Windsor Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1908-07-23


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WINDSOR FORM CHART AVEDNESDAY JULY 22 1908 AVEATHER CLOUDY TRACK SLOAV Twentysecond clay Windsor Racing Association Summer Meeting of 25 days 20 books on Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter A B Dade Secretary AValter O Parmer Racing starts at 245 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate Index number track record age of liorse and weight carried 7611O FIRST RACE 34 Mile 57SC5 112J 3 SO 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 470 Ind Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P 75745HOLLOAV w 3 93 12 3 lh 1 = 1 I2i Kennedy T P Hayes 3 3i 3 C 76001 KATE CARNEY WB 3 93 6 9 71 5l 3J 2 C Ross K B AVatkins 15 20 15 0 02J 71961 MAYCELLA W 3 SS 9 5 2J 2 = 2 3 Francis S Lazarus 40 60 50 20 20s 76024 THE BELLE w C 19 7 10 s S CJ 4J Deverich F G Belknan 4i 5 5 2 76061 MEADOWBREEZE WB 5 100 2 2 J 9 5t fi v Powers J Arthur 4 C 5 2 76043 POSING WB 599 1 12 10 10 S CC Goedike J R AValnwrlgbt 15 20 15 C 7605S PNCE HOHENLOHE w 4 107 10 7 77E911 4h 4J 41 7 Minder A L Lehman 5 C 4 85 45 7E911 PROCLIA1TY W W3 3 93 9311 11 8 87600C 1111 9 Sl J Bergen Gleniver Stable 40 40 30 12 K K7600C 7600C KING THISTLE W 3 96 5 4 475S74 61 7J 7 J Ecock L Blumc CO 100 40 12 75S74 BREAKAWAY WB 3 97 3 11 1175S50 12 12 10 102 T Rice T Clare 40 50 40 12 C 75S50 GOAVAXGA W3 88 8 C C7C043 5 6 11 11 AVbltning AV Gerst 3040 40 10 5 57C043 7C043 EMINOLA WB 4 105 4 1 31 fr 12 12 C II ShFrgJ C Smith C G C = 1153Winner Time 24j 48J 1153 Winner B c by Holstein Follow trained by P M Civili CiviliWent Went to post at 243 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Hollow away forwardly disposed of tlie early contenders in the first quarter and came away to win as his rider pleased Kate Carney gained steadily from a slow iKjginning and got up for second place In the final strides Maycella was a forward contender for a half then tired and barely lasted long enough to save third place The Belle and Meadowbreeze made up much ground Posing also closed a gap Prince Ilohen lohe failed to stay The winner was entered for 500 no bid bidOverweights Overweights King Thistle 1 pound Breakaway 2 rj f + l SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Steeplechase 75945 128 1 125 Purse 400 4 O JL JL JL 4yearolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 310 Ind Horses AWtPPSt 4 7 10 13 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 76020LIZZIE FLAT w 4 132 2 1 I1 I2 I2 I2 1 I2 W Allen C C Sinitbson 4 4 3 C5 out 759S2 WOODSIDE w 4 149 3 3 5 5 5 3s 22 2 = S McClain H Flippen 222 710out 7Cfl332LIGHTS OUT W 7 140 5 G 23 2s 2s 22 32 3 Archibld Renwlck Bros 2 12512545 out out7tC702MILVAIN 7tC702MILVAIN v 6 139 4 4 4 43 4 4J 42 4 Pending J C Ferriss Jr 2 12512545 out out75945SDULCIAN 75945SDULCIAN W 5 138 1 2 32 3i 3l 5 5 5 H Stone C J Murray 2J 3 3 65 out Coupled In betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 429 Winner B f by Fiatlands Lizzie 51 by Eolus trained by T F Coles ColesAVent AVent to post at 304 At post 1 minute Start good AVon easily second and third driving Lizzie Flat dashed to the front at the start and showed the most speed throughout AVoodsIde trailed for the first time around and moved up with a smart challenge when going to the tenth Jump but was unable to improve his position in the final quarter Lights Out was driving bard all of the last furlong to save third place from Mcllvain The latter finished fast Dulclau pulled up lame lameScratched Scratched 759S2Byzantiue 144 76112 TIIIUD RACE 58 Mile G449G 1OOA 2 105 400 added 2yearolds Selling Net value to winner 470 I ml Horses AWtPPSt X Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S 7C0592DAN DE NOYLES WB 115 3 2 2wn U I1 1i 1 ° W Ott J Garson 7C042MANY COLORS wn 100 7 9 9WB 7 4 J 2nt 2 = AVhltning M Nieoll 75S713CHIPMUNK WB 107 43 43w 3J 2U i 3J C II SliilgR L Thomas 76012 LURID w 4 C 1 1w 21 35 4i 4l Kennedy A G AVeston 15 IS 12 fi 2 7K423CHEEK w 103 5 8 8w CJ 7 Ci i C Ross J S Tyree 5883 2 76021JJIIGH HAT w 100 84 84w 4 C1 5i 6s V Powers M C RIcketts 10 12 12 5 2 760212PLEAS1NG 760212PLEAS1NG7co w 1 7 1 5 5w 99 7 7 Francis J Gleason S 10 8 3 3 7co 7G021 i PATRIOT w 107 27 27W 8 8J 9 SJ Harty 1 AV May 4 C C 2 1 7520 SERVICENCE W 102 9 C 5 k 5 8t 1 T Rice P Knebelkamp 20 3D 30 10 C CTime Time 24 J 49J 102 Winner 15 g by Box Two Lick trained by A Coodloe CoodloeAVent AVent to i ost at 333 At post 2 11111111108 Start good Won driving second and tbird tlie same Dan de Noyles u rapid breaker left the barrier with a rush and set a fast pace throughout but was driv ¬ ing to the limit at the end to stall off Many Colors The latter began slowly and was taken to the outside covered more ground than anything in the race and would have beaten the winner In another stride Chip ¬ munk ran well but tired in the last quarter and was probably a bit short Pleasing was caught in a jinn on the bnckstreteh and was pulled up Ltirid showed speed but tired Patriot ran poorly Tim winner wns entered for S800 no bid bidScratched Scratched 75400 Ara Ha 94 75981 Edwin L 97 75903 Appointment 104 76113 FOURTH HACK 78 Mile 57830 1201 1 103 Pnrse 500 3yearolds and up ward Handicap Net value to winner 375 Iinl Horses AWtPPSt V4 StrFin Jockeys O II C P 760COPOLLY PRIM WB 5 11C 3 4 I1 I2 I1 l ° t T Powers J R AVainwright 2 2J ll545 35 3576022TOM 76022TOM DOLAN W 4 103 5 3 8 S Ci 32 2 J C Ross AV E Phillips 4i G 3i S5 45 75946CAVE ADSUM W 4 112 C G 2J 2 21 2 3s Nlcoi W Jennings 7 10 7 2J C 5 5760C3 760C3 SERVILE WSB 3 92 4 C 71 3U 3l 4J 4 G Uurns AV Shields S 10 S 3 32 327e003SUPERSTITION 7e003SUPERSTITION WB 3 92 1 1 C C1 5 f 5J Kennedy A L Price S 10 8 2 85 8575S272HARCOURT 75S272HARCOURT WS 3 107 2 2 4 7 1 G fi C II ShilgR I Thomas 0 C 5 2 45 457G0412THE 7G0412THE CLOWN ws 5 90 7 7 3J Ib 4 7 7 J Bergen G Brown Jr 12 15 12 4 2 27COSC 7COSC ST JEANNE WB 4 US 8 S G1 4J 8 S S Deverich C Meister Jr S 10 8 3 85 Coupled 85Coupled In betting no separate place or show betting 128Winner Time 24J 48 115 128 Winner LuzaderWent Br in by Pirate of Penzance Kosmo trained by F Luzader Went to post at 355 At post 2 minutes Start good AVou driving second and third the same Polly Prim sprinted into the lead from a fast start and moved away after going a half but tired badlv in the stretch and barely lasted long enough Tom Dolan was shuttled buck soon after the start but Mulshed with a rush and would have won in i few more strides Caye Adsuni was prominent all the way Servile quit under pressure The Clown ran fairly well early but emit Harcourt ran poorly Overweights poorlyOverweights Servile 2 pounds Superstition 2 rj f I f FIFTH HACK 5 12 Furlongs September 10 1S97 1001 2 S4 Purse 500 i O JL JL TC 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 375 lud Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 76059 NIGGER BABY WB B 105 5 53 3 3i 3h 2J li V Powers S Lazarus LazarusB 3 3J 3 45 13 76040 BALBEK WB B 111 3 4 22 2 2h Nicol AV H Mosby MosbyW 4441 25 75907 = THEO COOK W 106 1 2 1 I2 I2 35 Harty A Turney TurneyW 1 65 45 out 76059 PEACOCKS CHOICE W 103 2 27 7 5i 4 4i 45 C II SbilBA Brown 15 15 15 75824 STROMELAND W 103 7 71 1 1759S1 4h 5 5 5s Malin J Dyinent 50 75 75 759S1 ARVGHT LEONARD W 100 C 5 U 72 6s 6 Kennedy W F King 50 CO CO 20 7 76042 GLORIOLE WB 103 S 6 C 7 7s Minder T G Molinelli 15 20 30 10 I 75509 AL BUSCH W 103 4 8 8888 Morehse AV Shields 40 CO 40 10 4 Time 24 H 48 102 109 109Winner MaloneWent Winner Blk g by Macy El Poco trained by P J Malone Went to post at 419 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second and third the same Nig ¬ ger Baby bard ridden throughout was kept in close contention for tlie first half and gaining steadily in the stretch got up in the closing strides Balbek ran in close pursuit of Theo Cook to the stretch and stood the final drive gamely Theo Cook was speedy dashed Into a long lead in the first quarter aud ap ¬ peared a certain winner in the stretch but tired badly in the last sixteenth Peacocks Choice ran fairly well throughoutOverweights Stromeland was well up throughout Overweights Nigger Baby 14 pounds Balbek 1 Theo Cook 3 Gloriole 3 rj f I I F SIXTH RACE 1 IIG Miles C4I95 l4Gi l l IS 400 added 3yearolds and up I J JL JL O ward Allowances Net value to winner 3GO Ind Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7GOG2GILATEDEAR WB 3 93 4 5 3 2 1 = 1 1 T Steele A D Steele 75 85 75 12 out outWB 76025 TRUE BOY WB 5 115 7 8 72 4li 2h 2s 2 Troxler A Turney 4 5 21 1 12 12W 76062 MORTIBOY W 4 115 3 2 li 3 4s 3U 3l V Powers Mrs M Goldblatt 3 4 4 65 12 76006 DIX BEN WB 3 93 S C 2 m 3 4J 4 Goedike G H Hovey 15 20 20 C 3 76044 OROONOKA WB 3 S3 1 3 6J 6 5 5 5 Whittling W Keating 30 GO 60 20 6 7G9S7 HOWARD SHEAN WB 4 111 2 1 8 S 71 7s 6 = Nicol J C Nally 15 20 6 2 1 1C 76063 JUNGLE IMP WSB C 110 6 7 4i 5J 6 = 6J 7 = J Foley J B Brannon C 10 8 24 1 75947 C H SHILLING W 3 103 5 4 5 1 8 8 8 P Burton M Burton 50 100 100 40 12 Time 12Time 25 49L 115 143 1OOJ 1OOJWinner Winner SteeleWent Ch c by Giganteum Sea Puss trained by A D Steele Went to post at 440 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Giive dear moved up fast after going a half and wearing the leaders down in a jiffy won cantering True Boy away slowly and taken wide all the way closed a big gap and finished resolutely Mortibov tired after showing speed for a half Dix Ben was raced into exhaustion and tired in the stretch drive Oroonoka may show better under a good rider riderScratched Scratched 7C092 LIsterine 93 7C0913IIelen B 93 Overweights Dix Ben 3 pounds Howard Shean 1 C H Shilling 3 7J I I SEVENTH UACE 34 Mile 57SC5 1122 3 SC 400 added 3yearolds and up I J JL JL J ward Selling Net value to winner 370 lad Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys O H C P S 7C023JROYAL ONTX WB 4 109 10 3 2i 1 = 1 W Allen T G Molinelli 10 12 9 3 32 76043 CLEMENTS WSB 4 107 99 7 5l 3J 2h V Powers T P Coles j 3 i i V Vi5109 i5109 1 1 1 = I 2 3i CH ShilgJ Phillips 2J 3 2J 1 12 75949 TENAKOE WB 3 95 4 G 4 3 5l 41 J Bergen G R Tompkins 7 7 4 y5 910 76013JREFINED 91076013JREFINED w 4 97 5 5 3 4J 4h 5 Francis J S AVaril 5 7 7 a 32 75966 ALENCON WB C 111 34 5J 7l C C Harty Farport Stable 12 15 15 6 3 75S04 LITTLE OSAGE W 3 98 S 7 6i 6J 1 7i T Steele T M Irwin 40 40 40 15 8 75S47 GENEVA S W 3 105 C S 8 8A Si SU C Ross AV E Suggs G 7 7 3 3 756303BONEBRAKE W G 110 2 2 95 9 9 9 ° Troxler AAr Steuve 40 40 40 1 S 75479 CALL BOY WB 3 103 7 10 10 10 10 10 G Burns G AV Langdon 20 20 15 C 3 Time 24 49 115 115Winner Winner MolinelliWent Br g by Ornament Oneck Queen trained by A Molinelli Went to post at 501 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third drlviii Hoval Onyr was always close up and came away fast in the stretch Clements away in a tangle and suffering from interference came fast when clear Bertha E had no mishaps showed the most eariv speed and tired in the last quarter Tenakoe ran a good race Kefined was badly ridden Alencon was knocked bick in the first quarter Geneva S can do much better The winner was entered for 500 110 bid Scratched bidScratched 75127 Keep Moving 103 74324 Marbles S9 Overweights Bonebrake 4 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1908072301_2_2
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