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WESTERN CANADA TURF CLUB FORMED. The meeting held at Moose Jaw. Assiniboia, February 12 for the purpose of organizing a racing circuit in western Canada, resulted in the formation of the Western Canada Turf Association, which will promote and control racing in that section. The association proposes to distribute ,000 In purses each day of racing at the smaller meetings and ,200 to ,500 a day in the larger towns. The officers of the association are: Alfred Moody. Calgary, president: Dr. A. V. Bell. Winnipeg, vice-president: W. M. Mclntyre, Moose Jaw. secretary treasurer; F. H. Martin. C. A. Holesworth and J. K. Erratt. advisory committee. The following schedule of dates has lieon arranged, with other towns to be provided for: Cranbrook. May 22 to 23; Calgary, May 25 to 26; Red Deer. May :!0; Lacombe, June 5 to 6; Weta-skiwin, June 12 to l." ; Edmonton. June 15 to 2» ; Calgary. June 20 to July 9: Winnipeg. July 9 to 17; MacLeod, July 11: Lcthbridge, July 16 to 18; Bran don. July 19 to 24; Medicine Hat, July 21 to 22; Maple Creek. July 25: Weyburn, July 27 to 28; Moose Jaw. July .50 to August 1; Wolseley, August 5; Indian Head. August 7 to S; Regina. August 11 to 15: Saskatoon, August 21 to 22; Prince Albert. August 28 to 29; Battleford, September 1 to 2: Edmonton. September 5 to 12; Calgary, September 14 to 19: lcthbridge. September 22 to 23; Cranbrook. September 25 to 20. It is probable that dates will be arranged so that Victoria and Vancouver will open and close the season. The Standard of Regina, Assiniboia, in speaking of the meeting held in the neighboring city of Moose Jaw February 12, for the purpose of organizing a jockey club in the northwest, says: "The meeting called at Moose Jaw to consider the formation of a western turf association decided upon an ambitions scheme which, if carried out, will result in the establishment in western Canada of a jockey club along lines similar to those adopted in New York and other American states. The idea is to take in the four western provinces. British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and to commence the racing circuit at Cranbrook on May 22. completing the tour at the same place on September 26. Officers were elected for the pur-l»ose of bringing the organization into lieing. and it was decided to place a travelling representative on the road to further the plans of the association. It is expected that all the larger towns of the west will join the circuit."