk 1* Keogh B Schreiber *6i 6i 5 S 5 1-2 r. "■ .4iVl V: VNCE w 113 1 1 1- !• J Mclntyrell T Griffin 3-2 a-2i::-101-2 1-5 725JBICOPPIT W 113 2 9 -1J ■■! Sandy NapaStockFarm 8-5 2 9 5 1-2 1-5 48 Stuart Anchorage.KkFm 30 100 100 40~ 20 7"5W LADY MARTINEZ W luS 6 3 / 2i " [ | |-* ■ i|,|,jN.s W 108 10 6 *•" B* Hherton B Schreiber *6J 6 5 8-5 1-2 MV NiKiiK - 108 8 5 61 «4 J Hayes C A IeSeure 15 M 30 12 6 r,.-:5l INF wm 5 7 S; 1 1 Ford M Grant 30 100 100 4u U .,,, , iVi.- W 108 9 8 :- r V Powers . I I Ladd 30 100 100 40 H FDRONA w 108 2 4 71 •*! W Miller T H Williams 8 16 15 6 115 VIBRATE w 108 7 10 10 10 Moreland S C Hildreth 20 25 25 JO 5 Coupled iii Nil ing; no separate place or show betting. Time. 2T i, .".7». Winner B. f. bv Sir Hercules— Ohio Belle rained by H. Henry. Went to imst at 2:10. At i.ost 4 minutes. Start bad. Won driving: second and third Hie sani. • Seattle from a Hying start, ran in Ian pursuit of the leaders to the stretch, then came tfcroagS uiincly In 1he laM quarter made good in a whipping finish and is very promising. Trance, from a flying Start, i. ide the miming, but went ver.- aide and lost enough ground to lieat her. Coppit was held at the |»-l and ha I no ehai with tt* start, but closed an immense gap and probably was bast. Lady Marlinez wa- s sjiecdy. but tired in Hie stretch drive. Alice Collins dosed a big gap. Kcraldwd 72.595 Colliee. I OS; -.■; -,. t. 10. overweights — Bonsaline. 1 ponad. __ i700/l n fHIKH ItACi: F-.tturity Course. 17oleet less than .".4 mile. 71K17 1 :0S 2 99. Ott«V Pur-e 00. 4 year -olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 4 M. jTTIl ] lorscs ~ A"l IISt 4 t 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners II C P S _ 72SM TRIUMPHANT wu 4 P.:: I Z l!l= 1-1 V .1 McIntyreKceiie Bros I H 1651 M - •!-• c PTIN HI "UM-riT w 5 Um; i :. g J* 3 3»I P.rady 11 A otton I 12 11 •■ J-J 725l» HFLll-J KINNKV WB fi 100 i, 1 2* V 2- "? T Rice II . Bed well 9 5 2 2 I J-l r! -:T 4". Moreland B Trotter 4 4 41 MM .7 "N l IM I WU5KIS 2 f. U 4« 4« "-••1m; wV.dl M ■ 1 l" I 4-" " * Walsh ApplegateandCofn 41 I -C f* W . | dy VERA wsb 4 : 7 E I BfBr.4pwm.Jsjo Csrronj ■ QTBrlaa 12 12 12 k . ■■ Time. 1:13. Winner B c bv Gcrolsteiu Erratum trained by W. Reedi. W. nt to post at 2:34. At i« t r, miautes. Start good. Won easily; SMMSi driving: third the same. Ti uiiipl mi wis neat along .to net the pace and. despite running in the heavy inside going, drew oat t , ,.u ,h,i U,,M m his ri.ler plea -d. -Lowing ■ Sail I fill form tMlay. Captain P.urnell broke -lowly and d ,, ,j, ,1 j„ Hie early rniuiing. then ■lo- ,1 a big gap in the last half. Belle Kinney, alter running do- • up P lo the leader for three furlong-, tired, but held on BreU in the dosing drive. Excitement broke -lowly I ,nd Improved hi iM.siti.Hi steadily. Wortlms. away poorly, ran well up for the brat quarter and retired. i j ,,!, .,, after forward early pnr-i.it ot the leader-, dn.ppi d out at BhC hair and was thought to have tank. 11 down. The winner wa- eaten 1 for . »00; no bill. overweights— Belle Kinney, 1 pcuud; Excitement, u. P I J -• 7: i, ij A. h J t| ■ : 7 ? , i 7 j . 1 ■ I 1 7 1 7 J f o a as z P7rt£JPT«r FOTRTII RACE— I 3-16 Miles. 5: ::s-1 :59 -3— 108. Purse ,0tMi. 3 year-olds I JqQV/ and upwaul. Ilindicap. Net value to winner . *. lnd Hoi-ses AWItrPStSt % "H Sir Fill Jockeys Owners « II C P 3 72523 A. MlisTvODAY wis I 110 4 4 I- l» P l:!i I3 li McClain M A Dodge 2 7 6 2 3-5 72631 GROMOBOI ws I 19 2 3 21 2J 35 21 2- 23 J Hayes Keene Bros 12 12 10 3 1 7254DMASSA w 6 105 3 2 3l 31. 2and 3J 3i 35 Keogh D A Ross 11-514-511-53-5 out 72503UACOMO w 4 101 1 1 41 4- 4= 4* 4» 410 J MclntjTe C C McCafferty 2.J 2J 9-5 4-5 out 7"470 LEGATEE WB 6 99 5»5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Hhfrton H O Bedwell 5 7 4 17 20 Time. 27:. 54s. 1:19*. l:4C»j, 2:K?S. Winner -Ch. h. by Meadow thorpe- Black Bessie trained by O. W. BMlge. Went to [lost at 2:58. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. Muskoday made the ridiculously slow running undisturbed and stale I winning lead on the Baekfltreteh, but tired and just lasted the .journey, dioiiioboi ran in the deeiie-t going, was wailed with loo loaf and jiot failed to get up after sw-ving all over the stretch. Massy, after being hard held far in the rear, closed an immense gap. but failed to get up and his race should be thrown out. Jaeouio. badly served by the slow pace, was decisively outsi .rlotad in the last half. Legatee seemingly was unable to raise a ic-pectable gallop. Scratched— 71927Miss Rillie, VI5; 7259S:!Treasnre Seeker. 93. Overweights — Hromoboi. 2 poeuds: Jacomo. ■.; Legatee. 2: Massa. 1. 0ftrt1 FIFTH RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 09580—1:45—4—99. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds and up-500 JL ward. Selling. Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWtPPStt ? "t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7257S:MANLATOR W I 109 4 4 l2 1»1 1« 1-1 1- W Miller H E Rowall 7 -104-513-201-3 1-6 7L560-RAMCS w 5 103 3 5 22 2- V 2*1 2 R Davis T H Stevens 4 4 3 2 5 1-3 7aG*0*PURY w 6 101 7 S V. 4* 3*J 3«| J»* Mentry G P McNeil 8 12 12 2J 6-5 72SSS FLAlNT wll 108 8 7 6" 6* 4" 4* 4-J. Moreland S P Tate 15 60 60 12 4 7259S GRAPHITE Wis 6 106 S 3 51* 5J 6° 5"k o- F Hbrand SieiraNevadaSta 10 16 12 1 6-5 71926 ROYAL RED w 6 107 2 1 7" 72° 7-n 6i 6s Borel G II Demming 20 100 100 20 ! 72557»GALVB8TONlAN w 4 104 1 :.» | El 7" 7: Finnegan Maple Stable 20 3l M 7 tt 72JS7 DANIEL C. w t: 5 106 6 S 8 I I 8 8 Sandy E Dealy 20 50 50 s 4 Time. S|, 52*. 1:1Si. 1 :45i, 1:53. Winner— B. h, by Maddisoti — Flainiigo trained by 11. K. Rowell. Went lo post at .".:22. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily: second driving: third the. same. Mandator drew out on the first turn and won all the way uuexten.led. Ramus was the iieare-t and only urloSJS contender throughout and is Sa extra good form. Fury ran in forward pursuit from the slarl and vns a fast going and close up thud. Flaunt is improving and was unexpectedly well up all the way. Graphite was pocketed and ■■Shared on the far turn in heavy irning. Royal Red finished well. Calve-loiiian showed earlv speed, lint fatted to sliiv. Ihe winner was entered for »0O; no hid. Scratched— 72505 Magrane. 100; 72029 Ethel Abbott. 109; 724X4 Have Weber. 101; 72521 Benvolio. 111. Overweights — Plaunt. 2 pounds- Poyal Red. 1. SIXTH RACK-5 1-2 Furlongs. 720:U»— 1 4tj -0— 1 t . Purse 00. .! year olds. 700 j£l O O 1 Allowances. Net value to winner .*::25. luil Horses AWtPPSt U L- ."4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 5 II 0 P S~~ 725m HILLY MYER w 103 S 1 2s 111il3 R Davis .1 M Crane I 4i 4 S535 7256l3I AREINiTON W 105 7 0 3»* 3J 2s 2s McClain W P Magrane I 5 I I I I :: I I I 7S3S I/ RD FILIGRANE WB !:4 3 7 9 81 5it 33 Fulton S Emery 25 30 30 8 3 72501 BONHEUR W 100 I 2 1J V 3- 4* T Rice Franklin Stable 8-5 13-513-59-102 5 70093 BANNOCK BOB ■ 99 5 I .",u 6J 61 51 Hherton B Schreiber 5 12 12 5 q Hi95l-1RISH MTKE W 106 6 5 43 4" 4- Onk A Willins R R Rice Jr 30 50 50 20 7 076U6 HIMERO w 93 1 8 6J .3 7- 7J J Butler T H Williams 25 25 13 4 2 72417 STEFAXO ws 95 4 9 tfl I S3 82i King Myers i- Paddock-M lnO 100 4i» 2t 71S74 VANNA ws 97 2 4 7f. 72 9 9 Gilbert J E Hoppas M Si 60 20 lo Time. 24-. 52*. 1:11ft, Winner — B. g. by Fresno — Pleasant Sail trained by .1. Dtxoa. Went to ivist at 3:52. At iM st "■ minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Billy Myer. from a gnod start, ran in forward pursuit of Bonheur and. passing her, drew out in the last quarter aad won as his rider pleased. Dareiugton. a slow beginner, was outpaced for the lir-f. quarter and closed up well in the last half, but wis a tiring and stumbling second. Lord Filigrane began slowly, but closed an immense gap in the last naif. Bonheur outbroke and outpaced the others for the first three fin longs, but quit badly and unexpectedly. Bannock Bah, probably short, is a good looker and held bis own for the first half. Iri.-h Mike showed early speed. BsniteN loomed up well mi the far turn and quit if short. Scratched — 70820 Ormuz. 95. Overweights — Billy Myer, 4 sasjnflsj Lord Filigrane, 2: Bannock Bob. 4: Irish Mike. 4: Humeri. 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908011001/drf1908011001_3_6
Local Identifier: drf1908011001_3_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800