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; - f ! r I- GREATEST TRAINER OF MODERN TIMES. Outstanding Features in the Career of John Porter — His Services to Sir Joseph Hawley, Not long ago Daily Racing Form published a ahulaiion of the winnings of horses trained by fohn Porter in the course of his long and distin-ralshed career iii England. Porter has retired from raining, but no man in England is more in the inlilic eye or more esteemed. Reviewing bis great •areer as a trainer "Vigilant of London Sportsman ■nteiestingiy says: "When John Porter was appointed private trainer ii the late Sir Joseph Hawley. in succession to Manning, in IMS, the Kiugsclere establishment was, o say the bast. prhBittfe. The residence was little nore Ihan a collage, the •table* snug hut unpreten-iivis. Laag before he retired from the profession ie for so lii.-n.y years adorned all had been changed. The cottage bad grown into a mansion, the stables lieen replaced Uy new and up-to-date boxes md stalls, and the surrounding grounds had been •ultivatid into a horticultural paradise. Sir Joseph tawhy was undoubtedly one of the cleverest men rha ever adopted the turf as a hobby, and although e never had a long string in training he had many rood horses, and won many of the principal races. So far as Porters association with him was con •erneil. the most remarkable season was that which • iitrodueed the three two-year-olds. Blue Gown, tesicrucian and Creen Sleeve, which were all of the list class and of wl ich the first named eventually .von a aaeaewbat sensational Derby, concerning the lettliag over which Messrs. Steel and Peach could "11 a* startling tale of had treatment, for which, •.owever tin- owner was iii no way responsible, luring the eleven years of their alliance Porter rainel. inclusive of Pero Goeaea, which won tlie St. -eg..-, iffy-nine winners of 126 races, worth 363,595, lor S!r Joseph, and many huge coups were .anded. but Blue Cowns Derby was not one of them. In due course .Mr. T. K. Walker, Mr. F. Cretton. Mr. John iretron, Mr. Broderick Cloete, Sir Frederick Johnstone and Lord Alington — in partnership — Lord Portsmouth, and tlie Duke of Westminster eea:iie palions of the stable, and from 1S86 to IKfH John Porter had the honor of training for His Majesty. Hun H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. Numerous good horses came under his charge, as. for example. Mr. F. Jrettons Isonomy, one of the beat sta.vers of all time, and Pageant, while for Lard Stamford he prepared a-winner of the Oaks in Jeheimuiss. for Sir Frederick Johnstone and Lord ABagtea such classic celebrities as St. P.laise. Common. Tluoslle. and possibly even a better thau any of these in the unfortunate Friars Balsam, and for Mr. B. Cloete. Paradox. P.arou dc Hirsch had but a limited number of horses at Kings •lere. ltd i La Fleche was a host in herself. "It was. however, for the late Duke of Westminster that the retired veteran achieved his great est success, for in the first year of that connec lion. Shotover won the Two Thousand Cuiueas and Derby, and in 1s.s."i Farewell scored in the One Thousand Guineas. The following year will always be famous in Ihe annals of turf history as that of the mighty Ormonde, which won the Guineas. Derby aud St. Legcr in turn and iu fact was never heateu in public, though it is on record that hi once had to play second fiddle when Kendal defeated him in a home rial. Another triple-crowneil hero whieh carried the popular yellow and black ap was Flying Fox iu 1SS 9, and in the ensuing -pring, after Hie lamented death of his princely owner and breeder. Ihe son of Orme and Vampire was sold for the unprecedented price of .."iX . and forthwith sent to France. Porter havim wisely declined Ihe responsibility of training Iiim lo win the Ascot odd up. "A curious incident in connection with that memorable sab- was recently related to me. II appears that the late Sir P.luiidell Maple and M. Plane tossed for the choice to bid, and the spin of the coin having turned in favor of the latter, lie out slaved all oilier opposition and got him at the figure named. Had inn that agreement been niail-between them, there is no Idling what sum would have been required to buy The Fox. for both wci . determined buyers when their fancy was touched. "Strange lo relate, the Duke of Westminster never won the Ihiks. though Sholover doubtless would have iioue so had not her stable companion. Ceheimniss. been so much her superior that she stood ih wn in her favor in lss2. That was a year remarkable for the superiority of fillies over the colts, and all the classic races fell to animals of that sex. St. Marguerite having made up tin-series in the One Thousand Guineas. It had almost escaped me to mention that Sainfoin, having been purchased from his joint owners, tlie late Sir Rob ert Jardine and John Porter, shortly previous, won .for the late Sir James Miller the Derby, which fell to the share of Kiugsclere no fewer than seven times. To these were added five victories in the Two Thousand Guineas, two in tlie One Thousand. three in the Oaks, and six in the St. I.eger, so that John Porters classic record must be admitted something lo be proud of. Moreover, as regards the Blue Uiiiand. Pero Gomez and Paradox, which were respectively ■beaten by Pretender and Melton. would both have won in one stride past the post instead of having been beaten by the narrow margin of a head. "In addition to the great races aliove detailed. Kingsch-re can boast four winners of the Ascot BaM Cup in Blue Gown. Isonomy twice!, and William the Third, two winners of the Prim ess of —_____ Continued on second pafe. ! GREATEST TRAINER OF MOLERN TIMES. i Continued from first page. Wales Stakes Newmarket, in I,e Var ami Flying Vox Bullingdon just missed that prize l y a head lo Isinglass in. the year of its introduction!. Ire winners of the K.-lipse Slakes at Sandown Iark in Orbit. Ornie itwicol. Flying Fox and Parley Dale, and two winners of the Jockey Club Stakes a I Newmarket in Flying Fox and Iiotermaritzhurg. Befeinl at tempts were made to win the Grand Prize of Paris, but only one proved successful, lnunely. when Paradox won in 1S*C , St. Bhiise and Match Box each in turn having had to be content with second place."