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Louisville Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday May 27 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Handicapped for a fast track LOUISVILLE ENTRIES For differences in weight add or deduct 0 points to the pound An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds Racing starts at 230 p m mXRuus XRuus well in mud Superior mud runner runnerFirst First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Trailk record 7173S 112J 3 02 02Ind Ind Horses Rec A Wt H 7188 = Meadowbrcezc 112 5107X 74 o = Belltooue 1141 707X 74030 Mlnot 1K 4110X 71017 Hazelthorpc 11S 5 1U5X 1U5X74IS7 74IS7 Fimiculaire liJ C101X C101X712l 712l Martins 111 7 107 X 74112 Beatrice K lls 5101 7I2IK Miss Strome lltg 4 10CX 10CXOC7223 OC7223 Billy Vertress 1135 4101 745100 Voting 110 4 102 10274ll 74ll Canopian 114J 5104X 5104X7ISSt 7ISSt Mary Orr l15s 4 100 74 883 Orlaudwick 1151 4 105 1057lWi 7lWi r idy Arion 111 4100 410074S84 74S84 Dorasettc 111 0102X 0102X71SS3 71SS3 Natasha 4100X 4100XSecond Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Track record 74S32 53 2 05 74001 TENNESSEE BOY 515 100 74705 Von Buelow 5U 111 74518 Anderson 51 107 71774 Fair Messenger 07 00 Lomond 100 100IC IC 1 Miss Uapshurg 75S 07 07JitlS JitlS Atarah 101 10174S2S 74S2S Inela 101 71810 Sciuproiilum 100 74801 My Lady Frances 7 771S01 71S01 Boadlcea 07 74001 Bueiia Vista 07 Rockcastle b c by Dick Welles Hettie HettieGreen Green 100 100St St Aulairc ch c by O r ii u s Becky BeckySharpe Sharpe III 100 100IronjKiund IronjKiund ch f by Tanzmeister Iron mistress 07 07Mattie Mattie Marshall ch f by Henry Young Saterlaud Lady 07 Third Race 1 110 Miles Milesyearolds yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapTrack Track record TlOll 145 J 3 100 100Horses Hilqi74SOO Ind Horses Rce A Wt V t Ildep Hilqi 74SOO Terah 1401 3 07XpO 74SSC 07XpO74SSC The Minks 14T o 110 0745 074574SSO 74SSO Kcrcheval 1MOJ f 117 715 74011 Cymbal 145J 50 710 710748SOS 748SOS Lotus Eater 1471 5110 X710 X71074M2S 74M2S Wool Sandals I4 i5 110S X740 X74074711s 74711s Wing Ting 1471 X735 70721 Boema 3 Si iO iO711S3 711S3 Sevcrus l47g 3 01X725 01X725Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile Juvenile Stakes 1000 added added2ycarolds 2ycarolds Selling SellingTrack Track record GOOJ2 100 4 IOC IOCS14EHzabeth S14EHzabeth HarvVood OSX72 li7 f Woolwinder 103 715 4104 Annc AfcGee 03 700 700I01S I01S Mrs Sewall 1011 5MX700 100 Miami 07 Kl3 Kl3475stFrench 475stFrench Cook 114 000 000t t 7 Fundamental 110X K0 475 Dr Fizz 103 VS 4001 Dorothy Webb 100 000 E Corrigan entry f I Young entry Fifth Race Short Course Steeplechase 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 07074 248 8 150 74022 Impertinence 414BX700 414BX70074022s 74022s Jason 7 135 005 74003 = Waterway 5irlx2 0 73370 Dell Lea til 714S OS5 74022 King Esta 4 130 OS5 74003 Belford 3 1 30 X OSO 74777 Bertel 31U5X075 71023 Judith MacBridc 512S 050 050Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds gellingTrack 3yearolds and upward gelling Track record 74041 1451 3 100 74011 = Hostile Hyphen 1401 3100X72 74851 Quagga 1405 4 110 715 74023 The Thorn 1171 3 X710 74505 Dr Lee Huffman 1471 4100X05 74800 Sainesaw 1471 3 SO X 703 74010 High Bear 1471 5 107 700 74523 Royal Chance 3 O2ffifi0 74000 Mortiboy l40s 4 111 030 74010 C II Shilling S4XG50 74023 Iloinpa 3 SO 023 023The The figures under Rec in above entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance since January 1 1000 This time is not necessarily made by a winner It may be the estimated time of a losing performance