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ORDER OF FOALING OF DERBY WINNERS. An interesting thing to many breeders is to see bow the various Derby winners come out as regards foaling, says "Audax" in Hors ■ and Hound. The most successful are second foals, twenty-three of them having won the blue riband, they being Aim-well. Attila, Ayshire. Blair Athol. Blucher, Cossack. Didelot. Ellington. Frederick, Hermit, John Bull. Kingcraft, Melton. Orlando. Phantom, Prince Leopold. .Sainfoin, Sergeant, Shotover, Spearmint, Tiresias. West Australian and Whalelione. Second on the list follow the third foals, they numbering eighteen, and consisting of Audover. Azor, Blue Gown. Cardinal Beaufort, Doiicaster. Donovan, Eleanor. Election. Flying Fox. Gladlateur, Octavius, Orby, Khadamanthus, St. Gatien. St. Giles, Sir Henry. Surplice and Teddington. The fourth, fifth and seventh foals tie for third place, each being responsible for fifteen winners, the fourth being Champion. Cremorne, Emilius. Fidget colt. The Flying Dutchman, George Frederick. Gustavus. Hannibal, Kisber. Merry Hampton, Mundig, Noble. Persimmon, Pyrrhus the First and Sir Bevys; whilst the fifth fouls are Beadsman. Cadland, Cedric. Cicero, Coronation. Ditto. Galtee More. Lapdog, HMM, 9 Ormonde. St. Amant. Sir Visto. Skyscraper. Sniol-ensko and Tyrant. The thirteen sixth consist of Common, Daedalus. Dangerous. Eager. Harvester, Iroquois, Middleton. Sailor. St. Blaise. Saltram, Vol-tiguer, Waxy and V. Eclipse and svenlh are Amato, Bay Middleton. Blooinsbury. Diomed, Isin glass. Kettledrum, LorJJ Lyon. Merry Monarch. Musjid. Pan. Pope, Sefton. Sir Hugo. Sir Peter Tea-ale and Whisker. Then thcr.- have been nine eighth foals victorious, they consisting of Assassin. Bend Or. Blink Bonny. Diamond Jubilee. Phosphorus. llenopotentiury. Spaniel. Tliormanby and Volody-ovski and tin tenths are Archduke. Caractacus, l.adas. Macaroni. Priam, Sam and Silvio. The first foal winners are Daniel oRourke. Favonius. Hock Sand. Spread Eagle and Wild Dayrell: and the twelfth, Cotherstone, Gaiopin and Mameluke; Ard Patrick and Jcddah the ninth; Little Wonder and Sir Thomas were eleventh foals, Paris a fifteenth and Pretender u sixteenth foal.