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Second Lexington Special Saturday May 2 2We We siro again guaranteeing this one to WIN AND WIN ONLY or will give a 500 subscrip ¬ tion to our Daily 2Horse Wire FREE Price must be 5 TO 1 OR BETTER BETTERor or will give a mouths subscription to the STAN ¬ DARD FREE We expect tills one to be at least as good as our first LEXINGTON SPE ¬ CIAL which started lust Saturday and which whichBUCKET BUCKET BRIGADE BRIGADE8I 8I WON WONIf If you missed Bucket Brigade be sure not to miss Saturdays under any circumstances circumstancesPrice Price 200 200Wednesdays Wednesdays Form Special Lexington Pear 208189568814 The Standard Turf Guide GuideROOM ROOM 212 59 DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO CHICAGOYesterdays Yesterdays DAILY 2HORSE WIRE gave 1 second and 1 scratch