Seattle Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1908-07-23


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SEATTLE FORM CHART Seattle Wash July 22 Twentyeighth day of the King County Fair Associations summer meet ¬ ing of seventythree days Weather clear track fast fastPresiding Presiding J idge E C Hopper Starter Richard Dvyer Racing Secretary Martin Nathanson Twen ¬ tythree books on 76122 First Race 58 Mile Track record Au ¬ gust 1 1900 591 3 97 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtStStrFiu Jockey Op CI CI76064sAnna 76064sAnna May 127 2 2s I1 Page 45 34 74033 Belle Griffon 118 3 1J 25i AV Kelly 5 4 74104 Nuns Veilingl27 C 3 2 Rettig 4 lu 61S3S E C Runte 129 1 54 4J McClain 25 20 6SSSO Lady Kins 127 4 42 5 Gaugel 40 50 74330 S McGibben 129 C C fi P Kelly 15 2ti 75S9C LadyMirthful 127 7 7 7 Berry 50 60 73247 Diamond 129 8 S 8 Lycurgus 8 11 61545 Youth 129 9 9 U A Morgan 50 CO COMotleysFirst MotleysFirst 129 10 10 10 Mentry WJO 1C Anna May place 13 show 10 Belle Griffon place 85 show 910 Nuns Aeiling place 4 show S5 S5Time Time l00i l00iWinner Winner B Longs b f 4 by King Eric Fig Leaf LeafWent Went to post at 214 At post 3 minutes Start good Won driving second and third the saint Anna May encountered interference on the turn but won going away Belle of Gritton set a fast pace and tired Nuns Veiling closed a gap Lady King was second to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 73807 Blue Bottle 129 76123 Second Race 58 Mile Track record Au ¬ gust 1 190C 59 3 97 2yearolds Allow iances iancesrAd rAd Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op CI CI7602C 7602C Nasmerito 104 5 5 1s Page 5 4 759SSMiss Worth 105 3 2J 2 W Kelly 3 135 759SS Inclement 108 S 3i 33 A Morgan 3 173 7600S2L Mulligan 104 2 4 41 Slesiiifrer 8 11 74126 FranUClancy 101 4 1J 51 A Harris 30 40 75316 Toll Box 10SX 9 0 A AValsb C 10 10759SS 759SS Mar Delorme 101 G 7 7 Lycurgus 20 2T 76026 Linola 102 1 8 S Gaugel S 10 10Innovatrix Innovatrix 106 7 9 9 Rettig 20 40 Nasuierito place S5 show 710 Miss Worth place 1 show 12 Inclement place 05 show showTime Time 101 1 Winner J J Walshs b c by Nasturtium Me rito ritoWent Went to post at 244 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second and tbird the same Nasmerito began slowly as usual but finished with a sensational sprint Miss Worth was always prom ¬ inent Inclement badly bothered may have been best Frank Clancy and Linola set the pace head and head until well into the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 70005 Lady Quality 105 70020 Buck ¬ thorn 104 104Overweights Overweights Linola 1 pound Innovatrix 1 76124 Third Race 58 Mile Track record Au ¬ gust 1 1900 591 3 97 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse AVtStStrFin Jockey Op 01 75092 Belle Kinney 127 3 2J 13 Rettig f 4i 75915Abbey 4i75915Abbey 118 1 U 2J A AValsb 3 4 475969MlssFbanks 75969MlssFbanks 118 7 3 3 A Morgan 4 4i 75597Dulcinea 127 S 61 4U Gaugel S lj 760072PrinceBrutus 129 4 42 5J Page C s s76007sEscamado 76007sEscamado 129 9 5i 6J J McBrlde 10 1C 7C01CsDick AVllson 132 C 7 7 Alarie 10 s 75932Royal Queen 118 2 8 S Slesinger 12 20 75211sTurnaway 118 5 9 9 AV Kelly 10 10 10Belle Belle Kinney place 2 show 1 Abbey place S5 show 910 Miss Fairbanks place S5 show showTime Time l00i Winner W Fishers b in C by Bel videre Miss Kinney KinneyWent Went to Dostat 314 At post 5 minutes Start F0 1 driviu second and third the same Belle TVon Kiuney and Abbey alternated in setting a hot pace throughout tlie former staying best Abbey ran a good race Miss Fairbanks off poorly made up erround and probably was best 76125 Fourth Race 1 1S iMiles Track record iii i i5lj 100 3yearolds and upward Handicap lud Horse AVtStStrFin Jockey Op CI 76067First Peep 100 G 1S li Lycurgus 3 85 iGOtSBoggs 96 1 2 2s A Morgan 4 S l IJ3taley Fa 11L 2 SI A Harris C5 75 lGlono ion 4 41 4 Rettig 4 i 2 11 J 8311 9135 5i Page 10 li 7604 Early Tide 90 5 Buxton 12 15 15First First Peep place 1 show 25 Boggs place 2 show 910 Stanley Fay 12 show 14 Time 151 new track record A recordA inner A G Dunlops ch f 4 by Diendonne Dawning DawningWent Went to post at 345 At post 1 minute Start good V on driving second and tbird the same First Peep ran a great race and had the best of rac ¬ ing luck Boggs finished gamely Stanley Fay tired Early Tide made the pace for the first half mile the race was not true run Boggs Stanley Fay and Glorio all meeting with constant interference Overweights interferenceOverweights Glorio 4 pounds 76126 Fifth Race 1 Mile Track record Au ¬ gust 2 10H5 13SJ 11 90 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op CI 76030 Harry Scott 10G t 7606SsVarietes lot 3 j 2J 22 AV Kelly SSlfj 7 1002Pickaway 101 1 I1 3i Lyeiirgus 5 S 760l9 = Harniakis 106 2 I 42 A Walsh 4 C 75S10 Monvina 108 S 5s 5s B AVilson 7 S 76029 John Lyle 10U 7 C C Rettijr 20 25 759 4Jack Adams 100 9 7 7 Page 10 10 75936 Miss Mazzoni 92 4 8 S A Morgan 30 40 76015 Jkey Mounce 87 5 U 9 KusseII 60 100 100Harry Harry Scott lace Sf show 45 Aarletes place 91O show 12 Pickaway place 3 show 85 85Time Time 1394 Winner 1394Winner W Walkers b h 5 by Whaterlou Signora SignoraVent Vent to post at 413 At post 1 minute Start good Woit driving second ami third tin same Harry Scott got up In he last stride Varietes was the contender throughout 1Ifkaway set a fast pa co and tired Ilarmakls was out off at a critical point Overweights John Lyle 2 pounds 76127 Sixth Race 3 I Mile Track record Julv 21 1900 112 I 109 3yearolds and upward Special upwardSpecial Weights WeightsInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Tockev Op CI CI7604S 7604S Luretta 107 3 2 I1 Lycurgus S2 a a760ff7sMay 760ff7sMay L N 105 4 43 2s Page 10 11 74 353Gypsy King 109 1 31 3J Gargan 1U 13 7GO0 Sinil Corbett 101 2 1 4 A AValsli 1 45 74213sCatberine F 9 5 5 5 A Harris 100 150 150Liiretta Liiretta place 920 show out Mar L N place 85 show 12 Gypsy King place 2 show 7 10 Smiley Corbett place 25 show 110 1124Winner Time 1124 Winner H G Hedwells ch m G by Hertnence ItinerantWent Itinerant Went to post at 144 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Lur ¬ etta drew out in the stretch and won cantering May L N ran to her best form Gypsy King tired as if short Smiley Corbett set the pace to the stretch and quit

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Local Identifier: drf1908072301_2_1
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