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MID RACING AT CITY PARK. J i RAIN SPOILS THE GOING AND LEADS TO UNEXPECTED RESULTS. Redgauntlet Vindicates His Recent Good Form and Wins the Chief Race — Hammock Boy Outstays I Craftsman — Ketchemike in Front. Now Orleans. I.a.. January "1. — The fields at Cit.v Park today WCt* niulcriiilly reduced l y | •eratehee, tin- ebeege iii the going betas responsible l.«i- i In- withdrawal at twenty six out of the nintiy | horses cnlored. The u ack although heavy had :i luird hoilom. which made the fooling fairly good. • A majority of the race* furnished stirring contests and Hie winners in two of Ihein were iu douht until the official ptaetag was displayed. The liest field thai wont to the post during the d:iy vi:;rliil in the fourth rare, a mile condition affair, lor Which the liurli-w salt, Angolus. was .made favorite. Lad at Langdon and First Premium. bath recent winners, also had a following. The raaajlt proved a rawphtr surprise, the tiuish finding Bodgauntlct and ri:uitlan l fighting it out with he former first Ihhuo by a scant length. The ivvo year -old ran furnished a nose finish be-tweea Ilaniuiock Boy and Craftsman, in which the funnel- just succeeded in getting up in time in pafce his nose in front. Craftsman simply revelled iu the going, hut tired in lite stretch run. ThCCC was | stampede to get ahoard Milford when the lulling ope neu lor the s-coiid race. .Milford . Iwtcf shown well n .li- easi aiwl was supposed to lie VS. goiHl thing. had ilie mount and enough nii.iiey was wagered at tlie track lo force hi» imIiIs from 2 to 1 to t; to .". When it came to the running .Milford was never dangerous. He dropped into fifth position aaaa after the start and remained ileie lint ; 1 the last sixteenth, where he managed ka improve hi- paattJaa ji.s; one Batch. Koyal Onyx won the sixth ran iii a eanter from Avaiinteer. The la-! named led until the last lifiy a:d- before be quit. When entering the !i..nn siieieii Chief Hayes li.dted and the finish found liini next to the outside feme. Had Martin kept him straight he would nrolialdy have won. Aib sso nuiganied Warner QlhmtB iii the seventh race and beat him bj three parts of a leagtb This pair raa head aad head far three rut-longs. No* tor lodged ■ claim of foul. Inn it was not •l!..«ed. Adesso was bearing out at the end and ranled Wanier GrfsweJl with iiim. The bitter was jM.ilen at the time. s. it cut no figure in the re suit. Before the raeea today Fred Bur lea made Bab Foi-Mihe an Offer for the two war-old Warden. whieh wa* refeeed. Barlew weated to gei the colt so Unit Mi -Daniel could ride and had be succeeded in datag at be would have wagered eaeagh to win iiim out. After tlu- race Bnrlow wis well pleeagd tliat his offer had beea refused, or Warden ran ■ -.i 1 1 ■• •• 1 1 1 i nil race. 1. Dunne sold Knvoy after his race the other day t.i W. Koi inaii. The j lie- paid was |M0l Boyal onyx war baaateri to s; l . r. k » by Sam l.ouis •ifier tie won the sixt.i race. Tlie horse was pro •eetiil and 1-oiiglit iii bj hi- owner. Xarkeya Muleahy and Alex were fined ." each fot striktag each Other With their whips during the I liailirc "f the third race. John Madi-an. the well known western turfman. ■.••it in from Houston. Texas, yi slerday and will remain over at several days. Mr. Madigan is inter rated lb the owaerehta af the Fort Krie track and he will ::■ nortli shortly to arrange for the giving ii i of ■ ioiiii"Ht for improving the place. BpeekJag of the story which has beea atari eat arhlefa quotes I .nee Jieiidrie as saving lhat lie would advocate the paeeaee of ■ fifteen day hill iu the Ontario proeterial parBaaaeat, Mr. Madbraa aera: "I al ways have admired Mr. Hendrie and eonsider what ever he aoea will be for the beet latin lie of racing and nor far his own peraeaal henetit. Mr. llMiiie and his aaaeetatea ceetraBtd the Fori Krie plant or a number of years and if mem orj serves ni right they raced almut 10O days one simnier at that track. The inning meeiing al Port BHa a ill be the shortest held there in sj years, in previous years the Panncr Hendrie track . i Windsor raced in opposition to the Keailworth meeting and they always elaimed that the confliel did not hurt either track. 1 understand thai Mr. Hendrie has purchased 7,000 worth of stock in the New Buffalo Jin-key Chrh, which now controls Kenilworth. but I dont suppose that this would have any hearing on the stand which he now takes in refusing to race against the Buffalo course. 1 niter Fanners and Hendrie s eontrol. the ring at Fort Krie lias always heap a eradicate one. last eaeaa they extended their meetini: so that it con dieted with lhat at Montreal. We do not want • oilfiiels and will avoid them if we CM. Another thing which the aewaaaaen have not beea giving is credit for is that we propoee to da away with I nilieate methods at Fort Brie and throw the ring open lo all re.putahh bookmakers."