Twenty Leading Sires., Daily Racing Form, 1908-09-06

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TWENTY LEADING SIRES The progeny of Hastings did nothing notable in llic way of money winning in tlie month of August but picked up sulllcieiit to keep him safely at tlio head of the list of loading stallions As was the wise at the end of July Ogden is still second In the course of the month Sain ousted Commando from third place Commando only sainoil O In the month of August but another representative of the liouse of Domino advanced rapidly into prominence Tills Is Disguise which from last place at the end of Inly with Sl TG to his credit mounted to fifth place with S2r 10 won by his progeny an Increase for the month of 30750 The end of September will probably find him safely third to Hastings and Ogdcn The twenty leaders and the aggregates to the credit of their progeny at the close of August were wereIer Ier Haees Amount AmountSire Sire SireHastings formers Starts Won Voii Hastings r7 iiossi Ogden Sain Commando dead deadDisguise Disguise Voter riaudit Ornament Tessara dead Hamburg Star Shoot IJanudcs Pcn lUnsh Cesarion Mazigan AVoolsthorpe Ben Strome Fatherless Nasturtium Sauilringham Totals HO r 2lG SSI 1100912 Hastings br h 15 by Spendthrift Cinderella CinderellaArondack Arondack S10O5 Anneta Lady 000 rridoon S705 Blandy 1010 Curriculum 1115 Diamond SK Don Knriquc 4 KM Donatus 00 Font 840 Fair Play 50l OO Field Mouse 10055 Flavigny J 47 iorilier 025 Gloriole 1028 Golden View S100 Half Sovereign 2315 Hal 250 Hasty Ag ¬ nes 3230 Last Go 17ri Lois Cavanagh 3820 Madinaii 820 iMalacca r 0 Nancy S21 Okenite 1410 Oro 40 Iraciical 400 Priscillian 17 O75 Uostrnin 70 Ruslious 25 Souvigny 100 Taxcr 1050 Tileing 414 Total 120881 Opden b h 14 by Kilwarlin Oriole OrioleArrowshaft Arrowshaft 72 Belmere 1700 Box Rider 125 Itlack Mose r0 FootIiH se 125 Fayette 27050 LVndhurst 115 La Fayctfe 1305 Lady Bedford 1430 Miss Lida 870 Obdurate 100 Pedigree 53 Sayior 1045 Sir Martin G740 Senator Barrett 1880 Stokes 50 Supine 135 Timber 520 Total 110208 110208Sain Sain br h 14 by St Serf The Task TaskAlcalde Alcalde 75 Adela H 520 Alice George 5SO Bill Kuton 710 Black Mantilla 320 Blanche C 1220 Centre Shot S 0 Chief Desmond 505 Dr Coleman 425 Dentschlaud 4380 Dr Logan 1281 K CM Fry 1425 F 1 Sheridan 410 Earl Hogers 1425 Kmperor William 400 Field wick 100 Gene Hnmllon 555 Geneva S 1400 Guy Fisher 002 Jack Atkin 30100 Johnny Ly ¬ ons 5050 Latona 25 Lotus Brandt 1072 Lou ¬ ise Fitzgibbon 375 IMIndora 25 iMiss Highland 1810 Miss Sain 2S My Lady Frances 117 Netting 1485 Our Anna 500 Sainagnes 480 Sainister 0X Sainesaw 555 Sainaw 25 Sain rlda 550 Sain ward t75 Senator Warner 250 Tom Shaw 1275 Tony Faust 5100 Tony Bonero 4305 Tom McGrath 2575 Woodlands Uose 70 Total 80800 Commando dead b h 10 by Domino Emma C CColin Colin 40005 Celt 22510 Oasis 75 Poter Quince 317 5 Punky 175 Kestigouche 5455 SJippery 425 Superman 125 Sahara 80 Trans ¬ vaal SOO Total 83535 83535Disguise Disguise b h 11 by Domino Bonnie Gal GalAnonyma Anonyma 24CO C Kd 00 Esperanto 1450 Footpad 44i5 Grimaldi 103 Helmet 10070 Incognito 005 Melisandc 1400 Maskelte 34 745 Mascarada 480 Masquerade 2j5 Mystify SS05 Sal Volatile 450 Sandal 1080 Veil 405 Total 82310 Voter ch h 14 by Friars Balsam Mavourneen MavourneenApron Apron 750 Ballot Box SO Ballot 40205 Bri l ery SGGO Tconomy S31S5 Fairy Sprite 25 Hilarious So0 Lady Leota 770 Selectman 3 55 Suffragette 5720 Turiicoat 50 Wildpigcon 375 Vox Populi 2050 Total SGG131 SGG131Plaudit Plaudit b h l3 by Himyar Cinderella CinderellaAucassin Aucassin 1000 Bill Curtis 870 Beckon 1100 Call Bov 1370 Clef 310 Comedienne 2503 Claque 50 Don Creole 1000 Darknizht 33GO IMward 14225 Kudora 305 Gold Bars 140 Golf Ball 4K Helen Hills 035 Harrigan 4035 Hooray 2132 Kate Carnov 00 King James 13147 Long Ball 50 Marvel P 100 Miss De laney 1715 Plaudmore 480 Panimie 12SO Plausible 850 Playllt 50 Prosper 430 Queen Lead 50 Takahira 3270 Tiana 00 Triumph 7UO Total 57707 57707Ornament Ornament ch h 14 by Order Victorine VictorineAdoration Adoration 75 Alauda 1070 Aletheuo 3035 Beaucoup SL030 Bauble 005 Chcpontuc 1105 Charlotte Hamilton 525 Christmas 750 Deject 55 Klsa F 70 Hscliau 200 Gallavant VO John Carroll 3S04 Kings Son 725 Kings Drtughtor 3878 Lady Hawthorne 300 Lady Gar Spanker 375 Monfort 8780 Merlingo 1250 Mitre 1250 Ornamentation 100 Orcagna 825 Picaroon 150 Pimpante 170 Royal Onyx 4078 Kcidmoore i50 Sanguine 500 Sam HoITheiiner 1770 Stoneman 544 Treasure Seeker SI 105 Tamme HJ5 Vashakie 805 Wamboro 75 Total 40245 Pessara dead b h 20 by Bizarre Sister Monica MonicaBound Bound Brook 1510 Colonel Jack 4005 Dor ante 12808 Montgomery 14325 Prowler 015 Itcbounder 55 Rifleman 0450 Hio Grande 2085 Robert Cooper 2050 Soiree 00 Total 44023 44023Hamburg Hamburg b h 13 by Hanover Lady Reel ReelAdriana Adriana 075 Baby Wolf 1755 County Fair 300 Dandelion 7220 Dreamer 5150 Frizette 0524 Firebrand 1010 Hillside 030 Intervene 30G Jersey Lightning 5 0 Jersey Lady 435 Juggler 0230 King Cole 725 Littleton Maid 100 Midas 330 Midshipman Easy 50 Petticoat 125 Parkview 3SO Sandpiper 1O20 Siiderman 70 Sundance 125 Ton Note 1135 XelKo 200 Yorkvillc Beau 1030 Total 42481 42481Star Star Shoot ch h 10 bv Isinglass Astrology AstrologyAlbert Albert Star 1071 Anoura 075 Beaii Brumniel 2252 Black Mary 1500 Chalfonte 2070 Crack Shot 12S5 Constellation 50 Cary 050 Dr Mathews 375 Doubt 2153 Hnlleld 425 Kth frlal 2810 George II White St 2 Kentucky Beau 520 Laieunesse 700 Lens 224 Miss Catesbv 330 Montauk 1200 Miss Popular 100 Melissa 435 Nimbus 2005 Pleiad 530 Polar Star 1275 Rcenc W 1005 Summer Night 2541 Senator Beckham 700 Variation 000 Win ¬ ning Star 100 W A Leach 1OOO Wing Ting 1300 Wave Crest 140 Witching Hour 440 Zeola 730 Total 41107 41107Flanudcs Flanudcs b h 11 by St Simon Lonely LonelyDe De Burgo 10 Demctrio 410 Lawton Wiggins 0030 Laiiftliing Eyes 1200 JMcelick 1SOilO Miss Kearney 105 Red Doe 150 Ragman S4410 Servile S4O20 Schlosujg 380 Tenancy bv Conr tesy 1780 Tom Holland 480 Troublesome 1 2IO Total 40205 40205Ben Ben Brush b h 15 by Bramble Roseville RosevilleAksArBeu AksArBeu 1185 Ben Sand 431 Besom 3 330 Catherine Simpson 4O Chaplet 155 Casnue 2O50 Grefna Green 4375 Harcotirt 2W Paa toulle 2S70 Patriot 12r Theo Cook 020 Trance 14717 Twigs 100 Umbrella SlKJO Von Tromp 110 Voodoo 1115 Welding Bells 1S55 W mba 500 Wild Refrain 1200 Total 10 ItlS ItlSCesarion Cesarion b h 16 by Faustus Cleopatra CleopatraAll All Alonn 420 Arionefle 5431 BIrtii 125 Boserrian 300 Bonart 55 Colonel Iob 2015 Cosset 1050 Cohort 50 Fore 4SS5 Fiisilade 375 dolly Ding 40 King Cobalt 775 Lan ¬ cashire laid 125 Lady Arion 75 Mollie Mon trose 100 Minnie Adams 10S5 Marmoroan 315 Opulent 120 Sea Swell 2005 Sea Wolf SS15 Silver Stocking 1175 Troublemaker 2700 Traf ¬ fic 415 Whisk Broom 1655 Total 30500 Formerly Opulent OpulentMazagan Mazagan b h 12 by Martagon Maize MaizeAunt Aunt Aggie 3085 Aunt UO P 2430 Cablegram 240 Hyperion II 5000 Little WIcky 75 Mag ¬ azine S505 ilasson 452 Mnzonla 523 Miss Mazzoni 1SS1 Mary Talbott 1300 Master Rob ¬ ert 7035 Xagazam 2320 Uomp SS75 Song Writer 25 The Chef 25 Yankee Daughter 4 G Total 30190 30190Woclsthorpe Woclsthorpe b h 20 bv Tibthorpe Light of Other Days DaysAzusa Azusa 100 Alice Baird 500 Bellethornc 25 Bellwether 3824 Braden 117 Charles W Ilodg es 525 Creel 2705 Crepps Beckham 725 Cos iiKoolltnn 370 Dorothy Webb 520 Dress Pa ¬ rade 450 Fashion Plate 3110 Falcada 2130 Grapple 510O Hallie Sherman 50 Hazelthorpe 075 J n Keed 2405 La Gloria 000 Llsiit Wool 4550 La Thorpe 50 Mattie Russell 475 Miss K O B 375 Plume 430 Suffice S22S Telegrapher 114 Tarpon 75 Tim Pinpln 50 Waiuga 55 Wordspun 110 Wevford 1255 AVoobjn 005 Woolwindcr 450 Wool Sandals 1575 Xelina 840 Total 35148 Ben Strome b h 22 by Bend Or Strathflect stnni J14 Miss Strome 2ii72 Mariana CO Ntiiino 12 0 Pnsadeim t7 Uuble ll5 Kosc l eu 3050 Sister Traucvs 100 Sly Ben 323 Stromeland 1330 Sans Souci II 50 Tim OToolc t 00 The Pipiin 1305 Total 34008 Fatherless b h 18 by Isonomy Orphan Agnes AgnesAlice Alice 2004 Aiken 12G5 Blameless 050 Billle Ilibbs 3405 Canada 1210 Charlie Dohorty 75 Chipmunk 2115 Giles 25 = 0 God ¬ father 375 Hancock 012 Jupiter 00 Marster 4030 No Father 325 Orfano 180 Orphan Boy 25 Orphan Lad 50S Ked Ueynard 75 Bed IMver 4130 Tillinghast 100 Troy of Spades 500 The Clown 705 T S Martin 3500 Sally Toneyf 20 Venus 150 Workmaid 110 Work ¬ man 1210 Total 3211 Nasturtium ch h 9 by Watercress Mareriquo MareriquoBaba Baba 25 Bar None 820 Corncob 1545 Flower Beauty 00 Furze 75 Harlem Maid 140 Irrigator 24S5 Lady Soullle 745 Maritza 430 Mombassa GO Nasmerito 280 Nastnrtia 102i Oeala 100 Puddin 100 Queens Grove 15O Short Cut 1100 Stamina 1S1OO The Shaugh raun 1720 Thelma Thompson 30 Warlield 300 Total 30211 Sandringham br h 12 by St Simon Perdita II IIAngclus Angclus 15225 Aphrodite 510 Counterpane 1000 Delirium 1123 Good Luck 1832 Heine 1200 Ocean Maid G03 Palemon 220 Bound and Bound 100 Itoyal Tourist 0515 Sadler 070 Total 20212

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Local Identifier: drf1908090601_6_1
Library of Congress Record: