Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Friday, November 13, Daily Racing Form, 1908-11-13

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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Friday, November !3. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. OAKLAND ENTRIES. Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Racine starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time. 3:40. , record: 69058-l.-43-5-10G.: X Runs well In mud. Superior mud runner. JS?;. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. YVt. Hdcp. 78155s T Lazell G..102..X725 First Race 3-4 Mile. 74S913 Snring Ban 5. .102. . X720 "-vpflr-nld-? Spllln"- 781173 Orchan 7.. 07.. 715 , " T.V 7S1353 Charley Paine ....110 1:45 4..107..X710 m -on,- -, w Track record: i 720471:1143103. 7SU7 Military Man 7. .100. .. .710 TSlV ArntStSiM Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Hdcp Fifth Race-6 1-2 Furlongs. Ifvnn vv?Aia 107 "7r8 3-year-olds, and upward. Selling 70 SS?8ae":: VS -1,181-4-950 2 7700S Hazlet 105..X710 jS1"1 VonTromp iofxTO 931.00- 78uf. sfnuhi- "fack "Ml rara m bur .:::::::::. a 1:21 s::io7::x7iu 75112 Voy SuuniwaV:::: 97 700 091S43 George P. McNeailOl 1:22J 0..107..XJ10 nxio3 Astroncftner ....... 5..110. .70j Second Race C 1-2 Furlongs. 709952 Millie R 4.. 107 700 78120 Smiling Metzner . . 4..102..X700 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 43034-1 :lS-4-95. lrdrtelUn 75211 Sir Angus 3.. 103 725 Track record: 72047 1:11 3 103. 746S0 Amada 3..103..X720 73152 TOLL BOX 105 725 70574 Mike Asheim 3..103....ilo 77722 Sempronium 110 1:144 105 720 7C0SO Distributor 7..10...Xlo 7S151 Coppit 97..X715 5""an Bom - -710 7C0S4 Gnerara 102.... 710 7S133 San Oak .1 MG. . . . tOi, 7S15i ornate 107..X705 72394 Sexlaw .103. . . . iOu 74400 Oaronia 102.... 700 7S151 Royal N 4. .110. .. .700 jjm nanna ch c. 73401 Mistress of Rolls.. 0. .102. . . .700 DT yellow Tall Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aut? V T by 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Contestor Sweep- Track record: C905C 1:43 5 100. along 102 7C959 Be Thankful 3..102..X725 The figures under "Rec. in above entries show 78110 Rotrou 105 1:514 5. .107. . X720 the best time made by the horse at the distance. 7S119 Milshora 4. .102. . X715 with weight carried, since January 1, 190C. This 7S11 Rosy Light 104 l:51g 4.. 97. .X710 time. is not necessarily made by a winner. It may 7S156 Royal Red G..102..X700 be the estimated time of a losing performance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. f 1 The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. The small figure under "Fin." unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the wjnner. FIRST RACE3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 720471:1143103. Index Course DlstTImeTckOddB "Wt St StrFIn Jockeys Best Company. MATCHTULLA. ch. c. 2. hy Matchless Tulla Fonso T. H. Williams. Weight today 97. 78152 Oakland 5-S l:01g fast 30 99 5 4 C 4 4 Gilbert Toll Box, Palo Alto, Micaela. 74SS9 Oakland 1-2 4S fast 25 97 9 C 5b G4 Buxton Bold, Alice Collins, Intonation. 747S1 Oakland 1-2 49 fast 25 95 S 7 81 7ci Gilbert Philllstina, Armature. Sem.Fidelis 7372S Oakland 31 f 41 fast 10 105 4 3 5 E11 W Miller Mozart, Toll Box, Flying Dance. 73G70 Oakland 3J f 41 fast 41 110 4 3s 44i Sandy CullHolIand, T.Hayward.Schmoozer NOVGOROD, ch. g. 2. bv Arkle Woodford Lass Keene Bros.. Weight today 107. 7C99G Seattle 51 f l:0Cg fast 30 101 7 4 4 CJ 78i Sooville Instant. Pert. Frieze. 7GS69 Seattle 5-S 1:002 fast 10 109 C 3 4 4- 58i Scoville Instant. Frieze. El Pavo. 7C531 Seattle 51 f 1:07 fast 10 91 S 8 7 72 71U Russell Force. Fair Annie. Aks-Ar-Ben. PRINCE ORMONDE, ch. g, 2, hy Beau Ormonde Cervic Beau Ormondo Stable. Weight today 102. 740S1 Oakland 31 f 41g fast CO 105 5 7 Ck 791 E Lynch TomHayward, Rosamo, Schmooscr. 73670 Oakland 31 f 414 fast 40 100 C SI 918 Ilherton CullHolIand, T.Hayward.Schmoozer 72999 Oakland 3-S 372 hvy BO 99 7 01 812lHherton Ocean Maid, El Paso, Novgorod. 7281S Oakland 3-S 37g hvy 100 105 7 7s 710 Moreland False Nun, Apto Oro, Yolo. HAZLET. br. c. 2. hy Knight of the Thistle Fudge J. O. Holder. Weight today 105. 7700S Seattle 6 f 1:074 fast 15 30S 11 9 7 71 51 F HbrandM.ofGotiiam. Buckthorn. Angleface. 7C93G Seattle 3-4 1:10 slow 25 102 9 S 8 63 76 A Harris Frieze. Roy T.. Dredkin. 7CS9S Seattle 3-4 1:134 fast 7 107 1 3 3 4l 4 E Lynch Minalto. Minnie Bristht. Dredkin. CALEKA, b. f, 2. bv Alvescot Tigris A. Loewenstein. Weight today 102. 770GS Seattle 5 f 1:07 fast 20 105 3 8 10 103 10ts "W MclnreM.ofGotham. Buckthorn. Angleface. 76S9S Seattle 3-4 1:134 fast 12 95 9 9 9 9 813iCoburn Minalto. Minnie Bright. Dredkin. 76820 Seattle 5-S l:02g slow 7 105 9 10 8 93 G91 Russell Linola. Incentive. Angleface. SMILING JACK. h. c. 2. by Cromwell Rillito J. H. Spratt. Weight today 97. 78115 Oakland 5-S 1:003 fast 100 109 2 S 8 8 CltfJGroth Cotytto, Beau Man. Palo Alto. 74107 Oakland 1-2 484 fast 200 107 4 11 11 11201W Fischer Cosset, Ocean Queen. False Nun. 73925 Oakland 1-2 491 fast 75 102 11 11 11 lllGrote Prudent, Novgorod, Colonel Dick. 73G70 Oakland 31 f 41i fast 100 103 8 11 ll19lGroth CullHolIand, T.Hayward.Schmoozer ROY SHUMWAY. ch. g, 2. hy St. Carlo Companita H. Mack. Weight today 97. 7511:; Oakland 4J f 55 fast 1C 110 7 8 9 927lSandy Galsina, Zella G.. Miss Danville. 74974 Oakland 1-2 474 fast 25 107 1 7 . 73 8lllSandy Altamor. Micaela, Decorate. 74S54 Oakland 1-2 491 mud CO 108 7 2 S 8l8lSandy Aks-Ar-Ben, BellofBrass, Inclement SECOND RACE C 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 43C34 1:1S1 4 95. SIR ANGUS, ch. g. 3. hy Bedeck Tillie Andrew C. A. Le Seure. Weight today 103. 75211 Oakland F C 1:114 last 20 9S 9 8 9 Fell. M Murphy Deneen, Hal. Turnaway. 7511G Oakland 1 1:413 fast S 101 6 2 2 2 2i 21 A Harris Colbert. St. Kilda, Nebulosus. AMADA. ch. f, 3, hy St. Avonicus Afamada C. Winchell. Weight today 103. 74CSO Oakland 1 l:4lg fast 20 101 7 5 4 4 71! C8i J Hayes Saint Modan, May Sutton, Follie L. 7425S Oakland 3-4 1:141 fast 13 101 8 5 0 7" SIA Walsh Curriculum, B. Myer, G. Handlon. 7261G Oakland 3-4 1:1S hvy 1C 105 0 7 4 5l 518 J Hayes Cloyne, Marian Louise, Carmelina. 72501 Oakland 51 f 1:091 slop 16 105 4 5 4 9J 8" J Hayes Bonheur, Altair, Herives. MIKE ASHEIM. h. g. 3. hy Sir Hercules Amelia May W. P. Magrane. Weight today 103. 70574 Seattle 3-4 1:13 fast CO 99 4 G 9 ll2 1218 B Wilson St.Charles. Mondella, Sq.Johnson. 7G1C1 Seattle 51 f 1:07 fast 30 103 8 9 9 9 92C1W Kelly Galves, Colbert. Nebulosus. 737G9 Oakland lm70y 1:4G fast 40 107 9 12 12 12 12 1242 Butwell Henry O., Ten Oaks, Confederate. 73517 Oakland lm20y 1:47 slop 30 95 5 4 8 8 8 825 J Butler Mrs. OFarrell, Alciblades, Rustler. DISTRIBUTOR, ch. g. 7. hy Crescendo Reta F. J. Neil. Weight today 107.- VGUSU Seattle 1 l:40g fast 10 109 2 2 a 3 3 65J G ArchibdJ.Simpson. PotreroGrande. V.Troinp 7CS70 Seattle 3-4 1:134 fast 12 104 5 7 4 43 4 Coles Aftermath. Webber. El Chihuahua. 7G712 Seattle lmSOy l:44g fast 20 102 4 2 2 2 ll 3i Coles Sachet. Ripper. Rhinock. BRIAN BORU, ch. g. 5. hy Rilev Swiftwater D. Kennedy. Weight today 107. 75246 Oakland 5i f 1:00 fast 100 SS 4 4 C C G Cboneau Glorio. Cloudlight. Security. 75074 Oakland 5f. f l:0Ci fast 50 30S 3 3 3 3. 5s j Sandy T.H.Sheehan. PurseRose. Hereafter 74703 Oakland F C 1:10 fast 40 10S 11 0 9 11 ll2uJMentry Lord Nelson, Nagazam, May Amelia 74493 Oakland 5-8 594 fast GO . 90 C C 6 0 Cls E Clark Native Son, Cloudlight, Cruzados. SAN OAK. ch. c. 3. hy Innsbruck Nonie C. Sanford. Weight today 106. 7S133 Oakland 3-1 l:14g fast CO 110 5 5 C 52 C E Lynch Nebulosus. CaptainKennedy. Adena. 7C707 Seattle 3-4 1:14 fast 20 10G 2 3 4 81 llJE Lynch Magrane, S. McGibben. Bonaventure 7C421 Seattle 3-4 l:13g fast CO 103 3 7 5 52 G8 F White Ronton. St. Charles. Oriflamb. 72GGG Oakland 5-S 1:03 slow 30 109 G 7 5 52 6" J Hayes Smiley Corbett, Bardonla, Galves. SEXLAW. b. f. 3, by Bassetlaw Sextant Marin Stable. Weight today 103. 72394 Oakland 3-4 1:174 hvy 100 100 S 9 S 53 5J A Walsh Marian Casey. Sophomore, Alice F. 72158 Oakland 5-S l.:02j hvy 15 112 9 S 9 8 7i Sandy Amada. Fern L.. Orchota. ROYAL N.. br. c, 4. by Royal Flush Naples Hamilton Stable. Weight today 110. 7S151 Oakland 5 f 1:07 fast 200 122 7 10 10 10 10lsRettig- Hereafter, Von Tromn. Merrill. 75094 Oakland 3-4 1:124 fast 200 105 7 7 7 72 71" Cboneau Nagazam. Progress. Bucolic. 7347S Oakland 3-4 1:15 slop 100 109 8 9 10 10 1018 Mentry Dick Wilson, Nappa. St. Edgar. 73171 Oakland F C 1:15 slow GO 10G 1 6 G 9 9lsW Fischer Hulford, Pelham, Mrs. OFarrell. 73023 Oakland 6 f l:22g slop 200 94 8 8 8 8 S23 Cboneau St. Francis. Gemmell, Ocean Shore MISTRESS OF ROLLS, b. m. C. by Esher Betty Waddell H. E. Rowell. Weight today 102. 73401 Oakland 62 f 1:06! fast 100 107 8 9 8 72 7a W Miller Sevenfull, Reene W., Belle Kinney. 71938 Oakland 1 l:40g fast 40 110 7 G G 6 8 8"1W Miller Tavora, Serenity, Netting. 71910 Oakland 7-8 l:2G4,fast 60 107 14 14 14 14 14 14" Moreland Progress, CaptaiuBumett, SunMark THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 090501:435100. BE THANKFUL, ch. g. 3. by Handsome Crest O. Turek. Weight today 102. 76959 Seattle lm50y 1:43 fast 3i 103 5 1 2 7 75 5 G ArchibdKing of Mist. Wap. Midmont. 7CCS9 Seattle 7-8 1:275 fast S 10S 8 9 S 9 7J 3 D Boland Oriflamb. Gracious Dame. Wap. 7C029 Seattle 1 1-4 2:05 fast 10 95 9 C 3 3 3J 58 Page J. F. Donohue. My Pal. Arcourt. ROTROU. ch. g. 5. by Rousseau Tillie Andrew W. Murphy. Weight today 107. 7S11G Oakland 3-1 1:141 fast 30 112 4 7 S Sh S23SKirschm Aftermath. Cholklledrick. R.Cherry 74977 Oakland 1 1-4 2:054 fast 200 105 S 8 8 8 S29 Scoville Eduardo. San Alviso, Netting. 74191 Oakland 2 3:294 fast 40 104 7 5 5 6 G8 6I6iButwell Miss Officious, Tetanus, Talamund. 7405G Oakland 1 1-16 1:464 fast 40 118 S 8 8 8 73 71BJ;Butwell Boloman, Monvina, Paladini. MILSHORA, b. f. 4. by Milesio Lee Shore J. F. Clifford. Weight today 102. 7SU9 Oakland 1 1-S 1:55 fast 2J 107 7 5 7 7 6 C"JGilbert Kermit. My Pal. Frank Lubbock. 74244 F.Grnds 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 4 102 1 10 9 C GJ 42i F Burton Dick Redd. Wise Hand. Bewitched. 7422G F.Grnds 1 1-8 1:55 fast 9 101 14 12 11 11 72 6 Slesinger Carew. Cursus. Mazonla. ROSY LIGHT, b. f. 4. by Vesuvian Chryseo V. H. Terry. Weight today 97. 7S11G Oaklaild 3-1 l:l4g fast 30 107 i 5 5 5J 5"iCoburn Aftermath. CholkHedrlck. R.Cherry 73540 Oakland lm70y 1:504 mud 25 113 7 9 10 10 11" ll10 F Kelly Warning, Tancred, Maxtress. 73154 Oakland 1 1-4 2:16g hvy 10 105 4 8 5 G 7 721iSandy Kogo, Iras, Prince of Orange. 73041 Oakland 1 1-8 2:014 mud 8 105 8 8 8 8 I1 -721JKeogh The Captain, Beechwood, Kogo. ROYAL RED, b. g. 6. by King William II. Tillie S. P. D. Cowles. Weight today 102. 78156 Oakland lm50y 1:444 fast 100 109 1 8 S 8 7 711 Borel Charles Green, Etapa. Eckersall. 7S137 Oakland 1 1-16 1:47J fast 40 103 7 3 3 G C15 GlKirschm Sir Brillar. Remember, Cloverland. 78117 Oakland 1 1-8 1:55 fast 50 107 5 2 G 7 7 718 Gilbert Mike Jordan. Lazell. Orchan. 74109 Oakland 1 1-4 2:0Gg fast 30 97 6 2 5 6 GB0 G27 Gilbert Eduardo, Borghesl, Como. FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 6905G 1:43 5 10C. LAZELL. ch. g. 6, by Lamplighter Luzelle H. Tullett. Weight today 102. 7S155 Oakland lm50y 1:444 fast 10 109 7 7 7 7 32 31 Keogh F.Lnbbock. Col.Bronston. Huapala. 78117 Oakland 1 1-8 1:55 fast 20 107 1 6 5 3 32 2l Keogh Mike Jordan. Orchan. Military Man. 74G12 Oakland 1 1-4 2:07g fast 4 107 8 10 11 XL 11 ll23 T Rice Neva Welch, Fairystreet, Capt.Busb 74494 Oakland lm70y 1:45 fast 30 122 9 7 7 7 7 739JT Rice L.C.Ackerley, Boloman, Elevation. 74247 Oakland lm70y 1:444 fast 50 109 7 9 9 9 9 9" Rettlg Darelngton, Eduardo, Arcourt. SPRING BAN, ch. m, 5, by Handspring Ten Ban W. Hawke. Weight today 102. 74S91 Oakland 1 1-8 1:534 fast 20 90 4 3 3 3 3 311 Buxton Avontellus, Cadichon. Marster. 7387G Oakland lm70y 1:43J fast 13 90 8 8 6 6 8 S14 Buxton Import, A. Muskoday, Cabin. 73327 Oakland 1 1:391 fast 13 90 G 4 4 4 4 32 A Walsh Janeta, Stanley Fay, Fred Bent. 73270 Oakland 7-8 1:27 fast 15 102 10 10 9 9 92 7" J Hayes St.Elmwood, Tim. Wen, ByeByell. ORCHAN, br. g. 7. bv Orsini Princess Prodigal E. J. Ramsey. Weierht today 97. 7S117 Oakland 1 1-8 1:55 fast 13 102 G 3 1 1 ink 3 E SullivanMike Jordan, Lazell. Military Man. 75140 Oakland lm70y 1:45J fast 8 104 1 G 4 3 41 GCJ E SullivanMaxtress. Cobleskill. M.M.Bowdish. 75071 Oakland lm70y 1:45 fast 10 106 C 7 7 C 5i 49J E SullivanRama. Miss M. Bowdish. Palemon. CHARLEY PAINE, ch. g. 4. by St. Gatien Marsala C. Merckel. Weight today 107. 7S135 Oakland 1 l:41g fast 3J 119 4 3 3 3 3 31 G ArchibdPhalanx. Lady Alicia. Romanoff. 74S74 Oakland lm70y 1:45 good 20 105 8 7 5 G 92 1012 W Kelly Martinmas. Standover, Pickaway. 74G34 Oakland lm70y 1:441 fast 18-5 107 12 7 G 7 8ntnoj Moreland RoyalRiver. Hi Col Cap, Korosilany 744G7 Oakland lm70y 1:44 fast 3 110 8 3 3 3 4 3J W Miller Bardonia, EdSheridan, Earl Rogers MILITARY MAN. ch. h. 7. by St. George Fanfare Oakland Stable. Weight today 100. 78117 Oakland 1 1-8 1:55 fast 6-5 105 4 4 4 4 4 44J Russell Mike Jordan. Lazell. Orchan. 7S103 Oakland 3-4 1:134 fast 100 107 2 4 7 7 3J Russell Voorhees. St. Francis. M.Hollander. 74311 Oakland 5-8 1:01 fast 20 124 4 4 6 6 6 J MclntyreMarwood, Kenilworth, Luretta. 68201 Oakland 3-4 1:151 fast 13-5 116 11 11 10 EJ Zi Keogh G.P.McNear, Instructor, Hedgethorn FIFTH RACE G 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 43034 1:1SJ 195. VON TROMP. b. h. 6. by Ben Brush Cinderella H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 105. 78151 Oakland 51 f 1:07 fast 7 117 5 G C 4J 23 Taplin Hereafter. Merrill. Apto Oro. 77034 Seattle 1 1:401 fast 20 122 4 4 2 2 .3 51 A Willms Snobn. Emma G.. Stoney Lee. 76980 Seattle 1 l:0g fast 6 112 5 1 1 1 21 33 A Harris J.Simpson. PotreroGrande. L. Form. 76902 Seattle 3-4 1:134 fast 12 112 6 5 4 3J 25 A Harris WorkandPlav. Pep.andSalt. Bonton. KOKOMO. b. g. 4. by Dunois Maggie J. M. J-. Hayes. Weight today 107. 76727 Seattle 3-4 1:133 fast 1S-5 114 2 C 4 Gi 7" J Hayes Dulclnea. Zelina. Korosilany. 76593 Seattle 3-1 1:134 fast 11-5 107 9 4 3 33 3 J Hayes BelleKinney. St.Francis. LadyKitty 7C39S Seattle 3-4 1:13 fast 10 109 4 4 4 21 32-J Hayes Confessor. Adel.Belle. Work and Plaj ED BALL, ch. g, 8, by Verge dOr Niobe W. D. Millard. Weight today 107. 73723 S. Anita 1 1:40 fast 10 111 1 5 5 5 4l 31! Shriner Chalfonte, Teacress. Canardo. 736S4 S. Anita 1 1:401 fast 9-10 109 6 2 2 1 22 221 C II ShilgAmpedo, Dazzle, Chimney Sweep. 73630 S. Anita 7-8 l:26g fast 3 100 5 4 G 6 61 52 Goldstein Aucassln, Ganardo, L. O. Widrig. GEORGE P. MNEAR. b. g. 6. by Torso Clara Wilson Kenilworth Stock Farm. Weight today 107. C9184 Oakland 1 1-16 1:46 fast 7 102 3 2 2 3 321 331 Buxton Bedford. Rubric. Llvius 69055 Oakland lm50y l:42g fast 8-5 103 2 4 4 4 421 35 Sandy A.Muskoday, SanAlvlso. SlrBrlllar. ASTRONOMER, ch. h, 6, hy Dieudonne Star Chime P. T. Chinn. Weight today 110. V??A Hamilton 7-8 1:27 fast 12 113 8 6 5 5 4l 3s J W MphyRoyal Onyx. Yaddo. Servile. VM gam Uon H -M fast 100 105 1 3 4 6 6 J W MphyBthon. King Cobalt. Royal Onyx. J3S7 Hamilton 3-4 1:12 fast 30 115 9 8 8 8 9" C Ross Ethon. King Cobalt. Royal Onvx. G497o Brighton 1 1:394 fast 5 116 6 4 3 3 32 3J J Martin Dr.Gardner. SIs.Francis. SIngiShot. MILLIE R.. b. f. 4. hy Reminder Rival T, H. Ryan. Weight today 107. S? eaH e 3? V,l Jas5 ? 109 6 7 7 6 21 W MclnreKorosllany. Mondella. Bonheur. -f2So Peaandle , as 6- 109 3 3 2 2 21 2M A Harris Red Ball. Buster Jones, John J. Mohr 6903 Seattle lm0y -n1 1:4a fast 15 105 10 10 10 11 10 8l W MclnreSalable. Yellowstone. GraciousDame. SoSHF?, METZNES formerly Como. hr. g. 4. hy Bedeck Calora B. L. Marks. Weight today 102. Oakland 3-4 1:13! fast o 107 8 6 7 6 41 Russell Anna May. Nagazam. Belle Kinney. iilB 2aKlan ,9 J:1,2, 12 105 7 n 11 WJ Mclntyre. Lord Nelson, Nagazam, May Amelia 74299 Oakland 1 1-16 1:464 fast 2J 105 3 2 3 3 42 61 J MclntyreSlbarl, T. Ahearn. Bye Bye II. 74287 Oakland 3-4 1:134 fast 15 108 7 6 6 5i 5 A Walsh L.oftheForest, Nat.Son, Cloudlight. SIXTH RACE3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 720471:1143103. TOLL BOX, ch. c. 2, hy Box Toloache S. C. Hildreth. Weifrht today 105. 78f? nd rSi ?ini L I 1 2 C H ShilgPalo Alto. Micaell MatchtulTa. ?leaH e Gl H:8? 1$ J2 I7 7 5 c 75 71S A Walsh Horace H.. Fair Annie. LIstowel. eae H ll 1 JSs 3 2 2 K 32, A Walsu Corlel. Lula G.. Inclement. b254 Seattle 5-S 1:001 fast 8 108 2 2 4 6s 5" A Walsh Inclement. Fair Annie. Hazlet. SEMPRONIUM. br. c. 2. by Semnronius Tody Smith W. E. Applegate. Weight today 105. rfi tS 2Sn e itill ra!t Ik ?J? H 5 I 13 A Salsand Mrs.Sewall. Miss Crittenden. Procla 3-4 l:14g fast 23 111 s 7 5 52 lik uisv ! e 7 A Walsh Christmas. Aspirin. All Red. Loujsv l e 3-4 l:13 fast G 103 G 5 4 3 48 A Walsh Dr. Holzberg. Alchemist. Aspirin. 77522 Louisville 3-4 l:14g fast 20 102 5 5 5 3 21 A Walsh A.Balrd. E.Harwood. Dr. Holzberg. 9BAT; ,chSf- 2--,1J ,Tii,e Judge Lucille II. Oakland Stable. Weight today 97. iSfi Oakland 51 f 1:07 fast 10 94 9 8 8 7 6 Russell Hereafter. Von Tromp Merrill. :2iSS?2aKana 1-2 - 4Sg fast 10 102 2 2 21 4and J MclntyreBoldi .Alice OolltaV, tatohation. Oald,and 1-2 49 fast 13 107 9 9 92 8T Sandy Philllstina, Armature. Sem.Fidelis 74368 Oakland 1-2 494 slow 4 105 9 6 E 6" J Hayes Traffic, Osorlne, Assay. GUERARA. b. f. 2. by Marius .II. Break oDay A. B. Spreckels. Weight today 102. li Brighton E-S 1:014 fast 10 10112 12 12 12 11 S Flynn Weymouth. Garland. Alice Mack 75297 Gvend 61 f 1:09 fast 100 107 12 11 11 ll3 11" W Doyle TrolsTemp Waponoca, MeltonClSuI. oll8 Gravesend 5-8 l:00g fast 100 104 8 8 8 8 822 W Doyle Trance, Melissa, Top Note. 7427S Aqueduct 41 f 57 hvy 60 105 13 13 13 13 W Doyle Apron, Intervene, Madrileno. ORNATE, ch. f, 2, by Don de Oro Orienta W. Durker. Weight todav 107 7S151 Oakland 55 f 1:07 fast 30 59 8 7 7 5t 5 Upton Hereafter. Von Tromp Merrill 7693G Seattle 3-11:16 slow 7 107 2 9 11 ll2 8 G ArchibdFrleze. Roy T . Dredkin 7674C Seattle 51 f 1:0S4 mud 10 101 7 7 5 51 V F White Miss Bootless. Frieze. El Pavo. 766SS Seattle 51 f 1:03 fast 8 100 2 8 8 5J1 F White Angleface. Hazlet. Larry Alulligan. CARONIA, ch. g, 2, by Cunard Good Hope J. D. Millin. Weight today 102. 7446G Oakland 1-2 4S fast 75 99 9 8 7ot 9 Buxton CaptainJohn, Bill Eaton, Philllstina 73925 Oakland 1-2 491 fast 50 99 9 7 82 8"1W Kelly Prudent, Novgorod, Colonel Dick. 73785 Oakland 31 f 414 fast 60 106 11 10 9 W Kelly Capt. John, Prudent, Rosamo. First start for the following: JIM HANNA, ch. c, 2, by Yellow Tail Ethelinda Anchorage Stock Farm. Weight today 102. AUNT KIT, ch. f, 2, hy Contestor Sweepalong J. C. Milam. Weight today 102.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908111301/drf1908111301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1908111301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800