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JAMES R KEENES FORMIDABLE STABLE The fiftythree horses which trainer James Rowc has at the big James It Keene stables at Sheeps head Bay this spring will be the observed of all observers whenever they appear under the colors of white and blue spots of the vicechairman of the Jockey Club Last year Mr Keene eclipsed all previous records in America or Europe for amount of money won in stakes and purses with his match ¬ less band of thoroughbreds During the past five years the stable has earned the enormous sum of 990043 and Mr Kccne for the past three years has led American owners and experts predict that the thirtysix twoyearolds of royal breeding and the seventeen older horses will add greater renown to this already famous racing establishment establishmentThe The names color age and sex of the fiftythree thoroughbreds which will represent Mr Keene on the metropolitan tracks this season are as follows followsBallot Ballot ch c 4 by Voter Cerito CeritoBesom Besom b g 3 By Ben Brush Noonday NoondayCabochon Cabochon b c 4 by Disguise Bonnie Gem GemCelt Celt eh c 3 by Commando Maid of Erin ErinChaplet Chaplet br g o by Ben Brush Hosegarlaud HosegarlaudColin Colin br c 3 by Commando Pastofella PastofellaDefiant Defiant b c 3 by Commando Biturica BituricaGretua Gretua Green br g 4 by Ben Brush Runaway Girl GirlPeter Peter Quince ch c 3 by Commando Fair Vision VisionPhilander Philander br g 4 by Ben Brush Pink Domino DominoRed Red Bonnet ch f 3 by St Simonian Reckon ReckonRestigouche Restigouche blk g3 by Commando Dancing Water WaterSandal Sandal b f 3 by Disguise Fairy Slipper SlipperSingaiwre Singaiwre b c 3 by Disguise Citronella CitronellaSuperman Superman ch c 4 by Commando Anomaly AnomalyTransvaal Transvaal b c 3 by Commando Royal Rose RoseZambesi Zambesi ch c 4 by Commando Rhoflcsia TwoYearOlds TwoYearOldsAffliction Affliction br f by Meddler Heartache HeartacheApron Apron ch f hy Voter Gingham GinghamCasque Casque b c by Ben Brush Rosegarland RosegarlandDeity Deity ch f by Disguise Isis IsisEsperanto Esperanto ch c by Disguise Anomaly AnomalyFairy Fairy Sprite ch f by Voter Cinderella CinderellaFootpad Footpad br c by Disguise Fairy Slipper SlipperFootpath Footpath b f toy Ben Brush Swiftfoot SwiftfootGlorification Glorification ch f by Voter Merry Dance DanceHandiwork Handiwork ch f by Voter Handmaid HandmaidHelmet Helmet br c by Disguise St Mildred MildredHenley Henley ch g by Kingston Mintcake MintcakeHilarious Hilarious ch c by Voter Harpsichord HarpsichordLady Lady Bab ch f by St Leonards Lady Inver cauld cauldMascarada Mascarada b f by Disguise Rhodesia RhodesiaMaskctte Maskctte br f by Disguise Biturica BituricaMelisande Melisande ch f by Disguise Sylvabelle SylvabelleMystify Mystify ch f by Disguise Dominoes DominoesOpal Opal br f by Kingston1 Bonnie Gem GemPainted Painted Lady b f by Disguise Dazzling DazzlingPartisan Partisan b g by Commando or Voter Fealty FealtyPrimrose Primrose League b f by Voter Dorset Flower FlowerRosabel Rosabel br f by Glenheim Roselaw RoselawSelectman Selectman b c by Voter Pink Domino DominoSixpenny Sixpenny b f by Ben Brush Half Crown CrownSkip Skip ch f by St Leonards Coppelia CoppeliaSt St Wlthold ch g by St Leonards Elsie ElsieSuffragette Suffragette ch f by Voter Noonday NoondaySunbury Sunbury ch c bv Kingston Editha EdithaTattling Tattling ch f by Meddler Rotlia II IITurncoat Turncoat b c by Vpter Costume CostumeUltimus Ultimus ch c by Commando Burning Stream StreamVoodoo Voodoo b g by Ben Brnsh Sorcery SorceryWamba Wamba b c by Ben Brush Cap and Bells BellsWedding Wedding Bells b f by Ben Brush Runaway Girl Wildpiseon ch f by VoterCnsliat