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JOCKEY CLUB HAS HOPE FOR FUTURE New York June 30 At the recent meetinc of the stewards of the Jockey Club nothing approaching a line of action was decided upon for the future but several suggestions were made for the lettering of the sport and the vein throughout all the dis ¬ cussion was decidedly optimistic The attendance at Sheepshead Bay has been steadily Improving ami it was agreed that when the public becomes more accustomed to the new order of things racing will return to some measure of the prominence to which it had been built in the state of New York Some YorkSome of the routine of the session was the per ¬ mission granted for the changing of the name of the twoyearold Voodoo to Geo W Lebolt Action was also taken in the case of W H McMulIen Jr resulting in the refusal to grant him a license McMulIen camo under the ban with the horse Little Lighter at a Maryland meeting