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DAILY RACING FORM mUm DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Pllhll- In IS Of THE AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION CALENDAR Otllclal MfWi of THE AMERICAN TUB* ASSOCIATION. A Pally Bellectlon of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor nml MRMM W. H. Bruuell. Associate Editor. Clinton C. RUey. Secretary, Mrs. F. H. Brunell. 124 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. Filtered ;is second class in:itiT April 2, lS.lli. :il tin- |k.s1 ,itH,v :il Chicago. Illinois, under the Art of Maich .:. Is7:». COPYRIGHTED. Entered according to net of Congress. In the year l!HiS. by Krauk It. Ilniii.-ll. In tin- olllrc of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, I . C. U. S. A. WW COPIES | CENTS. TERMS. . IVr Month S l.fiO Half eur t».K One Year 17.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed let lets tirst class mall. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to Bend single eo|iles as first-class mail In all cases. Local subscriptions— outside the down-town district -will be declined at other than first class mall matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid In advance. To be considered aud answered, all queries to Daily Kacing Form must be scut over the full name and with address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local aud foreign directory teM. ST. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE. M NORTH RROADWAY. M T. Murphv. .cnerul Agent. Lseal and Lung Distance Olive 11S8. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, o.. OFFICE. 7H0 MAIN STREET. V. S. Manns. Ccneral Agent. Telephone Canal 1X77.1 Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. dftboit. Mien.: U Qraiop, 72 W. Congress Street. Tel. Main 3252. Copies delivered wlthiu mile circle. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS, JANUARY l!». 1008.