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DAILY RACING FORM 1 PDBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. IDaliy Racing Form publishing Co. 1 A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by 1 Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. F. H. Rrnnell. , Associate Editor. Clinton C. Riley. Secretary. Mrs. F. H. Brunell. 59 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL. Entered as second-class matter. April 2. 1890. at the powt-ofTice at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act Of March 3. 1S79. COPYRIGHTED. Kntered according to Art of Congress. In the year inns hy Frank H. Rrnnell. In the office or the Librarian of Congress at Washington. D. 0.. D. S. A. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. TERMS: ler Month 1.50 VTnlf Ypar n.fK One Year 17.00 The shore rates are for single copies as sealed lettpr flrst-rliiss mall Psllv Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies ns lirst-olass mail in all cases. Local subscriptions outside thp down-town district will he declined at other than first-class mail naattrr rates. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. To he ponsidered and answered, nil nnerles to Dnllv Rnrlnc Form must lip sent over the full name and with address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. fFor lmslnpss and circulation purposes only. This tplpplionp has no ronneotlon with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. BrFFAT.O. N, Y.; R. J. Spldenherg Ellicott Square. Iroquois Hotel News-stand. ST. LOTHR. MO.. OFFICE. 19 NORTH BROADWAY.. M. T. Murphy. Oenpral Agent Local and Long Distance Olive 11S8. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. O.. OFFICE. 720 MAIN STREET. W. R. Manns. Gpneral A sent. fTelepone Cnnnl 1S77. Back numbers nnd monthlies supplied. SAN FRANTlPfO. CAL. : Foster and Drear. Market Street Ferry News-stand. .Tolinon News Co.. 1451 Fillmore Street. COS wnT.S CAL.: Alfred Wlmbush. News Cart. 182 South Spring Street. TOTfoTO. ONT.: .Tosenh McT.schlnn. Troonois Hotel. C. R Pnlmer. Palmer nonse. R. Mentee. 2S 0"een Strept. East, F. J. Ror. SI QlPfn Strept West. F. E. Wnldoek. Imperial Hotel. LOTTSVTT.T.E KY.: . Chas. T. Dearinff. 350 Fourth Avenue. DAVtov. nnio: Algonquin Hotel News-stand, nr-rrti MONT.: Keefe Bros.. Post-office New3-stand. S. MTT.TOX ONT.: T.onls Birk. Newsdealer. MeArthur News Aeencv. Thomas French. 90 James Street. North. DKXWU. roi.o.: Kendrlek Book Co.. 006-912 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT. MICH.: L. Grosscnp. 72 W. Coneress Street. Tel. Main . 3252. CopIps delivered within mile circle. NEW YORK CITY: Astor House. 225 Broadway. St. Paul News Co.. Broadway and Ann Street,. NEW OPTRA NS. LA.? O. E. Hill. 105 St. Charles Street. 1hos. McCormlck 110 Rnronne Street C. E. Srnnb. Exchange Place. John Conlff. St. Charles Hotel News-stand. Geo. Wallace. 103 Roval Street. CIRVPLAND. OTITO: N. Hexter. 303 Bond Street. KAKSS CITY. MO.: Rlpksrcker Clirar and News Company. Ninth nnd Wnlnnt Streets. HOT RPPTNOS. ARK.: H. C. Weaver and Co.. opp. Arlinirton Hotel. T. E. .Wvstt. 710 Central Avenue. INDIAN POI.IS. IND.: J. I. Steinberg. Terminal Station. Fred S. Fowler. IS South Illinois Street. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. OCTOBER 14. 100S.