untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-18


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♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 I NEW LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB ! | "CHURCHILL DOWNS." ♦ X CHAS. F. GRAINGER, President. LYMAN H. DAVIS, Secretary. ML " J. WINN, Vice President and Manager. H. C. APPLEGATE, Treasurer J ♦ ♦ , , ♦ The Debutante Stakes for 1908. The Bluegrass Stakes for 1908. ♦ ♦ THE DEBUTANTE STAKES.— For two year old fillip. £W HM_ J» ■ _— MH THE BLUEGRASS STAKES. -For three-year-olds that ♦ t" aecompam thi nominatiou; : : i additional to start. ,000 I Jw± IA Lg t have nol wmi a sweepstakes or two races of any kind pr;or Ay k added, of which 00 to second and .*1"0 to third. Winners of 9 I P W L ___ 4M the closing of this stakes. to accompany the nomination; _T a sweepstakes to carry I lbs.; of two, 5 lbs. extra. Maidens $ 0 additional to start. ,000 added, of which ?200 to second _*" ▼ allowed 5 lb . Four Furlongs. g- m n and 00 to third. Weight, 112 lbs. Winners of a sweep- ▼ Ay ■ ** " stakes or of two races after February 1, 1908 selling purses 4t Ay The Bashford Manor Stakes for 1908. _ _ __ . __ excepted, to carry 5 ibs. extra. Miiiiiiiiminfc Ay THE BASHFORD MANOR STAKES. -For two-year-old ~ W E |_# I |M £« S;Ven Furl°nBs- colts and goldimrs. to accompany the nomination: 0 addt- B * ♦ T XU I " "II O*. I u * ,ono tional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and 00 Wk M Wm Wm ■■■ I Ik I 0%. I he I OUISVIlIC otCCplCCliaSB lOT l«9UO. ▼ Ay to third. Winners of a sweepstakes to carry 3 lbs.; of two. r- mg* i" K* 1 1 IJ C_| THE LOUISVILLE STEEPLECHASE. A Handicap for ♦ Ay ll.s. extra. Maidens allowed 0 lbs. Four and a Half Furlongs. lW I La baa I I I V4 three year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; Ay ▲ .O additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second X The Juvenile Stakes for 1908. a _~ g+ q and *io° to *»** fourth to save stakp- weights to be an- j X W° f° ",e °f "" _,nne" *ft~ T 7 O TJff THE JUVENILE STAKES.-A Selling Sweepstakes for J __T__! _? _* F , ___ , weights " are posted to carry 5 lbs. extra. Four or more horses B T two year «ilds. ,.„.., $. to accompany A, the nomination: », •».« . o0 additional ,,_ , , T ~ t ... . of different interest to start or the race may be declared off. «. k ,», ,„ ,j j .««, j, «,/ r to start. Sl.iMHl added, of » which 00 to second and 00 * to r . _. . . . — Full _,,„., Course, About - Two „., Miles. ♦ third. „,,,„,.. J he winner to »_ be sold at A auction. , „., Those entered to be y _ k sold for ,500 to carry weight for age. Allowances: 2 lbs. for L ♦ each .50 to ,500: then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00; then 2 TMC LOIHSX MIC HaHdJCap f 01 1908. X lbs. for each 0 to 00. Starters, with selling prices, to be /llCfl KDI1T UPkl/ I IP Till/ ▼ , , ,, T . ,. /-IIOU lvllLUl lV I/Vl UV THE LOUISVILLE HANDICAP.— For three-year olds and ♦ „ * .i r i ♦! -»- w» • named throturli the entry box. at the usual hour of closing, the — »«ww«w»»j "J » *" ° U ■■■Ml ih* nomination; 0 additional to ▼ ▲ day prior to the race, and those so named will be liable for the - .• . i i T starting fee. Five Furlongs. ailll KPlltlinliV fialiSi start. ,250 added, of which 00 to second and to third. V . UIIU llVlltllUlj vUllO Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the 4 ♦ The Clark Handicap r for 1908. e mnn wwHffi""ITs;! at ,;l,e- °"rhr **" a mmmJt£Z ♦ TAl* |v|ll -l weights arc posted, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. T ♦ THE CLARK HANDICAP.— For three year-olds and up- I Ul MJJ%/ Ay ward. 0 to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to Ak JL start. ,500 added, of which 00 to second and 50 to third. TIlC KCHtUCkV Derby fOr 1909. ♦ Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the a___B .▲. ♦ _. „ .. . , _ • _ .. ■,-_, THE THIRTY-FIFTH „.„,....,,.,.„, RUNNING OF , ™, THE KENTUCKY ♦ race. winners of a race, ether than a selling purse, after . ,, . .,,.,., T Ak ♦ „ • u, . . - ,w wr,,,-.., DERBY. — For three-year-olds ■ foals of 1000. $. »- to accompany ▲ ■*-— .-««»- T0 CL0SE the nomination; 5 to be paid May 1. 10,S: 0 to be paid J ▼ - March 1, 1000. 00 additional to start. The value of the ▼ 1-a. ar ■ wr «_ ai ■ , -— - - C*A m. J— flL- stakes to be 1908.sh,000, of which fclM to second and $.".00 to thir.l. ♦ The Frank Fehr Stakes for 1908. J SmllTlmV rPhrilflrV 1 c-oitstocarr,-mibs.: m . no ..,. .: miies, u-i.-s. m, k/UHIl VlU 1 V l/l UU1 M, X THE FRANK FEHR STAKES.— A Selling Sweepstakes for J J J winners of a three-year-old HM of the value of ,500 ■B»W»i X X Ihree-yenr-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; fi Hs. ; maidens, 12 lbs. One Mile and a Quarter. ▼ 0 additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second ▼ A and 00 to third. The winner to be sold by auction. Those Tho KontupLi/ flnLc fnr IQAQ ▼ entered to be sold for ,000 to carry weight for age; if on I IIC lt5IH.UOKy UClKS IOr liJUa. i J tered to be sold for ,000, 4 lbs. below the scale, then 1 lb. D«¥«»»A« C/IAil *TlA CCHA THE THJBTY-FIFTH RUNNING OF THE KENTUCKY J ▼ alloy d each 00 to ,000, then 1 lb. allowed for each I lirSvSa V lUU QuQ JjUU OAKS.— For three-year-old fillies foals of 190C. to accom- ▼ Ay 00 to 00. Winners of a sweepstakes after March 15, 1008. pany the nomination; 0 to be paid May 1, 1908; 5 to be Ay 4 n»t to be entered to be sold for less than ,400. Start. is. HandlCaDS TZAA A ffTAA , aii Marcl1 1- 1! oft- 0° additional 1o start. The value of the Ay ♦ v.iili selling; price, to !•■■ named through the entry box. at the EVCrV DaV wOUU IDA v/UU stakes to he ,000, of which 00 to second and 50 to third. a usual hour of closing, the diy prior to the race, and those so Non-winners of a three-year-old race of the value of ,000 Ay named will be liable for the starting fee. One Mile. ____ ___ _____ ___ _________. allowed 5 His.; maidens, 12 li .-. One Mile and a Sixteenth. Ay ♦ ♦ + ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS AND ENTRIES TO ♦ % LYMAN H. DAVIS, Secretary, - - r LOUISN/ILLE, KY. ♦ VVVVSVVVVSVVVVV»AiNVVVVV I One Horse a Day ! | Friday. CONSISTENT 3-1 Won I Thursday, CRAFTY . 6-1 Lost I | Wedn day, COLLOQUY 9-10 Won | | Tuesday, 00NALU0 . 2-1 2nd I Monday, ZIPANGO . 4-5 2nd f K Bi;; profits made playing this series. J C Write for our monthly statement, showing J C results of a flat bet and pnn.ll win play. J | Terms for Wires: .00 Weekly. | | REYNOLDS and CO., | # 402 Godchaux Bldg , New Orleans, La. J I -WOOD-0 I X Room 312, 59 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. 4 1 X Turf Ratings Best Bet: tlnk 145 Use i T Issue No. 26— out today. 4t ■ T Turf Reporters Special: 6-44-38-26-12-20- T . T 16-18 Use Book No. 163. T X Y.steidays Dailv One Horse Wire was: it :| CL0YNE 8 1 W0MH m Re - r.l of our new man at Oakland: ► t 17 Wires: 12 Won, 4 Second, 1 Scratched. J 00 D?r wire ! TERMS : S5.00 Six Wires. O t Nuff Said. || WHY PAY MONEY FOB WIRES Z GIVING LOSING FAVORITES i AS "INFORMATION"? 5 I Less than twenty fKT cent, of them are win S niiiji- We are npilelile boefemtken fetac ■ business here daily; set every workout, and f are in clos.- timcli with the liettin; rinir. a — We s.-nd OCCASIONAL thirty days for : J S DAILY WIRE tliiitv day-: for . Our i 5 WEEKLY TURF LIST gaTe: POLAR STAR. * J 20-1. WON: DEBAR. 6-1. WON: SEA SALT. • • 2-1, WON; FRESCATI, 50-1, 3rd: CRAFTY. • • 6-1, 2nd: BEATRICE K., 30-1, 3rd: etc. 9 9 s.eii.1 stamp for free copy and parti.-tilir • ■ OH system. 9 | DAVIDS and CO., I | 509 Godchaux Bld_, New Orleans. La. • Or muz 3-4 Won was our sjie.i.il and ouly httSC sent out. Our Next .00 Occasional Goes Monday, Jan. 20. MUST WIN OR NEXT ONE FREE. Bzpeel this occasional to conn, home like TIVOLINI. 9 to 2, on Tlmrs.ln. DONT OVERLOOK THIS ONE. BOYLE and CO., 706, 112 South Clark Street, CHICAGO. The Standard Turf Guide, ROOM 212. 59 -DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. Saturdays Form Special: July Grape 24-10-7-76-16-20-3-82. A nice one r.porte.1 under •"Horses to Follow" in new i sii.- of the STANDARD" — just out. CLOYNE ; . 8-1 WON NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street. Chicago, 111. Saturdays Special: Arizona, Morgan. Merchant, Robin. .00 per month. 25 cents per copy.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908011801/drf1908011801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1908011801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800