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WAS THE LATONIA MEETING A LOSER Conservative Figures Point to a Different Conclusion Bookmaking and Mutuels Compared Racing organizations rarely take the public into their confidence in respect to their receipts The disbursements so far as stakes and purses are con ¬ cerned are onen to any one who cares to take the trouble to compile them The daily inside expenses of conducting a meeting the sums paid to officials ticket sellers clerks special police track men and other employes is a matter of which only the officials who keep the accounts can have accurate knowledge But any one reasonably well versed in the ways of race tracks can approximate the cost of this by no means inconsiderable matter matterUp Up to and including July C the present meeting of the Latouia Jockey Club had covered thirty days of racing This was the length of the summer meeting of 1907 In the course of this number of days the club has disbursed 11500 in added money to stakes and 80050 in pursj making a total of 91 r rriO riO divided among the horsemen If then an allowance of 1000 per diem for other expenses is made which would be a very liberal allowance the gross outlay of the Latoniii Jockey Club for its present meeting would be the sum of 121530 for the thirty days daysIn In the same period the club took in as percentage returns from the sale of parimutuel tickets the sum of 7463250 Averaging the sales of auction pools at 7500 per day It took in 11250 more in percentages from this source the sum named being below the true mark What the bar privilege brings in tit Latonia is not a matter of public knowledge but allowing for the modest return of 000 per day from the bar and other minor sources of income 90CO more accrues to the club Taking the aggre ¬ gate of these sums from the total outlay there is a deficit of in round numbers 25500 Is it pos ¬ sible that in thirty days of racing the Latonia Jockey Club has not taken in that amount and more in gate receipts If it has not it has been fully justified in going out of business businessIn In the face of the figures here presented the sug gestiou of a loss of 20000 to date seems monstrous and the general course of the club is indeed t mysterious affair Among other things involved is a brutally unsportsmanlike indifference to the welfare of the horsemen gathered at Latouia LatouiaThere There is one point that should be understood From the start there has been a deliberate and per ¬ sistent effort to discredit the mutuel system of betting as compared with bookmaking Yet tin Latonia Jockey Club lias derived a much greater income from the nlutuels this yeaf than it did fro u the books last year That much is a certainty Here is a table giving the number of books on daily last year the income derived at 100 per diem from each book and the daily income from the mutuels of this year year190S 190S 1907 Per cent from Books at 100 per diem mutuels mutuelsirst irst day 19 1900 5OS50 5OS50econd econd 197900bird day IS 1800 197900 bird day IS ISOO 234900 234900ourth ourth day IS ISOO 230400 230400Ifth Ifth day 19 1900 349300 349300ixth ixth day 19 1000 205390 205390cventh cventh day 19 1900 237 Ighth day 21 2100 241 241inth inth day 20 2000 247 247enth 201745leventh enth day 20 2000 201745 leventh day 20 2000 342400 342400welfth welfth day 24 2400 231150 231150hirteenth hirteenth day 10 lGOQ 237020 237020ourtecnth ourtecnth day 17 1700 243990 243990ifteeuth ifteeuth day 10 1000 243055 243055ixteenth ixteenth day 10 1000 195020 195020eveuteenth eveuteenth day 17 1700 323715 ighteenth 323715ighteenth day 17 1700 205950 205950jueteenth jueteenth day 17 1700 202190 202190wentieth wentieth day 17 1700 202845 202845wcntyfirst wcntyfirst day 17 1700 243585 243585wentysccond wentysccond day 21 2100 2204C5 2204C5wen wen ty third day 20 2OOO 277500 277500wcntyfourth wcntyfourth day IS 1800 109430 wen tyii ftb day 15 1500 213045 213045wentysixth wentysixth day 1C 1000 215970 215970weiityseventh weiityseventh day 10 1000 202540 202540wcntyclghtu wcntyclghtu day 14 1400 197155 197155wentynlnth wentynlnth 353005hirtieth day 15 1000 353005 hirtieth day 10 1000 192740 192740Totals Totals 53700 7403280