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FEATURES OF THE HOUSTON MEETING. A Texas race meeting of some importance Is the twelve-day meeting that is anuounced by the Houston Jockey Club. It is to begin November 1 and continue until November 21. and in that time purses 1 to the aggregate or $:!0.000 will be distributed, a very good showing for winter racing. The program is one that affords an excellent opportunity for that class of horses that campaign throughout the winter months, and the meeting can hardly fail to succeed. Purses of 00 and 50 are offered, and each 1 day there will be a special feature, the lowest prize in any of which is 00. The star race of the meet : iug is the Hoo IIoo Purse, which has a value of , S999.SI9. It is a slx-furloug dash for all ages, and 1 the purse is subscribed by tin? Hoo Hoos of Hons ton. The IIoo Hoos are lumbermen, who Iiave a very wealthy and extensive organization throughout the lumber world, and in Houston the order is particularly strong. . , ., , The Elks Purse of SC00 is another of the features. It is another six furlongs dash, but for two-year-olds. The Merchants Purse, a mile and a sixteenth affair. Is another of the 1908.sh00 prizes offered. The 00 races are the Treinont Hotel Handicap, Houston Electric Co. Handicap. Magnolia Brewing : Co. Selling Stakes. American Brewery Handicap. Queens Purse and the Rice Hotel Purse, while the other special features each have a value of 00.