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ANSWERS TO QUERIES Communications without names and addresses of senders will not be answered or noticed nor will any answers be sent by mail Collins Chicago The St Kevin wager lost lostJ J 1C Cincinnati Usually it means post lime limeX X Y Z Lexington Ky The wager on Whisk Broom lost II F and J W S Chicago The betting at La toida will bo as it is at Louisville LouisvilleF F B Toronto Out Thessalon won the Kings Plate in 1103 the year Fly in Amber broke down downJ J E D and G F II The whole matter turns on the point whether the bookmaker accepted the bets or not If he did be should settle settleC C A II Windsor Out Parlays are decided strictly by the running of the horses named Whisk Broom ran unplaced and the parlay lost lostWm Wm W Chicago Reduced to bookiiiakiug terms Cymbal was practically r J to 1 straight 2J to 1 place even money show Honest Hi to 1 place to 1 show On that basis make your own calcula ¬ tions tions1C 1C II C Norwood O Cannot say positively but do not think it is the same Moive If you care to write to Percy W Treat secretary California Jockey Club Emeryville Cal lit will no doubt as ¬ certain for you youC C A F Pittsburg Pa No doubt your calcula ¬ tion was on a wrong basis 1V0 was correct You should deduct the club percentage and the value of the ICercheval and Lotus Eater ticket Then the tickets of each horse take half of the remainder remainderP P Mel Chicago An entry Is one or more horses A coupled entry is two or more horses People who back eiitrys should name the race If they do not action is bad on the first race in which the owner lias an entry starting So far as your parlay is con ¬ cerned the bookmaker is wrong in saying it losf According to his own claim that the entry meant two horses it would go to the Kings Plate on which It would lie void as to that race because then was nf show price against the Seagram entry and if the others in the parlay showed it was u winner on his own construction