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TOM WELSH THINKS CONDITIONS HEALTHY New York July 11 The rank and file of owners have suddenly realized that they have an unusual chance to pick up feed money and are beginning to show marked Interest In the Brighton program The management has not solicited the entries of any owner in particular which shows that horsemen in general are ready and anxious to assist the track in its efforts to keep the game alive Thomas Welsh the wellknown trainer of the Newcastle Stable voices the opinion of other leading turfmen In this way wayThe The new betting law will prove a real benefit to the turf in the course of time It has done away with the betting ring and open bookmaking It has abolished1 the spectacular gambling which was made a feature of the sport and which was the sole cause for the recent crash I never could under ¬ stand wliy bookmakers were permitted to sit on stools and use paraphernalia Those who like lo bet on the horses have always been compelled lo stand up and it seems only fair that the persons with whom they can wager their money should be placed on the same tooting tootingWe We may have a dull time of it for the rest of the season and perhaps next year but as the public gradually becomes accustomed to the present methods in vogue as to credit speculation the crowds will come back Racing is well rid of an element that was surely undesirable and the sport will be all the better because of that fact There may be a reduction in tlie value of the big stakes In future but no harm can come of it Just so long as the rank and file of horsemen can race for liberal purses racing will live The public is still fond of the turf and lor that reason there la no cause for alarm