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RACING COMMISSION FAILS TO ALLOT DATES. Lexington. Ky.. January .".L--Ha meeting of the State Pacing Commission was held htfc today and vi,|. inly BO official call was issned. Messrs. Milton Young and Louis Des Coguets. both of wheat reside beie, were the only members of the commission in. the city today. Mr. Young expecled that u meeting would lie held and was surprised that he had not rcooived the official tiotice. - "When Chairman Galea was here last week he told me that Ihe as sociations al l.ouisv Die ami I.atonia were anxious lo have their dates arranged so that they might peeeeed regahurly with advertisements for their spring mcelings." said Colonel Young this aftei-BOpa. "He asked me If Friday would suit me for i meeting of the commission and I told him it ivoi.ld. He then said he would have the secret arc issue a call for a meeting today. It may be that Secretary House is out of the state. I understood that he would have some matters that would demand his attention in the east alxmt this time." No one here is iu a iiosition to say just when, the meeting will be held.