Sixth Race [6th New York, Daily Racing Form, 1908-07-23

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SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 2ycarolds Selling 20934 595 2 91 91STAR STAR THISTLE ch c 2 by Blues Wild Thistle L 0 Appleby Weight today 110 76050 Brighton 51 f 107J fast 1 110 2 335 530 Raynor Wise Mason Arondack O U Kid 75007 Sheepshd 58100 fast 10 102 6 1 1 2l 2 I McO thy Waponoca Watervlict Etherial 75497 Sheepshead 5S l02g fast 20 118 5 88 8 8I01U McDanl Hillside Edward Wamba PRUDENT blk c 2 by Colonel Wheeler Prejudice T H Williams Weight today 110 1107t99J 7t99J Brighton 5S 100 fast S 107 4 2 G fii 01 W Miller Ruble Ragman Fore 75939 Brighton 5S 1003 fast 4 104 5 3 3 31 41 Sweet Grania Sliort Cut Hanonia 75518 Sheepshd 58 1002 fast 30 118 6 55 7l 9 W Miller Mediant High Range Casque GARLAND b f 2 by Ben Strome Daisy Chain Oneck Stable Weight today 102 102700S4 700S4 Brighton 5S 101 fast S W 1 5 1 in 21 II Smith Weynionth AHceMsuk YDaiiclitrr 75007 Sheepshd fS 100 fast KK 9715 11 12 12 12 II Smith AVanonocii Star Thistle Wiitervllet 75395 Gvesend 5S 1OJJ slop M 114 G 9 9 9 917 R McDanlMclim The Pinpin Wallflower BONNIE KELSO b s 2 by Waterboy Thuanella Kelso Stable Weight today 107 1077601S 7601S Brighton 5S 1015 fast 41 106 5 799 7 R McDanl UubiaGmnda IiSelina Arionottc 75316 Gvesend 51 f 107 fast 25 106 7 4 4 41 49J R McDanlIntervcne Chepontuc Home Run 75269 Gvcsend 51 f 1082 fast 5 99 9 9 7 DJ 3 W Walsh Right Sort Lady Hubbard Nedlim YANKEE DAUGHTER b f 2 by Mazagan Sallic of Navarre C R Ellison Weight today 107 7POSI Brighton CS 1014 fast 5 1K 3 G 5 45 Musgrve Wcynumtli Garland Alice Maik 7ESS5 Brighton 51 f 107 fast 20 10 7 0 G O2 6AJliisgrvc Harrigan Grania Gliding Belle 7580J Brighton 5J f 107 fast S 10911 10 S G1 G7 Musgrve Sir John ISublc Tod MOBILITY br f 2 by Marta Santa Mobalosca G Norcross Weight today 107 107700S1 700S1 Brighton 5S 1014 fast 15 1V 9 4 7 9 Gilbert Wtymouth Garland Alien Mack 75901 Brighton 61 f 108 fast 30 lot 7 799 93JGilbert Knlielil Klllorcen Takahirn 75589 Shcepshd 6S 100 fast 100 110 S 9 10 11 ll JW Burns LHubbard Wallflower ALDaley DONATION ch f 2 by Dieudonne Ricabar H B Duryea Weight today 107 107760S4 760S4 Brighton 5S 101 fust G 105 0 89 10 D McCtliyWcvinoulIi Garland Alice Mack 759159 Brighton 5S 100 fast 20 99 7 0 0 Oh 6s D McCthyGrania Short Cut Hanonia 71913 Belmont 5S 101 slop 30 97 11 11 10 10 0jD McCTthyTaboo Right Sort Gliding Belle BILLY BODEMER br c 2 by Sorcerer Emma Louiso W Gcrst Weight today 110 76109 Brighton 5S 101 good 4 107 2 222 21 li McDanl Short Cut Von Law Mystify CORONA BELLE ch f 2 by Requital Golden Girl G B Dioguardi Weight today 107 75693 Shecpshd 5S f l07g fast 50 11215 15 15 10 0 Fuerst Hoi Harvey ThoPippin MoorKlng 75589 Sheepshd 6S 100 fast 100 110 12 13 13 13 13 Yorko LUubbard Wallflower ALDaley ALDaleyFirst First start for Ihe following followingALASKAN ALASKAN ch p 2 by Gold Heels Triolet J E Madden Weight today 107 107STARLIT STARLIT b c 2 by Kingston Starlight A J Joyner Weight today 110 110BETTER BETTER DAYS b c 2 by Sempronius Enncrdalc E R Bradley Weight today 107

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Local Identifier: drf1908072301_4_6
Library of Congress Record: